Stay hydrated
We are in a for a ridiculous week of 30-35 real
We are in a for a ridiculous week of 30-35 real
Stay hydrated
We are in a for a ridiculous week of 30-35 real
Back in business. New tires feel great. Missed out riding on Mon/Tue, felt like *****
Haha yup! My first time experiencing new rubber on a motorcycle toolove that first ride on new rubber
makes the old flat spot much more glaring
Anyone out riding this afternoon? How bad is it? Have a BBQ to attend, thinking of riding there (an hour ride).
Lol I made it. Country side isn't too bad. Most parts have a cool breeze thanks to the will be bbq'ed before the meal...
its f----- HOT!
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Anyone out riding this afternoon? How bad is it? Have a BBQ to attend, thinking of riding there (an hour ride).
Gaia is alive and well, as this wonderous planet maintains equilibrium. Last week Antarctica posted the coldest weather ever recorded on earth, -98C. This beat the old record set in 2013 when -95C was recorded. It ain't over...till it's over.
Sea Ice Extent Sinks to Record Lows at Both Poles | NASA
Mar 22, 2017 - Arctic sea ice appears to have reached on March 7 a record low wintertime maximum extent, according to scientists at NASA and the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado. ... Antarctic sea ice also broke a record with its annual minimum extent on
Antarctica Ice Loss Tripled in 5 Years, and That's Raising Sea Level ...
Jun 15, 2018 - The accelerating ice loss adds half a foot to the sea level rise already expected this century, increasing the flooding risks for coastal communities.
hmm whats up with the weather today? rain or no rain.