what would you do..


You obviously have some fairly significant issues going on in your life, Racing is the LAST thing you should be spending any money or time on.

You're young, you've got lots of time to go racing when you get the rest of your situation sorted out.

I know LOTS of people that took the same outlook to racing as you are,, "I HAVE TO GO TO THE TRACK,, ETC"

They all spent 1-3 seasons racing, and all they have to show for it is $60-$100k of debt.

I guess I should just go along with what everyone else says?

Racing is everything, you're an idiot if you stay home, you're going to give up a chance at a world championship, millions of endorsement dollars and a supermodel girlfriend.

I understand what you are saying and I actually really value what you just said as a response.

What bothered me is that you would say something like "hopefully they see this and wont let you enter", really it is no ones business, or no ones problem but my own should I choose to be stupid enough to drive out there. Came across as very assholish to me for what its worth.

I've already looked into being refunded for the weekend, I just havnt been able to bite the bullet and say "yes refund me please, I will not be attending". I've done one race weekend, and the itch to race/ride again has been eating me alive. I also really wanted to build the extra experience before mosport the weekend after. Getting a drive to tmp, or mosport woudlnt be an issue, its just that this track is so far out that I know I dont have anyone who would be willing to take a weekend of their time to help me in that manner is all.. I'm going to obviously try, but I have strong doubts.
I understand what you are saying and I actually really value what you just said as a response.What bothered me is that you would say something like "hopefully they see this and wont let you enter", really it is no ones business, or no ones problem but my own should I choose to be stupid enough to drive out there. Came across as very assholish to me for what its worth.I've already looked into being refunded for the weekend, I just havnt been able to bite the bullet and say "yes refund me please, I will not be attending". I've done one race weekend, and the itch to race/ride again has been eating me alive. I also really wanted to build the extra experience before mosport the weekend after. Getting a drive to tmp, or mosport woudlnt be an issue, its just that this track is so far out that I know I dont have anyone who would be willing to take a weekend of their time to help me in that manner is all.. I'm going to obviously try, but I have strong doubts.
Any buddies that can drive your vehicle? If it is still insured just get some other licensed driver to drive it for you.
Wait, they're willing to refund you? I thought that you were doing this because they wouldn't.

There are 2 more rounds. Skip this one. Don't be silly.
Am i missing something here? Or has the obvious been missed?

How can you take part in the race if you don't have a valid licence to show to the race people there when you register?

Dont you have to register before you race?
Am i missing something here? Or has the obvious been missed?

How can you take part in the race if you don't have a valid licence to show to the race people there when you register?

Dont you have to register before you race?

You do not require a RACE license to enter a race.

you DO NOT require a license to operate a car or motorcycle on the street to enter a race event.
If the SOAR people kicked out everyone who had any sort of "other issues" going on in their life (financial or otherwise), well it'd be one skeleton crew. And we all know people who race SOAR with "other issues".

Sounds like this thread convinced you that you don't NEED to enter this race. Get your license sorted and enter the next round.
What I would do in your situation...

- Take a couple of days off work and get license in order.
- Post a thread on here seeing if anyone has room for you and the girlfriend. BTW: Posting pics of the girlfriend in the thread will help!
I've already looked into being refunded for the weekend, I just havnt been able to bite the bullet and say "yes refund me please, I will not be attending". I've done one race weekend, and the itch to race/ride again has been eating me alive. I also really wanted to build the extra experience before mosport the weekend after. Getting a drive to tmp, or mosport woudlnt be an issue, its just that this track is so far out that I know I dont have anyone who would be willing to take a weekend of their time to help me in that manner is all.. I'm going to obviously try, but I have strong doubts.

Start a post in the track forum maybe someone has extra trailer space and would be glad for some gas money. Camping at the track with a tent is pretty cheap.

Doubt you will get any tips from riding at Grand Bend to use at Mosport, two completley different tracks.
Doubt you will get any tips from riding at Grand Bend to use at Mosport, two completley different tracks.

different tracks yes, riding and learning experience though.

I've all of one race weekend on a bike of entire riding experience. any time gained in the seat is huge to me at this point.
You know if i wasnt indisposed this weekend i'd have volunteered to drive you there. I always wanted to go to the race track and this would be a good way to do it.

That being said, are you sure there is noone u know who would do the same thing? maybe fund their food/booze for the weekend type of thing?
So I signed up to race this weekend in grand bend, I live in vaughan so its about a 3-3.5hour drive (basing this on google, Ive never driven there yet).

