what would you do..


Well-known member
So I signed up to race this weekend in grand bend, I live in vaughan so its about a 3-3.5hour drive (basing this on google, Ive never driven there yet).

Now I went to take my G test last week because my license was expiring, I figured I'd get it no problem. Long story short, I failed because a pedestrian stepped into the walkway as I began my left hand turn and the instructor failed me for not yielding to pedestrians aka "dangerous driving" and a "traffic violation", even though she literally stepped into the walkway at the same time I began to turn, and she was on the opposite side of the road and had to cross 2+a median lanes before she would be in my way at all. Was I supposed to slam on the brakes, stopping in the way of oncoming traffic?
So anyway, I wasnt too pleased.

The problem, is that that was my last piece of valid id, I do not even have my birth certificate which is another long story. So I'm stuck, until I get a piece of ID, passport being the quickest, requiring missing a day or two of work, and even with urgent speed, paying 70 extra bucks, it still takes 2 days. Then I have to write my G1, and then my G2 again (no probationary period) before I can legally drive.

Lets just say I've been doing what I have to do to survive for the time being, very point a to point b no dillydallying inbetween.

That being said, should I just go? Its not the tickets or anything I am worried about, its just being stranded that far from home should I happen to be pulled over, encounter a ride, or anything of the sort. Hell I could have a light go out on the way there and be stopped for that and have a whole shitstorm ensue..

But I really dont want to miss the race.. I dont have any other way to get there either, so I either say "f*ck it" and drive, or miss the race.

What do?

failed g test, license expired, no id anymore so I cant write the test again until I get ID which takes forever and requires missing a bunch of work which I cant at the moment. Race this weekend, dont have a license but have been making due. Dont want to be pulled over 3 hours from home and get ticketed and car towed, or whatever **** storm would happen, either way if I get pulled over, im not driving anywhere afterwards, and not getting home, or worse yet, even to the racetrack.
Isn't your insurance invalid if you're driving without a license (or something along those lines)?

To me the potential for damage (monetary or otherwise) would be too great just to go to one race. Why don't you just try and find someone to go with?
Isn't your insurance invalid if you're driving without a license (or something along those lines)

most likely.

Im not saying I enjoy the fact that I have to do it, or telling anyone else to do it, but I have to work, and I have to eat, so I have to drive. If I lived and worked downtown, then Id just take the bus, but those unfortunately are not my circumstances. I got screwed, hard.

I dont know anyone well enough to ask such a favor, and I was planning on finding a hotel and hangin with the lady. I doubt anyone going will have enough room for her and i, and my gear and camping gear. Or even just myself and my camping and riding gear :/
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Yeah.... I wouldn't do it. Wait, what about your M? Or do you not have a street bike? Could you hitch a ride with someone? I'm sure there are other people who can take you. Or have a friend drive your car. There are other options, but driving without a license, definitely isn't the smartest or best one.
most likely.

Im not saying I enjoy the fact that I have to do it, or telling anyone else to do it, but I have to work, and I have to eat, so I have to drive. I got screwed, hard.

For work, you're going to have to start taking the bus. Do what you can to expedite the process for getting your license.
most likely.

Im not saying I enjoy the fact that I have to do it, or telling anyone else to do it, but I have to work, and I have to eat, so I have to drive. I got screwed, hard.

I'm not going to point out the obvious that if you "have to" drive just to survive you maybe should've taken a bit more care and concern with getting your licence or some other form of ID. Oh wait....I just did.

I get that you have to survive....but since when did racing at GB equal survival?
going racing is not a requirement for survival.

Hopefully, the SOAR management see this and decline to let you enter.
I'm not going to point out the obvious that if you "have to" drive just to survive you maybe should've taken a bit more care and concern with getting your licence or some other form of ID. Oh wait....I just did.
I didnt realize at the time, that they took the license card, and that the same office that just had me do a roadtest, had all my information, even a roadtest test sheet, with all the information, wouldnt be able to sign me up for another one.

I also thought I had my birth certificate, but as it turns out I was never given it (long, long story), and what I thought was my birth certificate, turned out to be a "notice of birth registration". I had no idea, I've never seen a birth certificate before so I have no idea what it even looks like.

Racing a GB isnt survival, which is why I pose the question. If I regarded it as survival then I'd just be going now wouldn't I? To make things clear, I am just asking to see what you guys would do, im not gonna base any decision solely off of the replies here. I'm likely not going anyway :/
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Isn't your insurance invalid if you're driving without a license (or something along those lines)?

To me the potential for damage (monetary or otherwise) would be too great just to go to one race. Why don't you just try and find someone to go with?

Even if it were valid, you'd be automatically at fault. It's not worth it.

basically you get pulled over your car is towed and impounded, plus what ever other fines.... then you need to make arrangements to get the stuff back...

I'd see if I could get some one to drive for me, or tag with some one else.
Can't you re-book your G test and get an extension on your license like you can do with your M1?
I'd just get someone else to drive you if you really want to go. You can still use your vehicle, trailer, etc.
already had the extension to be able to take the test :/

It was a big error on my part, I was not ontop of it as much as I should have been and the date crept up on me faster than I anticipated.. aaand I got screwed/screwed myself.

Really dude?

I am astonished.


You obviously have some fairly significant issues going on in your life, Racing is the LAST thing you should be spending any money or time on.

You're young, you've got lots of time to go racing when you get the rest of your situation sorted out.

I know LOTS of people that took the same outlook to racing as you are,, "I HAVE TO GO TO THE TRACK,, ETC"

They all spent 1-3 seasons racing, and all they have to show for it is $60-$100k of debt.

I guess I should just go along with what everyone else says?

Racing is everything, you're an idiot if you stay home, you're going to give up a chance at a world championship, millions of endorsement dollars and a supermodel girlfriend.
already had the extension to be able to take the test :/

It was a big error on my part, I was not ontop of it as much as I should have been and the date crept up on me faster than I anticipated.. aaand I got screwed/screwed myself.

I think you just learned a valuable life lesson. Why risk driving and the possibility of learning a much more severe one?
Assuming you take the chance which btw would be retarded, you're not getting into the usa without a passport, unless you have a f.a.s.t card or nexus which i highly doubly you have...
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