Weather threads here.

Yesterday was near perfect, except for the winds.

Sent from the moon!
I might have to say the commute this morning was the nicest of the year. Weather was beautiful and traffic was moving!
Sunday is looking toasty as hell! For all you wearing full leathers, you might need a hand getting them off (I'll be in that club) haha!
I might have to say the commute this morning was the nicest of the year. Weather was beautiful and traffic was moving!
Sunday is looking toasty as hell! For all you wearing full leathers, you might need a hand getting them off (I'll be in that club) haha!
+1 morning commute was the best this season. Textile/Mesh blend jacket felt real good. Sunday absolutely looks horrible. Hot and humid, would avoid riding like the plague.
+1 morning commute was the best this season. Textile/Mesh blend jacket felt real good. Sunday absolutely looks horrible. Hot and humid, would avoid riding like the plague.

Quitter, you'll think differently when the non riding season is here.
Damn this weather! Was supposed to get my tires changed today. Moved appointment to Wednesday next week, and now more thundershowers predicted. So sad :(
Was hoping to go to Bobcaygeon Bikefest tomorrow...but bleh, not gonna be a nice day from the looks of things.
I am hoping for some fake weather today. Just want to get out on the bike.

Sent from the moon!
It looks to clear around 5 pm


this thing is almost stalled in place :(
I've done good for rides/mileage already this as much as it would have been nice to get out this weekend, meh...sat it out.
Sun just peeked through the clouds here...radar shows we are on finishing edge of the rain. Roads might be dry in an hour. Hmmm.
Nice 200 km loop ...used my 3 season jacket which was perfect. Very enjoyable ride ...really a pick me up after that very drear weekend
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