What Was Your Season's Closest Calls?

Splash, dude stay in the right side of the yellow line, bad **** can happen on the other side, I saw you crossing over a bunch of times before the accident.

hum... I re-watched the video... I crossed only twice.... once at 1:02 and the other at 2:05.. Unless you mean my body.. then yes my body crossed the yellow line a few times.
Nope, just trying to stop at the gravel pull out but i was going too fast and didnt see the drop between the road/gravel until too late. Also being on the gas and brake at thr same time caused the bike to spin around.

Unlike scooters, motorcycles have a clutch. You can always disengage the gas from the wheels.

hum... I re-watched the video... I crossed only twice.... once at 1:02 and the other at 2:05.. Unless you mean my body.. then yes my body crossed the yellow line a few times.

Only put body parts over the centre line that you don't use.
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Mine was this afternoon, riding westbound on lakeshore blvd near dixie road, i was in the right lane following a car that kept slowing down like he was looking for an address, i signalled to go around him into the left lane, looked over my shoulder and mid lane change a dickhead in a minivan that was behind me did the same thing and tried to roar by me and cut me off mid change, so i was suddenly in the middle of both cars with about 2 inches to spare to the left and the jerks van, luckily i had just enough room to hit the throttle and get around the guy on the right and out of the way. Should mention when this happend i was already going 60 in a 50, so there was no reason the for guy behind me to accelerate so much imo. After that i slowed down to see if the van would pass me so that i could give him the evil eye but the chicken slowed down a lot more to avoid eye contact then turned left a few blocks down the road.
Take that throttle lock off until you learn how and where to use it! You could have seriously hurt yourself and someone else.

It was a throttle rocker and not a throttle lock. Issue wasnt much of how to use it but where. I have about 10000km of usage out of the throttle rocker so far. Usually id only use it on the highway but in that instance, i got lazy and didnt take it off getting off the highway 15 mins prior. The twisty/steep dropoff road was no place to use it. Live and learn i guess.
Had a good season riding wise, no close calls but then again I didn't ride that much this year...

Came out of work one day and left mirror/turn signal was snapped off. Turns out there was a fight near my bike and it got knocked down (yes downtown)
I was going south on the dvp was in the left passing lane, I could see a red car in the next lane about 30feet up and 1 car behind me. I decide to speed up becuz the lane is clear and as soon as I punched my throttle the man in the red car cuts me off and slams on his brakes.
I see enough room on the shoulder....thank god for those bus lanes, and try to aim for that, as I do I see that my back end isnt gonna clear the car. I panic n hit my back brake..back tire skids clears the car, I hit a wobble and my right foot loses grip n hits the ground shooting it behind n caught the peg on its way up leaving a nasty gash..

The car that was behind me pulls up in traffic n was like I thought u were dead...I'm soooo lucky
Highway 17 coming back from a nice ride across River Road along the straight, boring part and a doe hops out from the tree line, sees me, puts on the brakes and slides (hooves + asphalt = skates) along the asphalt. Missed my back tire by 6 inches.....stopped at the nearest Walmart for new undies....
On the DVP south bound earlier in the season at night barely any traffic. Was in the centre lane and was coming up on a car so I wanted to get into the passing lane. I looked over my shoulder and no one was there, I put my signal on and look over my shoulder again and still no one there. I move into the right tire track of the passing lane and a little hatchback zooms by me in my own lane... watched him and he was going at rediculous speeds and weaving in and out of traffic. Scared the crap out of me and thankfully I didn't veer off into the middle of the lane cause I probably wouldn't be here right now.
this thread proves that everyone should have a camera recording all their rides.
this thread proves that everyone should have a camera recording all their rides.

Only if I wanted to bore someone to death, by making them watch it.
You could of been hit. Wow was that ever close! Too bad no cops were patroling DVD at that time to pulled him over for careless driving.
Glad you survived the close call and didn't give up riding.

Hope you don't have any more close calls like that!
On the DVP south bound earlier in the season at night barely any traffic. Was in the centre lane and was coming up on a car so I wanted to get into the passing lane. I looked over my shoulder and no one was there, I put my signal on and look over my shoulder again and still no one there. I move into the right tire track of the passing lane and a littleW hatchback zooms by me in my own lane... watched him and he was going at rediculous speeds and weaving in and out of traffic. Scared the crap out of me and thankfully I didn't veer off into the middle of the lane cause I probably wouldn't be here right now.
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Posted before. Close, getting closer, BAM!

Downtown Toronto last Thurs - was going north on George St. after turning off Adelaide, had a green light at Richmond the entire time. Going about 30km/h in 2nd, had a green light from a long way off so I maintain my speed and cross Richmond. Car going westbound on Richmond runs the red (probably fixated another set of lights just 100m down the road at Jarvis). He was in the southmost lane so I had no way of seeing him coming. He jams on the brakes and screeches to a halt about a foot from my right foot. Probably wouldn't have died, but a T-bone like that would have been a broken leg for sure, maybe another limb or two.

Lesson learned - slow down to scout cross-traffic at intersections, even when I have the green.
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