I won't have mind if a few people made a comment on her being Asian, but it seems like the focus of the whole thread is her being Asian instead of what she actually did.
Come to East york this summer, my gf is learning to drive. She has a beige corolla too. She's gonna F you up real good.She's an Asian woman and she caused the accident... so I'd say the title is pretty damn accurate :lol:
For further evidence, just drive in Markham.
I read your post, and basically you said he should not have accelerated that fast, he should not be in that lane, he should have moved over,. he should have done all sorts of things.....
all he needs to do is drive within the law, and if some dumb person sticks their nose into his lane, well he can try to avoid it, but other than that, he drove in a perfectly legit manner, and there really is nothing he has to change
none of what you wrote above says it was preventable, what it says is a whole lot of things he should of done, that he does not need to, and if he does follow your points, it still does not mean it would not have happened, had she stuck her car out sooner, before he was even up to speed and it was timed in a manner that no matter how quick he was, he still would have hit her.....
but saying for him to slow down, not go so fast, get in the other lane, and so on, well I see no need for any of that, I don't think he needs to move over a lane because someone will and or could and or might stick their nose out and cause this, that is just silly.....
but hey if every one moves to the right, better for me, as that would leave the left lane open and no one is going to be in front of me clear sailing....
4) You could see that lady squeezing in from a mile away
I have the video frozen on my screen right now. 18 seconds in is when the nose of the Camry first pokes out from between the grey Civic and the white SUV. Between the grey Civic and the beige car in front of it, the body of the Camry is fully blocked from view.
One second later the car is fully visible with its nose halfway into the OP's lane. Around that time is when the OP hit the brakes. (One second of reaction time in this situation is not unreasonable.) Impact occurs 20 seconds into the video with the car about two-thirds-ish across the OP's lane.
I doubt if most of the Monday morning quarterbacks would have actually avoided it ...
Monday morning quarterbacks, be aware that not *everyone* will fit in the right lane of a busy two-lanes-each-way road.
There's no distinction between being in the right lane at that particular place and being in the right lane at any other time. Sure, "keep right except when passing", but when the road fills up with traffic ... it fills up! Not everyone can be in the right lane ...
The OP was not in the wrong for being in the left lane at that particular time and place. If we accept that he was in the left lane at the traffic signal as a given, he would have had to accelerate harder to get further ahead of the other vehicle in order to make the lane change to the right ... and to then stop accelerating at a speed below that of normal traffic on a road like that, is a not-nice thing to do.
He was definitely driving faster than I would in the same spot.
Well he's a racist ergo he races.
The math works out.
OPs lane was clear as far as the eye could see. I thought he was making pretty good use of it. If you can't drive in a clear lane what's the point?
When the oncoming traffic is stopped in its tracks, you should be anticipating that cross-traffic may try to nose out of side streets and mall entrances while that traffic is stopped, and scan and drive ac cordingly. This video is just another example of defensive driving fail on the part of both drivers involved.
For all the "just stay in the right lane, you'll avoid this happening" ...