What Was Your Season's Closest Calls?

When my 20 year old girlfriend missed her period...


An elderly driver pulled out of the grocery store right infront of me... Locked both wheels and slid into her right front tire. Scared the **** out of my wife and I....
Was riding Forks of the Credit in September, going East to West.

I came up to the hairpin in a group of bikes, and right as I'm about to start braking and initiate the turn... another rider, going the opposite direction, blows the hairpin and runs out straight across the lane, stopping before he hits the guardrail.

I was leading a pack and was in position... just veered left a little and stopped. Missed him by about 10 ft?

Be careful folks!
Riding Dundas in Mississauga going east in the right-hand just east of Winston Churchill. It's a 60 and I was going about 75ish? I'm right beside a car and I see a van waiting to make a left turn into the little plaza with the TD, LCBO and Wendy's etc. My limited experience with morons tells me this guy is going to turn right in front of me, so I ease off the throttle a little bit, but not all the way. Sure as ***** he turns. I have to jam on both brakes, HARD. I lock the rear wheel and I feel the rear start to come around on my left, so I ease up (not sure if I locked the front or not), the bike straightens out but now the van has slowed almost to a stop because there is a little bump that people are afraid to go more than 3 km/h over. I am getting really close so I hit the rear harder and it locks again, this time I am nearly sideways (at least it felt that way)with the rear coming around on the left again. I know that skidding isn't going to stop the bike, so I let off the rear brake entirely and think "This is it. This is a crash". At the last second my hands move without the use of my brain and I somehow manage to swerve the bike around the van, as if to swerve out of the way of a sewer, without leaving my lane. By the time I was on the other side of the van I was probably going only 25 km/h. I turned around to look back at the van to see if what I just experienced was real, or if I somehow imagined the whole thing, and it seemed like the driver carried on, as though never knowing of my existance.
After I cleaned the crap out of my undies, I rode for a few minutes and went home, glad I didn't crash.

I think because it was so cold tonight, the tires didn't squeal at all, and my skid was really smooth. I checked my rear tire when I got home and didn't see any skid marks. Can't say the same for my undies though. Is it right that the tire wouldn't make any noise because of the temp?
My closest call came early in the season when i stopped for coffee at a starbucks. When I went to leave this girl that was admiring my bike asked for a ride down the street. Said she always wanted to ride. I didn't have an extra helmet and gloves and i told her so being the safe guy that I am. She looked disappointed so i said, ok just down the street and i will ride slow. She was cute I was already forming the letter to penthouse in my mind. She hoped on before i was ready almost tipping us over but i held it. She held on to me but kept a little gap between us, until i came to the first stop light, i hit the brakes and she slid right up tight. I was having a hard time concentrating on riding and then she leans over as asks "have you ever crashed?" I shook my head no and pulled away from the stop light wobbely. My eyes scanning for cops, traffic and wondering how a girl half my age ended up on my bike. I fought the urge to show off as it seemed i forgot how to shift and brake smoothly. I did get her safely down the street said our goodbyes, she thanked me. I went home and the kids asked how my ride was. ;)
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1 & 1/2 weeks before leaving for BC. $3200 of damage on a $3900 bike, some how wasn't written off and I was able to ghetto rig **** and triumphantly ride across Canada / the US.


Motolimo kicks ***, btw.
Going west on Doncaster Ave in Thonhill, at the end of the hill near Yonge there is a blind right turn. Get to the corner at about 60-70km/h to find the corner covered in spilt gravel from a condo construction site. Too late to brake and taking the turn would likely result in instant crash. Thankfully there is no one coming my way in the oncoming lane, kept the bike straight and ended up stopping in someone's driveway.

Got the heart pumping there
Once back in July I made it to The Beer Store just as they were about to lock up for the night. The manager let me in, though.

