What games do you play?

I have been playing World of Warplanes lately ... another free game I recommend checking out if the idea of an arcade-y WW2 combat game appeals to you.
油井緋色;2126613 said:
Skyrim, believe it or not lol

Gorram Steam sales led to me installing all the expansions for Skyrim, because it's not like that game is endless enough already.

Aaaaand now I'm addicted to Minecraft. Again. So I'll just never finish any of the Skyrim questlines.
I never understood Minecraft, isn't 1st requisite for games nowadays to have pleasing graphics, then everything else?
I never understood Minecraft, isn't 1st requisite for games nowadays to have pleasing graphics, then everything else?

I never played it but my son did - never understood the appeal ever, but did sit through this to try to get a better grasp on its success: [video=youtube;ySRgVo1X_18]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySRgVo1X_18[/video]
Thanks, I'm gonna watch this tonight.

Zero Punctuation's review explains it pretty well too. Sure the graphics are simple but its strength is almost entirely in the gameplay and almost limitless creative possibilities. I built (in creative mode) a 1:1 model of the Croft manor. Sure it took forever, and there was an incident where one of my friends decided to carpet the entire property with snowmen, but it was one of the funnest and most fulfilling gaming moments I had when I finally placed the last block.

It's like playing virtual Lego with your friends, minus the fear of stepping on pieces.
I've been playing GTA 5 when I've got the time. Fun game but careful with online. There's lots of people who enjoy gunning you down while you try to do your own business... I might have done that once or twice...*Cough Cough*...

The story mode is lots of fun! So enjoy!

Add me on Xbox Live : Want2touchit

I'll do some mission if I'm online for sure.

Hey - was there ever and official GTAM crew for GTAV?!?! Anyone wanna start one?! (even if it's a little late, lol)

This game is amazing that I'm still playing it, many months after getting it... story is done, but i keep messing with LCN to get more cash and buy property.

Add me on live (make sure you put GTAM i your invite message): KrisMischief
Hey - was there ever and official GTAM crew for GTAV?!?! Anyone wanna start one?! (even if it's a little late, lol)

This game is amazing that I'm still playing it, many months after getting it... story is done, but i keep messing with LCN to get more cash and buy property.

Add me on live (make sure you put GTAM i your invite message): KrisMischief

I would gladly join you, but I still haven't finished the single player, and I have zero experience with online. Hopefully I'll find enough time to get there soon!
I would gladly join you, but I still haven't finished the single player, and I have zero experience with online. Hopefully I'll find enough time to get there soon!

I stopped playing it as so as Ghosts came out. Think I made it to 70%.

I tried the BF4 single play and I suck..lol
I stopped playing it as so as Ghosts came out. Think I made it to 70%.

I tried the BF4 single play and I suck..lol

I played the BF4 single player one evening for a few hours, and made a considerable progress. When I came back to it the next day, my progress was lost. No way I'm gonna play the same thing twice... :angry4:
I played the BF4 single player one evening for a few hours, and made a considerable progress. When I came back to it the next day, my progress was lost. No way I'm gonna play the same thing twice... :angry4:

I am having the exact same issue. Play the campaign on PS3, come back the next day and the campaign starts all over, even after it says it has saved. I look for the saved game and it is no where to be found
Have you guys patched BF4? My understanding was it needed a ton of patches after release. I was at the cottage when I first started playing it and it was virtually unplayable (getting shot through walls / glitchy as hell) when I got home and back to the internet, the patch(es) totally improved game play.
Have you guys patched BF4? My understanding was it needed a ton of patches after release. I was at the cottage when I first started playing it and it was virtually unplayable (getting shot through walls / glitchy as hell) when I got home and back to the internet, the patch(es) totally improved game play.

Yep everything is patched. Looks like it is a fairly common issue which "DICE" has yet to respond to.....
Titanfall is pretty entertaining so far
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