Weather threads here.

I wish ...but I will have 3 months of LUVELY riding weather every single day. Eat your heart out.

Mind you trudging around on a KLR takes a bit of bloom off the rose.


a far too long 20 hours later ( big delay at LAX )

Brisbane QLD
Sunday 11:00 am

18°C | °F
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 28%
Wind: 18 km/h
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Yep looking forward to it as this year has been a washout compared to what I planned...just gotta get to the old girl's up at buddies and partner not home nor is buddy. Might be an Uber call tomorrow..just unpacked the gear.....glad I brought some of the warmer stuff. Chilly at night as there is no heat in the houses but perfect during the day.....mid to high 20's and sun/cloud mix.

Has anyone that rides the local highways (404, DVP, 401)noticed it being more windy this year? I might be going nuts, but I just feellike I’m being blown around a lot and I’ve had to actively control my laneposition against the wind this year.

I ride a Bonneville T100 and I’ve removed or replaced a lotof parts so it is a really light bike, but I’ve had it for 5 years and this isthe first year I’ve notice the issue. Maybe I just had bad luck with windy days, but I ride to 4-5 days a week.

I'm 2 hours east of GTA
and have certainly noticed it's windier this year
don't even have to be going highway speed
Yup, definitely more windy this year. Aggressive riding position helps counter it a bit I feel.

Today was a good riding day. Weather was perfect ... Cool breeze in the morning and evening.
So what's happening today? One source says it will rain in about an hour or so, another 5 pm, looking outside looks fine. I am east end of Toronto

@MacDoc curious where you look for weather info.
I always check the weather network radar (have to scroll down to the bottom) on the app.

Big rain clouds over GTA at 1:40pm


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@MacDoc curious where you look for weather info

Go to sites are

for radar and make sure you start the animation

and this ....again make sure you start the looping.

and for weather

and for wind and weather

I used to fly sailplanes so knowing what the weather would be was critical to catch good flying days. Useful when riding.

One pattern that is common will get a nice cool wind from the north with white fluffy clouds ...that's ideal soaring weather as the atmosphere is mixed allowing thermals to form, then the wind will shift over the next few days and an inversion will form, poor flying, stifling heat, horrid smog and allergies from in the GTA ....then finally the thermals will bust through the inversion layer and some lovely thunderstorms result ....the cool north wind will come in and repeat.

I have an App on the iphone for MyRadar I think that is really good for assessing local conditions especially nasty cells and squalls. Gives me a few minutes warning to pull over until the squall line passes.

Available on Android as well and from NOAA.
So what's happening today? One source says it will rain in about an hour or so, another 5 pm, looking outside looks fine. I am east end of Toronto

Radar is your friend. A generic forecast that shows "such and such percentage of precipitation at such and such hour" is useless.

Get a radar app on your phone. You'll know where the precip is exactly. When out riding and you see questionable clouds in the distance, stop and check the radar. When it's evident you're going to get hit, gear up BEFORE you ride into it, not after it's already too late...or worse yet, those who gear up for nothing because there was some black clouds in the sky they assumed were going to rain on them, but in reality, were dropping nothing at all.
Yup radar ...that's why the animation is so can see the rain on radar and how fast it is moving - you get to be able to judge when it will arrive.

Besides ...don't be a wimp's so hot out for you who cares if you get wet with a'll dry quick :D
Yup radar ...that's why the animation is so can see the rain on radar and how fast it is moving - you get to be able to judge when it will arrive.

Besides ...don't be a wimp's so hot out for you who cares if you get wet with a'll dry quick :D

Thanks. Wasn't being a wimp. I had a social function to go to, I'll take any chance to ride, but with this one I didn't want to show up damp and wet, it would have been weird.

Curious which apps you all use? I see from @Robbo post it would be the weathernetwork app.
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