Be honest with yourself. You havent really enjoyed it for awhile. You only rode because you felt obligated was there, you were paying insurance on it so you HAD to ride it to get your moneys worth out of it. You only bought another because you thought you were just bored. Now the obligation has worsened. You dont really wont to spend the time gearing up, planning a route, etc etc. You are doing it because you feel you HAVE to. Its a risk that you no longer NEED to take or really WANT to take but you are doing it anyways. Sure, there are a few thrills, but they are fewer and farther between. Its not the fun it used to be and it wont be again, at least for a long while.
Sell it. You will miss it but not as much as you think. When/if the urge strikes, take the kids for a walk and watch them have fun doing nothing. Thats where YOUR fun is now, smile as you watch them being amazed by things that mean (meant) nothing to you.
Sell it. You will miss it but not as much as you think. When/if the urge strikes, take the kids for a walk and watch them have fun doing nothing. Thats where YOUR fun is now, smile as you watch them being amazed by things that mean (meant) nothing to you.