What games do you play?

Hearthstone ^_^

**** that, I've wasted $12 on the arena -_- don't know why I got so addicted to it, I was never into MTG.
I don't know guys, but Far Cry 3 really got me going. All the hunting and stuff, tactics very important in battles.... Feels very refreshing to play a game that is a bit more real life and not packed with magical powers and phenomenas all around you :)

Good game, I'm halfway through it myself. Another one I got into was Max Payne 3, gameplay is awesome.
Good game, I'm halfway through it myself. Another one I got into was Max Payne 3, gameplay is awesome.

You probably haven't played MP 1&2
Oh yea, Max Payne 3 sucked compared to 1 and 2. Max Payne one was one of THE first games to introduce bullet time slow mo that so many games copied thereafter. Also one of the first games to introduce rag doll physics where a person shot would interact with the walls/objects like a real person. Cutting edge stuff...and the storyline, man, that game was twisted and sick, the baby crying levels....
The only thing missing was a good multiplayer for guys like me. But it mastered in one area.

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Regarding Far Cry 3:

Good game, I'm halfway through it myself. Another one I got into was Max Payne 3, gameplay is awesome.

I played some more last night (a lot more, lol). Conquered the whole North island, but I've barely done any of the story missions. Maybe I'll move to that before starting the South island. Been hunting a lot too, all my crafts are done at max except for two, for which I need to skin an Undying bear and a Golden tiger. Anyway, I'm completely immersed into the game, lol
I'm up in the air whether I want to get GT6 or not, now that I have a PS4. From reviews, it looks like the same old AI and same old crappy vacuum cleaner sounds. :(

How I wish Canada was eligible for GT Academy!
油井緋色;2111448 said:
Skyrim is pretty bad. I spent the same amount of time modding it as I did playing it.


Now, I await GT6!!

I take it back. Bethesda is making Elder Scrolls Online, which sounds more or less like WoW only set in Skyrim's world. It will be just as bad.

Though I have to say, by far the most addictive game I've ever played was Minecraft.
Just finished Bioshock Infinite! Oh, the ending---WOW!

Bioshock Infinite's ending was great, but the ending of Last of Us was way for thought provoking.
COD Ghosts = Just another bland COD...... even more bland considering the person you play as is mute (not really, they just decided to make it look like people were talking to you and understood your thoughts).

Killzone 4 = What COD should have looked as good as..... except they forgot it was supposed to be a shooter and gave you a 10 enemies per 30 minutes rate. I don't care how nice you make the trees look, I want more s'plosions.

*Powers on PS3 until good games are released for 4.
Yes I played 1 and 2. Maybe for me MP3 wasn't much of a gamble as I bought it on a Steam sale for $5. I have only played about 5 hours, but its fun.

3 had nothing special that 2 didn't had.
Except an exotic location
3 had nothing special that 2 didn't had.
Except an exotic location

2 did have the arenas for mindless fun without the comic strip story........ if you're ever bored or needed to kill 10-15minutes, you could have started one of those and quit anytime.
2 did have the arenas for mindless fun without the comic strip story........ if you're ever bored or needed to kill 10-15minutes, you could have started one of those and quit anytime.

Its been a while since I played 2. Can bearly remember
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