What games do you play?

油井緋色;2111451 said:
**** that, I've wasted $12 on the arena -_- don't know why I got so addicted to it, I was never into MTG.

I spent $2 on it and thats all I'm intending to spend :P
I'm up in the air whether I want to get GT6 or not, now that I have a PS4. From reviews, it looks like the same old AI and same old crappy vacuum cleaner sounds. :(

How I wish Canada was eligible for GT Academy!

You've already thrown down the $400 for the PS4 though, might as well use it. Are you drowning in games otherwise? :P
You've already thrown down the $400 for the PS4 though, might as well use it. Are you drowning in games otherwise? :P

Haha no not at all. My main reason for getting a PS4 at launch was for NBA 2K14. Needless to say, the game has been a disappointment. The game is pretty broken with a lot of glaring omissions!

But GT has always been my game! It is the main reason I stick to Sony. GT6 is the first game in the series that I havent bought at launch. From the looks of it, I might not get it at all unless there are major changes to it. Namely the sound.
Black Ops II
Red Dead
GTA 5 (online only)

I don't like Ghosts

I used to play WW and Runescape, lmao :cool:
I don't like Ghosts

That's because the last good game those guys made was the original modern warfare. Everything since then has been a remake with a handful of gimmicks.

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I finished Far Cry 3 (completely, did all quests, found mostly everything, topped out my skills, etc.), was a very enjoyable experience and come back to video gaming for me! Then I was supposed to continue with Skyrim, but after watching some youtube videos, I decided I don't wanna play that game. Generally, I don't like too much sci-fi magics and dragons and the like. Felt it's time for some multiplayer, so I wanted to get Battlefield 4 as I kinda like to implement a little bit more strategy to the gaming instead of just running and shooting like in COD. But being on XBOX 360 and reading about all the problems the game has been having, I picked up COD Ghosts and started playing it last night (just the multiplayer). Damn, people are owning my *** there! It seems it could be fun, but only if I become good at it. Any tips? Last and only COD I played was the first Modern Warfare long time ago, and I was pretty good at it (and younger, lol).... was a very strong Counter Strike fan in early college too. Now I just seem to suck big time on these kind of games :(
I finished Far Cry 3 (completely, did all quests, found mostly everything, topped out my skills, etc.), was a very enjoyable experience and come back to video gaming for me! Then I was supposed to continue with Skyrim, but after watching some youtube videos, I decided I don't wanna play that game. Generally, I don't like too much sci-fi magics and dragons and the like. Felt it's time for some multiplayer, so I wanted to get Battlefield 4 as I kinda like to implement a little bit more strategy to the gaming instead of just running and shooting like in COD. But being on XBOX 360 and reading about all the problems the game has been having, I picked up COD Ghosts and started playing it last night (just the multiplayer). Damn, people are owning my *** there! It seems it could be fun, but only if I become good at it. Any tips? Last and only COD I played was the first Modern Warfare long time ago, and I was pretty good at it (and younger, lol).... was a very strong Counter Strike fan in early college too. Now I just seem to suck big time on these kind of games :(

I'm not the greatest at COD or any online shooter. I find that I do best when I try to stay to the outside of the maps. Never rush in to the center, most of the time you will get picked off, unless you know exactly where to look. Try to play conservative, not like Rambo. Thats pretty much all you can do with COD until you know the maps, get better at aiming, and know where the "choke points" are. Battlefield is a different beast, slower play, some strategy involved if on a good server/team.
I finished Far Cry 3 (completely, did all quests, found mostly everything, topped out my skills, etc.), was a very enjoyable experience and come back to video gaming for me! Then I was supposed to continue with Skyrim, but after watching some youtube videos, I decided I don't wanna play that game. Generally, I don't like too much sci-fi magics and dragons and the like. Felt it's time for some multiplayer, so I wanted to get Battlefield 4 as I kinda like to implement a little bit more strategy to the gaming instead of just running and shooting like in COD. But being on XBOX 360 and reading about all the problems the game has been having, I picked up COD Ghosts and started playing it last night (just the multiplayer). Damn, people are owning my *** there! It seems it could be fun, but only if I become good at it. Any tips? Last and only COD I played was the first Modern Warfare long time ago, and I was pretty good at it (and younger, lol).... was a very strong Counter Strike fan in early college too. Now I just seem to suck big time on these kind of games :(
Too bad you went for COD. BF4 is a far superior game, when it works correctly.
finally loaded up Bioshock Infinite (purchased at half price during Summer Sale) and wow, am I impressed. By far my favourite installment of the trilogy although it is a bit unfair to compare to the first 2 given how old they are, and the fact that I was on a crap console and am now on a PC capable of running Ultra detail settings
Too bad you went for COD. BF4 is a far superior game, when it works correctly.

I've been getting better and better at COD now. However, the only reason I went with it and not BF4 is because of the issues BF4 has on XBOX 360 (and all other consoles for that matter). Once they straighten these up, I'll surely be picking up a copy and getting into it, videos on youtube look simply great! ..of course, I won't get to experience the same graphics on the 360, but I think it will be enjoyable nevertheless.

Just starting far cry 3 based on the recommendations in this thread - thanks!

You won't regret it! Best campaign game I've ever played. The way I did it was to free roam, capture bases and towers, hunt for anything until I maxed out all my equipment....fun times :)
best cod ghost perks : dead silence and amplify
marathon or light weight and quickdraw to win gun battles
silencer wins.
sold the game because the killstreaks were boring
best cod ghost perks : dead silence and amplify
marathon or light weight and quickdraw to win gun battles
silencer wins.
sold the game because the killstreaks were boring

I'm running a Honey Badger AR with red dot and grip, and no secondary weapon, no lethal and no tactical in order to free up enough points for perks. The perks I like to run with so far are:

Ready up -- weapon ready faster after sprinting
Sleight of Hand -- reload faster
Quickdraw -- aim faster
Stalker -- move much faster while aiming down (had to buy that one since I'm only level 13)
Resilence -- immunity from falling, although I'm thinking about swapping it with Steady Aim (30% better hip fire accuracy).

Amplify will not be too useful for me as I don't play on headphones, and usually the kids play in the TV room while I'm playing. Do you think many people rely on hearing footsteps? If so, maybe I should get dead silence...hmm
I hear the footsteps all the time thru my turtlebeach headset. Started with honey badger got all the perks, then the gilly suit with L115. Just picked up xox1 so will see how much better it is on the new system. I run off the grid, sitrep and blind eye or focus
Thanks guys. After playing some more CoD Ghosts, I went up to level 19 or so... picked up Battlefield 4 yesterday after I learned they released a major patch. Played a few hours MP last night, even though it's on the 360, I find it pretty damn good! Also--not a glitch so far!
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