Now I went to take my G test last week because my license was expiring, I figured I'd get it no problem. Long story short, I failed because a pedestrian stepped into the walkway as I began my left hand turn and the instructor failed me for not yielding to pedestrians aka "dangerous driving" and a "traffic violation", even though she literally stepped into the walkway at the same time I began to turn, and she was on the opposite side of the road and had to cross 2+a median lanes before she would be in my way at all. Was I supposed to slam on the brakes, stopping in the way of oncoming traffic?
So anyway, I wasnt too pleased.

The problem, is that that was my last piece of valid id, I do not even have my birth certificate which is another long story. So I'm stuck, until I get a piece of ID, passport being the quickest, requiring missing a day or two of work, and even with urgent speed, paying 70 extra bucks, it still takes 2 days. Then I have to write my G1, and then my G2 again (no probationary period) before I can legally drive.

Lets just say I've been doing what I have to do to survive for the time being, very point a to point b no dillydallying inbetween.

That being said, should I just go? Its not the tickets or anything I am worried about, its just being stranded that far from home should I happen to be pulled over, encounter a ride, or anything of the sort. Hell I could have a light go out on the way there and be stopped for that and have a whole shitstorm ensue..

But I really dont want to miss the race.. I dont have any other way to get there either, so I either say "f*ck it" and drive, or miss the race.

What do?

failed g test, license expired, no id anymore so I cant write the test again until I get ID which takes forever and requires missing a bunch of work which I cant at the moment. Race this weekend, dont have a license but have been making due. Dont want to be pulled over 3 hours from home and get ticketed and car towed, or whatever **** storm would happen, either way if I get pulled over, im not driving anywhere afterwards, and not getting home, or worse yet, even to the racetrack.

Don't drive without a valid license, the risk is not worth the effort. Ask yourself, can you afford an expired license ticket AND the insurance implications? Get your priorities straight and handle your biz. There will be many races in the future.
I'm going to play Devil's Advocate and say, what really are the chances? Just don't do anything that would attract attention. If anything, since your License is still expiring just say you missed the date and you will sign up for it this week. Popo will prob just give you a ticket and tell you to fight it and underwrite the incident to "failure to show license". And if you get your license this week, present it to the Justice(right term? The person you see before actually going into court infront of a Judge) and it may get dropped. Better yet, the officer doesn't show =D

Good luck to you brotha and ride safe!

* I am not a legal expert and are not qualified to be giving sound advice. Recipient takes full responsibility upon acting on stated advice eliminating all responsibility of the adviser.
...just in case :p
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I'm going to play Devil's Advocate and say, what really are the chances? Just don't do anything that would attract attention. If anything, since your License is still expiring just say you missed the date and you will sign up for it this week. Popo will prob just give you a ticket and tell you to fight it and underwrite the incident to "failure to show license". And if you get your license this week, present it to the Justice and it may get dropped. Better yet, the officer doesn't show =D

Good luck to you brotha and ride safe!

* I am not a legal expert and are not qualified to be giving sound advice. Recipient takes full responsibility upon acting on stated advice eliminating all responsibility of the adviser.
...just in case :p

you obviously have no idea what the ramifications would be.
you obviously have no idea what the ramifications would be.

I've been lucky quite a few times which saved me from dealing with the consequences...not saying that I drove without a license, just other traffic court situations.
I'm going to play Devil's Advocate and say, what really are the chances? Just don't do anything that would attract attention. If anything, since your License is still expiring just say you missed the date and you will sign up for it this week. Popo will prob just give you a ticket and tell you to fight it and underwrite the incident to "failure to show license". And if you get your license this week, present it to the Justice and it may get dropped. Better yet, the officer doesn't show =D

Good luck to you brotha and ride safe!

* I am not a legal expert and are not qualified to be giving sound advice. Recipient takes full responsibility upon acting on stated advice eliminating all responsibility of the adviser.
...just in case :p

Yeah, thats all fine and dandy and I already know that. However, I had a buddy who had a similar circumstance happen, he didnt even know it had expired and was pulled over randomly because cops tend to just run any plate that is in front of them, why not, the passenger cop isnt doing much else when driving.

You get the ticket, and you are not allowed to drive. They call a tow truck, luckily my buddy had another buddy with who was able to drive the car home. I know I cant afford the tow from grand bend to toronto, and it all depends on the cop, they may have the car impounded and leave me on the side of the 401 with my thumb up my butthole. Plus as posted, the insruance implications etc..

I know its not worth it, I guess I just had to have other people spell it out for me as well :/

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