What rifle should I buy?

Yeah, but that would mean a medium rise, too, which would raise it up even more. Currently working with a chin weld. Any ideas on non-destructive cheek risers? :D
I think you are going to have to get creative.

Coincidentally, that's my middle name... Bondo and All Round FTW :cool:

Decided to try an el-cheapo forward mount with a bit more rise. Looks like a PEPR knockoff, so I'm guessing 2", which should be more than enough.
CAA (Command arms).... USD $18

Might be something you could pick up and hack.


If you figure it out, you'll be the first.
CAA (Command arms).... USD $18

Might be something you could pick up and hack.


If you figure it out, you'll be the first.

Thanks!!! By the looks of it, I'd have to mount a rail, but that doesn't exclude the option. Just gotta check where the ejector port is. Where can a Canadian pick one up?
Thanks!!! By the looks of it, I'd have to mount a rail, but that doesn't exclude the option. Just gotta check where the ejector port is. Where can a Canadian pick one up?

That I couldn't tell you...

I know Tacticalproductscanada.com sells some of their stuff but don't see that riser on there. They might be able to tell you though.

It's not ITAR so it could be imported from anywhere.
Actually one Amazon seller claims it is.. Might try with chopping board and velcro to see if I can pull something off and if it works, do one with Kydex. I looked at the stock and I don't have enough flat real-estate to mount a rail where it needs to be.
I wonder what the markup is on those rifles... if you weren't impressed with the quality (knowing where its made) then its gotta be a $500 gun.

I'm really curious about long term reliability. That's my #1
I wonder what the markup is on those rifles... if you weren't impressed with the quality (knowing where its made) then its gotta be a $500 gun.

I'm really curious about long term reliability. That's my #1

Seems pretty robust and mechanically simple. On a bad note, it chews up brass and the mag release will take some getting used to. On a good note, been getting 2MOA groups (1" at 50yds) with norc ammo, handles great. Pics to follow, just got in from the range.
SFRC has 37 left of the 160 they started with a few days ago. It's defiantly a hot item right now. That being said I think I'll pass. I would have got one if I didn't just get the SL-8. I'm sure parts and mods will start coming out for it very soon.

Next up..... the one gun I have wanted for the longest time :)

For those pesky up armored coyotes.

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Time to post up a more detailed range report. It was a very enjoyable trip and the crowd at the range was friendly and curious, so a few fellow-members got to try it out too. Because the scope was so far back, the lens cap was interfering with my hat, so I had to turn it backwards and look like a punkass. Will fix that when the new mount arrives. On a side-note, also got to shoot an AR (love it, will have to get one too, but can't justify it any time soon) and to fire some 300wm (forgot how much "lovin'" the Mauser action takes) and the recoil was surprisingly mild.

1) As I mentioned before, I was surprised at how beat up the brass got, both in the middle and the necks got crushed (the necks probably from hitting the port dividers). One guy will try his resizing die on some of the casings and we'll see what comes out next Wednesday, for you reloaders out there.


2) The trigger is mushy and with a long travel. I could probably fix the travel with my drill press if I had a few spare trigger tie rods to play with. With 4lbs of force, though, it didn't negatively affect my groups.

3) The LAR mags didn't drop free. That can most likely be fixed by a very light polish of the magwell or just continued use. Both the mags and the rifle were unused before last night. I noticed that if you don't push in the mag well, it could cause FTF's. One AR shooter was getting them CONSISTENTLY. At first I thought it was his Winchester(?) hp ammo so we tried it with my Norc stuff and he still had'em. Both cartriges fed fine when I shot the rifle.

4) It was grouping very well considering the shooter (still got LOTS to learn), the cheapo rings only bought for test-fit, the more CQB-oriented scope

and the factory ammo. As you can see, the scope is more CQB oriented, with reaching out being an afterthought - by no means a precision marksmanship instrument. The target was indoors, at 50yds. Typical 3-shot groups were 1 1/4" to 1"


Even though when I was doing 5-shot groups, 2-3 rounds would always make a VERY tight cluster.. Too bad my marksmanship is so poor that I don't wanna post my 3-shot clovers as shooter (me) errors were terrible on those targets and some hits were WAY off lol.

I noticed that because of the height difference between the barrel and the scope, you needed to make 3" elevation holds at 20yds on a rifle zeroed at 50yds. As you can see, somebody didn't listen when I warned them ;)

This last target was just guys trying out my new baby at 20yds and dumping the LAR mags, so no precision marksmanship there ;)

If you guys got any questions, ask away.
I'd love it if they came out with one in a more suitable big-game caliber, even 7.62x39, though I kinda doubt it's going to happen.
I find it a lot easier to spend money on a gun if I can convince myself I'll use it as a backup gun or something.
RFB seems cool, and .308 but is a bit above my pay grade.

Good to see you're enjoying your purchase, looks cool. Pretty sure you could hock it on CGN for more than you paid, anyhow, if you decided you didn't want it for some reason.
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I'd love it if they came out with one in a more suitable big-game caliber, even 7.62x39, though I kinda doubt it's going to happen.
I find it a lot easier to spend money on a gun if I can convince myself I'll use it as a backup gun or something.

Why not just buy 2 rifles? An SKS will cost you $200 and it will shoot 7.62x39. Make sure you can shoot accurately and use softpoint bullets, of course.
Is there an adjustable gas regulator on that 97?

If you can turn it down it might not smash the brass so hard on ejection. Try turning it down to the point where it just cycles and then back up a half turn. Those spent casing fly pretty far...

Seems the hard eject is so it sends the spent casing forward to the 1 o'clock for left handed shooters as it doesn't have a SCD.

A heavier recoil spring is the other option if it's available.

Then again, that's only if you care about .223 brass.
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Next up..... the one gun I have wanted for the longest time :)

For those pesky up armored coyotes.

Is that a .50 semi? I've had a deposit on the AS50 for ages, still to no avail. Details please!!!


EDIT: Just noticed yours was bolt action, I apologize for getting excited.
Here's a brief vid:

I try to avoid going to the range all decked out in camo (bad taste) but I didn't have the time to shower/change before going. Came across a medical emergency while out shopping and I had to stick around, so my time was limited.
Is that a .50 semi? I've had a deposit on the AS50 for ages, still to no avail. Details please!!!

EDIT: Just noticed yours was bolt action, I apologize for getting excited.

That's OK Jam... TAF... Chi.... um,..... dude.

Yea, a bolty AI AX50. Long term back burner gun. AKA: The last one I buy :)

Fired the in service Barret SA (M82) and would love a go at the AS50 but they are unicorns.

The ammo cost is horrible too. Clang $10, clang $10, clang $10.
Stop slapping the trigger!

LOL sorry, that's my RSO voice.

Hey, I'll take any of that you dish out my way :D Anything to improve my shooting technique as I haven't had formal instruction. Still trying to internalize the "don't rush it, take your time" thingie :cool:
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