I'm still having nightmares about this.
My closest call came early in the season when i stopped for coffee at a starbucks. When I went to leave this girl that was admiring my bike asked for a ride down the street. Said she always wanted to ride. I didn't have an extra helmet and gloves and i told her so being the safe guy that I am. She looked disappointed so i said, ok just down the street and i will ride slow. She was cute I was already forming the letter to penthouse in my mind. She hoped on before i was ready almost tipping us over but i held it. She held on to me but kept a little gap between us, until i came to the first stop light, i hit the brakes and she slid right up tight. I was having a hard time concentrating on riding and then she leans over as asks "have you ever crashed?" I shook my head no and pulled away from the stop light wobbely. My eyes scanning for cops, traffic and wondering how a girl half my age ended up on my bike. I fought the urge to show off as it seemed i forgot how to shift and brake smoothly. I did get her safely down the street said our goodbyes, she thanked me. I went home and the kids asked how my ride was. ;)

Give this man a beer!! Ha- great one!
June 6:30am on route to Toronto from Eastern Ontario. Driving along Highway 41, freezing my butt off (I had already been driving for an hour), looked down at the gauges and looked up to find a good size doe right in front of me. I had no chance of stopping but attempted to steer the bike towards the tail of the deer, thinking that's where it was the least likely to go. The deer jumped out of the way at the last second.... it definitely woke me up.
Doing down a road in the Muskokas I noticed a light flashing on my dash. Look down and it's my "Low Fuel" light. I look up and it's too late. I'm in a tight turn going way too fast. I fly off and the bike does a 360 barrel roll and lands on it's side. I get up and I'm 20 feet away from the bike. I pick up the bike with the help of a passer by and ride 2 hours home.

Couple of scratches on the bike and absolutely nothing wrong with me. Close call? Yes, I could of died.

Start the video at 2min for the accident.
my closest call was in a parking lot being a monkey .... Out of all places

Splash, dude stay in the right side of the yellow line, bad **** can happen on the other side, I saw you crossing over a bunch of times before the accident.
No close calls, but only stupid mistakes...

As a result of fatigue and misjudging my speed as well as a 4 inch drop off between the road and gravel, this happens:


Also, the throttle rocker I had made me go full throttle as the bike hopped off the road.

Then a couple of days later...



Got nudged into the mud between the fork in the road. Landed soft in the wet mud by my bike went through a highway sign. Still ride-able though!
wheelie boy, did you fall asleep in that first video? it was like you followed that gentle right, then didnt see that the corner did not continue
wheelie boy, did you fall asleep in that first video? it was like you followed that gentle right, then didnt see that the corner did not continue

Nope, just trying to stop at the gravel pull out but i was going too fast and didnt see the drop between the road/gravel until too late. Also being on the gas and brake at thr same time caused the bike to spin around.
Take that throttle lock off until you learn how and where to use it! You could have seriously hurt yourself and someone else.
Judging from the posts on this thread, I'm guessing quite a few of you also knew that "Prince" was in fact really "Seal Shepherd"? ;)


My closest call happened on Wednesday night. Riding home in the pouring rain from the shop in stop-and-go traffic on Dixie Rd. northbound. A guy in a black import was on top of me all of a sudden. No turn signal, no indication, no warning that he was about to do that. I don't think he even checked his blind spot, and for all I know, he may have been on his cellphone. It was either shove me into the other lane of traffic and side-swipe another car, or slam on the brakes with a brand new front tire on the bike on the lovely, cold, wet road. Ended up swerving and braking in a panic and somehow kept the bike upright.

When traffic stopped again, I pulled up beside his driver side window all of about 0.5" from his mirror and revved the bike until he put his window down. I freaked on him for cutting me off and that he needs to use his f*cking EYES! He looked terrified, nodded and quickly put his window back up. He tried to pull forward but I cut in front and sat there revving the bike and giving him the finger like the biggest squid on the planet.

Funny, I have NEVER done something like that before. I don't advocate it since you never know what kind of nut is behind the wheel. Sure I've beeped at people and flown the 1-finger salute, but I've never done that before. I was furious. How the hell does someone not see a bike with halogens?! And a rider in bright yellow gear?! GAHHHHHH!
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