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That set was awesome with all that classic Ragga mixed really smooth and tight. Thanks for posting that - I'm going to share that with some buds that would be totally into it. I was listening to that stuff at Delirium, Sykosis and Chemistry parties over 20 years ago!

Here's one that you might like that I recorded a long time ago: http://shanekingsley.com/mp3/RaggaRaja.mp3
and this one I recorded with darkcore, ragga and more: http://shanekingsley.com/mp3/TheOtherJungle.mp3
All aboard the nostalgia feels train. Oh man, I love(d) this song.
Great video for those who were hitting the clubs circa 2000.


Currently listen to this masterpiece whilst building a stand for my vinyls and player. Will post the final product

PS this was THIRTY DOLLARS from ikea. Absolute steal.

This is it. Might rearrange a bit.

Got 4 new vinyls recently.

Mimicking birds
Lorde - Pure Heroine
Sometimes - City and colour
division bell - pink floyd
That set was awesome with all that classic Ragga mixed really smooth and tight. Thanks for posting that - I'm going to share that with some buds that would be totally into it. I was listening to that stuff at Delirium, Sykosis and Chemistry parties over 20 years ago!

Here's one that you might like that I recorded a long time ago: http://shanekingsley.com/mp3/RaggaRaja.mp3
and this one I recorded with darkcore, ragga and more: http://shanekingsley.com/mp3/TheOtherJungle.mp3

Peeerfect, I got a long drive going to savor it.

All aboard the nostalgia feels train. Oh man, I love(d) this song.
Great video for those who were hitting the clubs circa 2000.


2:04-2:15 FKNA

This reminds me of my pre 20's. Damn did money go far back then. For like 2000 I spent two months in europe including two weeks in ibiza. Right now i'd probally be impossible to organize a trip with most of my old friends. Everyone is busy with life complications that they create themselves.
Pretty cool how Oakenfold incorporated breaks in his work.

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Peeerfect, I got a long drive going to savor it.

2:04-2:15 FKNA

This reminds me of my pre 20's. Damn did money go far back then. For like 2000 I spent two months in europe including two weeks in ibiza. Right now i'd probally be impossible to organize a trip with most of my old friends. Everyone is busy with life complications that they create themselves.
How about we take it right back to the early 2000s. Lol @ the douchey days of guidos; but I miss the old club days!

Sound Factory - Last Dance 2002:

[video] https://youtu.be/HRCCkO9iQY4[/video]
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This is it. Might rearrange a bit.

Got 4 new vinyls recently.

Mimicking birds
Lorde - Pure Heroine
Sometimes - City and colour
division bell - pink floyd
Still impressed you like real music at your age. The young guys at work wouldn't know what music is if it kicked them in the arse
Still impressed you like real music at your age. The young guys at work wouldn't know what music is if it kicked them in the arse
Thanks my dude.

I used to be really close minded when it came to music (and when it comes to pop and mainstream rap I still can be) but I've opened myself up and it's been worth it.
Absolutely LOVE this cover. Damn, Seal and sing!


This is it. Might rearrange a bit.

Got 4 new vinyls recently.

Mimicking birds
Lorde - Pure Heroine
Sometimes - City and colour
division bell - pink floyd

This vinyl hobby is addictive. I started buying vinyl around 7 years ago and have around 400 records right now. Boots, some great recommendations and some good oldies. Great thread going here.

my turntable with my old cartridge

This vinyl hobby is addictive. I started buying vinyl around 7 years ago and have around 400 records right now. Boots, some great recommendations and some good oldies. Great thread going here.

my turntable with my old cartridge

Which turntable do you have

Edit: also I've popped in the Lorde vinyl again. For those who've only heard "royals" and hate it because it was overplayed on the radio. Give this album a listen, I bet you'll reconsider your opinions of her. She's pretty talented for someone who wrote a lot of these songs at 16. She's got some great lyrics with decent insight. Just listen to the lyrics of buzz cut season.
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Which turntable do you have

Edit: also I've popped in the Lorde vinyl again. For those who've only heard "royals" and hate it because it was overplayed on the radio. Give this album a listen, I bet you'll reconsider your opinions of her. She's pretty talented for someone who wrote a lot of these songs at 16. She's got some great lyrics with decent insight. Just listen to the lyrics of buzz cut season.

I agree, Lorde is actually one of the best recorded album that I have purchased.
My turntable is a JA Michell SE with dual Jelco arms with a Lyra Delos cartridge on one and waiting for a Reference II to arrive, on order. I will post a photo of it later.
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I agree, Lorde is actually one of the best recorded album that I have purchased.
My turntable is a JA Michell SE with dual Jelco arms with a Lyra Delos cartridge on one and waiting for a Reference II to arrive, on order. I will post a photo of it later.

Damn dude that's serious...

I've only got an audio technica lp60.

What speakers are you running it through
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