What do you do for a living?

I punch people in the face for a small fee. I can also urinate and/or defecate on them as requested.

You must make boat loads of money!

I'm a janitor...
I design and install electrically heated driveways for the rich people that don't want to pay the kid neighbour $20 to shovel it.
ROFLMAO!!!...Flash Punchey to the rescue!!! I'd like to hire you to punch Anth1414 for me...how much extra for somewhere other than the face? assuming you can find it that is...=P

@Anth1414 I keed man..i keed....

I'll do it for a baconator and a squishy hug ;)
This has Group Buy potential written all over it.

If i got a deal everyone i know would get the same deal! 20 years and counting and only dont have to line up!
Manager and lead dev of a new media team, flash, video, whatever...I also run drugs and people across the border for side cash, when I am not saving the world from aliens, and new boy bands.
I work in the evil industry of credit cards. It pays the bills.

I work from home, drive around 60,000 kms in a cage and periodically travel to most places in Canada. Motorcycling helps me forget what I do. lol
I teach large amounts of generally disinterested youth a subject they don't want to learn.
I do this as well, whilst dodging paper airplanes and sharp objects. I'm part animal trainer, part motivational speaker, and part parole officer.
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I make a living teaching people how to push buttons. IT guy in a major tax/audit firm. Freakin noobsville.

Work blows dammit. Close this thread! :p
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