what r u paying for weed these days ?

On the small screen that looks like a boy.
PS do not tell any of your neighbors that are growing cannabis outdoors about this as they may be a little ****** off about their now seeded crops.
Ah dammit. So I guess I can toss the plant now? Frak.
I had a monster (from seed) that I had to pitch out over a month ago. No sign at all one day, ball formation the next......that's when I pulled it, hoping the others didn't get pollinated.
Ugh. A full season of growing gone in the toilet.

Who would’ve thunk that the only 2 seeds I put in were males.

Frakking hell.


This one sprouted out of the same soil.
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Ugh. A full season of growing gone in the toilet.

Who would’ve thunk that the only 2 seeds I put in were males.

Frakking hell.

View attachment 57636
Definitely a male.
When you pull it out of the ground, very carefully put a garbage bag over it first… you don’t want any accidental dispersion of pollen. Made that mistake last year.

I do understand the frustration you’re experiencing - love and attention from an amateur and lousy results. Sigh.

Good luck!
Definitely a male.
When you pull it out of the ground, very carefully put a garbage bag over it first… you don’t want any accidental dispersion of pollen. Made that mistake last year.

I do understand the frustration you’re experiencing - love and attention from an amateur and lousy results. Sigh.

Good luck!
Well I took it out and I’m sure pollen got all over the place.

So that’s done and done. Crop is dead.
The pollen will only travel ~1km.

My next dr neighbour was "you" a couple yrs ago.
Good thing they moved......lol.
Then I'm glad none of my neighbours know I grow it in the backyard!

Hopefully the seeds I have remaining are all females...will try again for next season.

But a few more questions:
- how long does the pollen last?
- can I use the same soil next year?
- how can I tell male/female early on so I don't waste time? Should I buy 'female' seeds only? I see OCS has 'hybrid / female' seeds advertised
- should I try and plan the plant in the actual ground soil next year? Or keep it in pots again?

I didn't do it maliciously to my neighbours, so I hope I didn't affect anyone's crop...but I also don't know who has it. Some suspicion, but nothing concrete.
Then I'm glad none of my neighbours know I grow it in the backyard!

Hopefully the seeds I have remaining are all females...will try again for next season.

But a few more questions:
- how long does the pollen last?
- can I use the same soil next year?
- how can I tell male/female early on so I don't waste time? Should I buy 'female' seeds only? I see OCS has 'hybrid / female' seeds advertised
- should I try and plan the plant in the actual ground soil next year? Or keep it in pots again?

I didn't do it maliciously to my neighbours, so I hope I didn't affect anyone's crop...but I also don't know who has it. Some suspicion, but nothing concrete.
When the flowering starts, you're going to see tiny balls (like you have this yr) or hair.
You get rid of the plants with balls asap, and keep the females / hairy plants.
If in doubt, buy clones early on.

I start the seeds in egg cartons (March 1st). Then pots, then outside by mid-may, and ride myself of any males. I had 2 males this yr.
Also, I get 1 clone, just in case all seedlings are male (hasn't happened yet).
When the flowering starts, you're going to see tiny balls (like you have this yr) or hair.
You get rid of the plants with balls asap, and keep the females / hairy plants.
If in doubt, buy clones early on.

I start the seeds in egg cartons (March 1st). Then pots, then outside by mid-may, and ride myself of any males. I had 2 males this yr.
Also, I get 1 clone, just in case all seedlings are male (hasn't happened yet).
Thanks. I got some feeds from a friend so I'll give it a whirl again.

The little plant in my previous photo appears to be female...so maybe something will come out of that one...but it'll be like 3-5 buds.
I've got a couple strains going. The lemon diesel started going purple for fall colours recently. I've got some Bruce Banner as well but not quite as ripe yet. Based on trichomes I'll probably start harvesting the more ripe plants in a week or two at most, weather depending. I've got another BB even bigger than the one shown but it's not as far along yet. Might be closer to a month before harvesting that plant.
The pollen will only travel ~1km.

My next dr neighbour was "you" a couple yrs ago.
Good thing they moved......lol.
So what you're saying is a much more cost effective war on drugs could be indiscrimantely spreading pollen from a crop duster? Sounds a hell of a lot cheaper than hundreds of officer hours for each wrist slap.
For the folks whose gardens are suffering from powdery mildew there is a newer product that is health Canada approved for cannabis and effective.
The product is called copper gro.
FWIW sulfur products work but they will spoil the product. Eagle 20 is effective but if burnt it makes cyanide from ingredient myclobutanil so be aware.
So...considering that this year's crop is dead :(

When do I start planting the next batch so that it can start growing prior to being taken outside?

I feel like November is too early, and while I had good timing last year (starting in April)...not sure what best way is.

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