What did you do in your garage today..?

Tried to get the fuel pump on my 87 CBR600F working. Replaced points without knowing what I was doing. Pump thunks when key is turned but that’s it. I think points were installed wrong, I believe I sent in rod sticking out of pump needs to contact the metal plate in points, just not sure how to make that happen. I will take a look next weekend. Progress is slow when you only see your bike on some weekends.
Managed to finally get this @#$@#$Y*@#! toolbox onto the pannier rack.
I'd think that since Givi makes the panniers for Triumph and they're identical except for badging, that Givi parts would fit the Triumph rack, but I'm wrong. Givi uses a bolt and nut, Triumph has the threads in the rack. The racks are probably different sizes as well, or the Givi wouldn't fit either.
I had to mount it lower than described in the instructions to clear the frame.
Grip Puppies and Rad Shields tonight (They went on relatively easy):
Just got the Barkbusters on the Triumph and a bicyclist wanted to test them out:

He stopped at his cyclist stop sign for the car, then decided he could squeeze in ahead of me, or I'd stop for him, or he was a pedestrian or didn't think about it at all. I'm not sure. No helmet of course. If he'd pressed the button and walked his bike across, I'd have been happy to stop. Well, maybe not happy, but I would have stopped. I double checked before to make sure that cyclists had stop signs there rather than assume.
So my license plate came loose last night. Thought it would be an easy fix. Nope. The screw is gone. The second one was loose and on it's way out. HD being HD these are some machine type screws, allen heads. Hopefully home depot has something I can use to fix this otherwise riding plans might be out the window for tomorrow.
Zip ties.
Hey @Mad Mike already fixed :ROFLMAO: picked up some bolts from home depot.
I did the zip tie thing back a few years, thanks for the suggestion though!
Be sure to use nylon nuts... or a dab of loctite.
Two bolts to hold the plate on, and one zip tie for when the bolts fall off.
Use locking nuts on the bolts.... or use mild steel fasteners and they'll rust so bad they'll never come off
Looks like you've owned a few Harleys.
Starting a redneck windshield project since they don't have any spec'd for the 2022 Tiger.
Filter changes for both cars. Not bike related but high time.

Volt engineers sure love using screws everywhere….


Done and buttoned up. Starts. Test ride has to wait until another day.

All openers and closers were in spec as per Ducati, albeit on the looser end. I could have been neurotic and tried closing them up but figured, why? It runs good. I think definitely by the 36k mark I’ll need to re-shim a few.

I didn’t take many pics because I wasn’t making a tutorial , but I’ll attach a few.
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