I have been playing World of Warplanes lately ... another free game I recommend checking out if the idea of an arcade-y WW2 combat game appeals to you.
油井緋色;2126613 said:Skyrim, believe it or not lol
I never understood Minecraft, isn't 1st requisite for games nowadays to have pleasing graphics, then everything else?
Thanks, I'm gonna watch this tonight.
I've been playing GTA 5 when I've got the time. Fun game but careful with online. There's lots of people who enjoy gunning you down while you try to do your own business... I might have done that once or twice...*Cough Cough*...
The story mode is lots of fun! So enjoy!
Add me on Xbox Live : Want2touchit
I'll do some mission if I'm online for sure.
Hey - was there ever and official GTAM crew for GTAV?!?! Anyone wanna start one?! (even if it's a little late, lol)
This game is amazing that I'm still playing it, many months after getting it... story is done, but i keep messing with LCN to get more cash and buy property.
Add me on live (make sure you put GTAM i your invite message): KrisMischief
I would gladly join you, but I still haven't finished the single player, and I have zero experience with online. Hopefully I'll find enough time to get there soon!
I stopped playing it as so as Ghosts came out. Think I made it to 70%.
I tried the BF4 single play and I suck..lol
I played the BF4 single player one evening for a few hours, and made a considerable progress. When I came back to it the next day, my progress was lost. No way I'm gonna play the same thing twice... :angry4:
Have you guys patched BF4? My understanding was it needed a ton of patches after release. I was at the cottage when I first started playing it and it was virtually unplayable (getting shot through walls / glitchy as hell) when I got home and back to the internet, the patch(es) totally improved game play.
Any new CS:GO players yet??? It's been on sale for $3.49 recently so I just wondered if anyone else picked it up to try.
Reminder - we have a steam group for anyone interested in meeting up for some comp or fun games:
So this is by invite only.
Ive been waiting for the game to go on sale again. Currently playing 1.6 ha!
Please let me know who i should pm my login?