I have the video frozen on my screen right now. 18 seconds in is when the nose of the Camry first pokes out from between the grey Civic and the white SUV. Between the grey Civic and the beige car in front of it, the body of the Camry is fully blocked from view.
One second later the car is fully visible with its nose halfway into the OP's lane. Around that time is when the OP hit the brakes. (One second of reaction time in this situation is not unreasonable.) Impact occurs 20 seconds into the video with the car about two-thirds-ish across the OP's lane.
I doubt if most of the Monday morning quarterbacks would have actually avoided it ...
This Quarterback would have caught it, because i've witnessed this exact situation a millions times, the minute you see a gap inbetween traffic in busy retail/commercial areas with lots of driveways, expect that someone is trying to pull in, be ready, be prepared. Thankfuly i've developed these instincts to be alert in these situtations from riding, I'm always watching, always.
People that are in accidents aren't ready to act, they're not paying attention, not driving defensively, if you are 9/10 times you can avoid it.