No but 50 in a 50 zone ought to be just fine. The conditions are perfectly normal. You drive in the city during the week don't you? Yeesh.
50 in a 50 is not fine when there is so much traffic both ways how can you not see that. ( and he was still accelerating just before he saw her and lifted)And pulling away from the lights and gapping the traffic behind you in the first 2 seconds is accelerating too quick for the same traffic which in the opposite lane is stopped. I have a car that does 0 to 100 in 3 seconds. If I pull away from the light and accelerate quickly in traffic to the posted 50 Kmh limit and then someone pulls out and I hit them are you saying that the fact I got to the legal speed quicker than necessary isn't a factor? If he had gone slower , recognizing a long line of stopped traffic and the possibility of someone pulling out from it he wouldn't have had the accident, but it was an accident and he wasn't beng reckless just not smart