Nice. Take care of it. It took my buddy almost 20 years to find and buy a decent four into four exhaust for his CBK.
I have this '79 and a mildly custom '81.How many cbx's do you have?
New Shinko 705s, front and rear for the Guzzi, the same as before. The last rear went 12,400, the front 25,000km. Pretty happy with that.
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New Shinko 705s, front and rear for the Guzzi, the same as before. The last rear went 12,400, the front 25,000km. Pretty happy with that.
I've previously sealed the rims, so no annoying tubes to deal with.
Everytime I do tires, I swear it will be the last. But I'm always quite pleased once the task is done. Looking forward to the next job!
By the way, GP Bikes is still the least expensive shop for tires, and that includes delivery to my door.
I'm no expert, you might find more informed advice elsewhere. They're black and round. I ride plenty of gravel, though nothing too gnarly, always sure footed. Happy with the on road manners, smooth and quiet, but I'm not Rossi.Those Shinkos look good. How are they on gravel? My 50/50 Anakee Wilds are wearing fast, and I'm not too happy with their on-road performance. Looking to get a 70/30 or 80/20 and the 705s are on the shortlist.
Yup.Cheaper than petes?
Car left me stranded in a parking lot today. I had to walk home and get CAA to haul it here. All signs point to a bad starter motor. I'll be "WFH" tomorrow.
By the way, GP Bikes is still the least expensive shop for tires, and that includes delivery to my door.
I had a 1982 Niva Cossack 4x4 that had a hand crank. Sadly before I ever tried it I mounted a winch on the bumper and skewed the bumper just enough using it that the crank would no longer line up to pass thru the bumper and the hole in the rad before mating with the crank.Makes you miss the good old days when cars had hand crank starters. That reminds me, my MDX starter is squealing and I need to disassemble and grease it. Yet another well known problem with this Acura.
Almost looks like an MV Agusta now.Installed a rear mudguard/license plate relocation kit on the Hyper. Carbon fibre too!
Had to relocate the turn-signals from the big old shovel behind the tail as well, so I also installed these units that fit underneath the tail light. The left signal is a little close to the pipe, but I've run it most of the day and it hasn't melted yet...?
These two mods really cleans up the rear, and gives the tail a shorter, streetfighter look. Me gusta!!
Couple of zip ties?So my license plate came loose last night. Thought it would be an easy fix. Nope. The screw is gone. The second one was loose and on it's way out. HD being HD these are some machine type screws, allen heads. Hopefully home depot has something I can use to fix this otherwise riding plans might be out the window for tomorrow.
Couple of zip ties?