What Was Your Season's Closest Calls?


Me: riding home from thanksgiving dinner stoned on Tryptophan (turkey) at night sees car passing another on Airport Road headlights coming right at me. Experience tells me no matter the fear, hold my lane and my ground as the driver who's in the wrong will bail for the ditch first. If you bail, you'll both collide. I held my lane and he/she ducked into the correct lane at the last second. Experience works! Close call tho.

Cool story bro.

Coming from KAHUNA May 19th approx 1:30pm. Yellow turning arrow at intersection turns solid green. Me and friend approaching first and 2 cars behind. For some reason we both stopped at the while line and didn't move into the intersection even though we had the solid green (I think he lead over and asked me a question) or maybe because the cars turning left from the other direction was blocking the cars traveling through and couldn't see them so we sat there.

Just as my friends pulls up 3ft, and Im about to he slams on his brakes, (he told me in the comer of his eye he saw a fast moving object) he ended up just dumping his bike - mini van from left runs the RED 15ft infront of us and get destroyed T-BONED by a pick-up truck that was continuing straight in the lane beside us. Steels 70km/h zone which we were traveling on and I'm sure the pick-up was going at least 80 and Islington is also up there, so the mini van was going probably 70+, huge intersection.

Didn't see the impact, also just saw a flash in front of my eyes as the van passed and the BIGGEST metal crunching destruction sound and seeing the pick-up pop in the air and land approx 160 degrees (was almost facing the direct opposite direction) and the van continues and slams into a light post.

We sat on the side for 4 hours frozen and in shock :sad7: The ride home was only 20km but it felt like it took 3 hours. We both live to tell an epic moment in our lives nevertheless ;) (his user name on the fourm is junk301)
Doing down a road in the Muskokas I noticed a light flashing on my dash. Look down and it's my "Low Fuel" light. I look up and it's too late. I'm in a tight turn going way too fast. I fly off and the bike does a 360 barrel roll and lands on it's side. I get up and I'm 20 feet away from the bike. I pick up the bike with the help of a passer by and ride 2 hours home.

Couple of scratches on the bike and absolutely nothing wrong with me. Close call? Yes, I could of died.

Start the video at 2min for the accident.
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Got off the Duc in turn1 at Calabogie.I don't know how i didn't break any bones.The broken bodywork and windshield got inside my helmet and cut my nose up nasty,but other than a lot of huge bruises on my torso,i'm fine.I wear really good gear that fits me really well.And i was very lucky.
***** that turned into my lane in a right hand turn, close enough for me to punch her window, call her a ****, and ride off.

I hate people who can't drive.
Came to a stop at a light, barely put foot down, heard squealing tires from behind. can't go straight - car turning left in front of me, so I can't go left either for the same reason. Can't go right 'cause of pedestrians. See mini-van skidding towards me in rear view, so I start to bail. Van stopped on a 45 degree angle, driver's door about 1 foot off my tail, soccer mom white knuckling the wheel....

Other time - open road in front of me, 2 on-coming cars, car waiting to turn left into my lane on opposite side of road. Figured the turning car wouldn't see me and just pull out, which is exactly what she did. I was ready, swerved around the front bumper, narrowly missing a woman jogging her 2-baby carriage. Next stop light I let the turning driver have it. She pulled over in tears when she realized she just about killed 2 adults and 2 babies.
I was in northern Newfoundland, and almost hit a lost baby seal. So I turned around and clubbed it.
Losing the clutch on the DVP after turning south from the 401.
It was the middle of the day, so I didn't expect it to be stop and go.
Nursed the bike off at Lawrence, cutting across 4 lanes of traffic, and waited on a side street for a buddy to bring his truck.

I lost the best two months of riding waiting for standard clutch parts from Suzuki.
Kingston Rd Westbound somewhere before Kennedy;

TTC bus pulling to a stop way ahead, I pull left to the middle lane, watch the inevitable pile up of cars not paying enough attention to do the same, conscious they will want into my lane, left lane packed, no room to squeeze in and I have to make a right turn at the next block anyway....

As I creep past this, just as I'm thinking I'm safe, the idiot directly behind the bus decides he's going to pull out, directly into the space I'm about to occupy ... I see him and brake to accommadate (what other choice do I have?).... she sees me too late, and does the logical thing (:rolleyes) she brakes hard... I have no out at this point, I lock up and pull a skate stop, miss the clutch and stall the bike as I arrive sideways inches from the bumper, pull the clutch, crack the throttle and hit the starter VRRROOOOMMMM! instant 6k startup scaring the crap out of everyone around.
Lots of condescending looks from those who's attention I caught with this Screech! VRRROOOMM!! sound. Idiots I think as I concentrate on balance and straightening my bike out now that the idiot driver begins to leave the scene (rapidly).

Driver in the left lane, now stopped, shouts out the window. "Nice Save! I saw the whole thing, that lady was doing her makeup when she pulled out". Being on the clutch and rather busy, shield down, I can only nod thank you and clear out, my heart still racing. Lucky no police around or I'd probably have been charged with excessive noise....
almost binned it right in front of popo while evading them back in January...

yea my season starts that early.

Flames Away!!
down here in the falls, i saw what i thought was a seal, i was able to quickly club it before it could do any harm. turns out it was some kids dog. how was i supposed to tell the difference between a seal and a bichon frise?
down here in the falls, i saw what i thought was a seal, i was able to quickly club it before it could do any harm. turns out it was some kids dog. how was i supposed to tell the difference between a seal and a bichon frise?
Common problem, they are hard to tell apart. I'm sure the dog was asking for it anyways.
Common problem, they are hard to tell apart. I'm sure the dog was asking for it anyways.

no, but the kid was. thinking she was so cool in her ugg boots. i felt like clubbing them down too.
Nope just clubbed another seal...they're made of fatty goodness..

its too bad the best cut of meat is the smallest. im picky, so i generally use 2-3 seals/meal.
I forgot to put my side stand down and started to lean the bike over in the garadge, caught it a little too late and hit the turn signal breaking the lense. I guess that's what I get for eating shark fin soup for breakfast lunch and dinner.
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