What did you do in your garage today..?

It was were but at least warm to get some things done in the garage.

Changed the oil in the Forester. That’s the easiest oil filter to change. Up top beside the oil filler tube, no messy dripping.

On the bike I had to scrape off the old paper gasket for the clutch slave cylinder. That took so long. It gave me false hope when 1/5 of it just peeled off. The rest was welded on. Razor blade and so many contorted body positions to get at it. Oy
Glued up the plug for my Wing seat/tailpiece. I'm going to skin it with packing tape and a roll of blank address labels I have. Maybe be glassing on the weekend....
(old lady on the mug does not approve of such things....)
seat mold ribs.jpg
Glued up the plug for my Wing seat/tailpiece. I'm going to skin it with packing tape and a roll of blank address labels I have. Maybe be glassing on the weekend....
(old lady on the mug does not approve of such things....)
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I see why you wanted all your carboard to be the same color and thickness.

Great job.
That's some mighty fine 3D CAD work (y)
Cardboard aided design is the best. Often easier than a computer model and you end up with a real physical object and not just some angry pixies.

I use more tape and less skill normally. Tt did some mighty fine work.
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A couple of boxes showed up over the winter break for the new track bike. Swapped the stock bars for clipons. Removing the left handlebar switch cluster makes it start to look like a real track bike. Also bolted on the GP swingarm lifters and swapped the rear paddock stand to use the matching adapters. With this setup the lifting spools are installed on the rear stand, rather than on the swingarm. The GP lifters should be less likely than conventional spools to damage the threaded boss on the swingarm in a crash. They also look cool, and retain the axle adjuster blocks so they don't fall out during wheel changes.

Some of the exhaust fittings for the Chinese diesel heater finally showed up, so I was able to install and try that for the first time. Mounted and vented it through the side man-door, and used an old length of rigid dryer ducting to direct the heat across the garage to my working area.

That worked a lot better than I thought it would. My garage has open rafters and soffits and no insulation, so I wasn't expecting too much, but it got warm enough that I had to shut it off after a while.
Bought a Dealertool for the Triumph.
Then bought an ODBII reader for the Odyssey.
Discharging my big Lifepo4 battery from our camper so that I can recharge it and calibrate the BMS....again. I love almost everything about the JKBMS that I built into it, but the state of charge calibration seems to lose it's **** if you discharge it at too high of a rate when the battery is reaching the bottom of it's capacity, at which point you need to charge it up to full again, discharge it fully, and then recharge it to full again to calibrate it.

280 Amp Hours takes a long time to discharge, even running with a paint stripper gun and a small micro space heater plugged into the inverter resulting in a 145 Amp draw on the battery from the inverter, that's still almost 2 hours to fully discharge. And the last little bit of the discharge needs to be done at a lower rate, around 10-20a.
I replaced the clutch slave cylinder with an Oberon aluminum machined beauty. Took a long time to clean off the old paper gasket. Bleeding took forever. Never had this problem before. I have speed bleeders and thought maybe that’s the problem. Put the one that came with the unit and the usual pump, hold tighten, release. Nada. An hour of freezing in the garage for nothing. Came in to warm up and think. Back out I go, I cracked open the banjo bolt up at the master cylinder, squeezed and man I thought there were snakes hissing at me. Did it 2 more times and boom had full pressure. Can’t wait to see how it works in spring or maybe a clear warm winter day.
I gathered all of my tools and my shop vac to clean up the basement from a water heater that finally decided it had finished participating in that activity and went kablooey.

We were insanely lucky that my son just happened to go downstairs to put a load of laundry in and caught it at what I am guessing is around the first five or 10 minutes of the leak

Anyhow, yeah, that sucked. $1200 later, 4 or 5 hours of cleanup, and we have a new hot water tank and hot water again Yay. 🫤
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I replaced the clutch slave cylinder with an Oberon aluminum machined beauty. Took a long time to clean off the old paper gasket. Bleeding took forever. Never had this problem before. I have speed bleeders and thought maybe that’s the problem. Put the one that came with the unit and the usual pump, hold tighten, release. Nada. An hour of freezing in the garage for nothing. Came in to warm up and think. Back out I go, I cracked open the banjo bolt up at the master cylinder, squeezed and man I thought there were snakes hissing at me. Did it 2 more times and boom had full pressure. Can’t wait to see how it works in spring or maybe a clear warm winter day.
First time someone said "crack the bango" it was a revelation.
I think even better though is just filling the whole system from the bottom up using a large syringe on the bleeder screw.
First time someone said "crack the bango" it was a revelation.
I think even better though is just filling the whole system from the bottom up using a large syringe on the bleeder screw.
This is the first time I’ve ever had a problem bleeding the clutch or brake after drawing the lines. Will definitely try the syringe next time as I have one for measuring 2stroke oil for the grass trimmer and clear hose to attach to bleeder hose. Thanks
This is the first time I’ve ever had a problem bleeding the clutch or brake after drawing the lines. Will definitely try the syringe next time as I have one for measuring 2stroke oil for the grass trimmer and clear hose to attach to bleeder hose. Thanks
If you aren't already doing it flailing the line back and forth below the banjo bolt often gets some obstinate bubbles to pop out.
I was the poor soul designate whenever there was "my lever isn't working" issues and almost never had to break out the mityvac.
If you aren't already doing it flailing the line back and forth below the banjo bolt often gets some obstinate bubbles to pop out.
I was the poor soul designate whenever there was "my lever isn't working" issues and almost never had to break out the mityvac.
Sheesh sometimes the simplest stuff. I never even thought of this. There is a bit of wiggle room to do that. I tried tapping with a rubber mallet at the slave cylinder and at the master cylinder; got one bubble each time, but no joy.
Thanks for that tip!
Tortured my 10" mitre saw by cutting 1x1 aluminum tubing for the seat supports. Not a lot of people realize how well a carbide saw blade walks thru aluminum. That said it's hard on the blade. Not sure if that was the first time for alum on that saw but now I'm missing 2 out of the 28 carbide teeth. No matter for what I do 26 will be fine.
Tortured my 10" mitre saw by cutting 1x1 aluminum tubing for the seat supports. Not a lot of people realize how well a carbide saw blade walks thru aluminum. That said it's hard on the blade. Not sure if that was the first time for alum on that saw but now I'm missing 2 out of the 28 carbide teeth. No matter for what I do 26 will be
Try a backwards mounted plywood blade for aluminum. Works well, and cheaper than carbide.
Try a backwards mounted plywood blade for aluminum. Works well, and cheaper than carbide.
It's getting harder to find non-carbide blades. It's important never to run a carbide blade backwards. All the teeth will fly off and become projectiles. I have a stack of blades I picked up from an old guy. If I'm doing something that may hurt the blade, I grab from that pile.
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