We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Are you guys wearing jeans with your holsters? I'm looking to get something that works well with 5.11 tactical pants as all my jeans are low low riders and really not supportive for a holster set up. Anyone got any insight on what would work best?

Cargos fo shiz.. The side pockets have too much utility value
I can suggest some stuff but you gotta post up pics of your low riding jeans for.. research purposes

I tend not to take photos of my own ***, but I'm sure there are some blackmail photos floating around if they weren't lost in the purge.
I tend not to take photos of my own ***, but I'm sure there are some blackmail photos floating around if they weren't lost in the purge.

Anyone pick up anything on black friday?

I wish I had thought of that... While shops in general should be avoided on Black Friday, a gun shop has everything needed to prevent a horde of zombies from devouring you :D
I wish I had thought of that... While shops in general should be avoided on Black Friday, a gun shop has everything needed to prevent a horde of zombies from devouring you :D
Why not walk in with your rifle, I'm sure your demands will be met
Have you guys seen any 22LR ammo lately?

Sail (Etobicoke) was sold out, Lebaron (Mississauga) sold out, and nothing or almost nothing at canadaammo, ammosource, tradeex, or wanstallsonline.

I guess the 22 drought that has plagued the US is finally here.

not sure if still available, or if shipping would kill the deal



Originally Posted by crasheralex Says it's $279.99 for 5000 on your website?

Originally Posted by EagleHuntingSuppliesLTD These prices are only on CGN!
Last edited:
not sure if still available, or if shipping would kill the deal



Thanks, I hadn't noticed that on CGN.

I was just organizing the stash today and discovered that I still have around 2500 rounds, mostly Winchester Wildcats, that I got for $17.99/500 -- in the good ole days (6 months ago).

I used to buy a brick every time I walked into LeBaron, whether I needed it or not.

I think I will just keep checking during the winter and hope some local shop gets more cheap stuff in, as shipping ammo will cost at least one brick just to Canpar it to me.
Ive never voted in my life, and I dont own any non R's either, but which party has the best attitude towards firearms owners?

Well, it's the Non-R's the NDP are after cuz the R's never got un-registered.

Trudeau is no better, he's dodged the gun registry (like virtually all things) from the start. He may have never lied in office (because of course he's never been in office....) but he'll screw gun owners just like the Libs did before.

The Cons aren't really our friends but they are the best of the bad lot. At least they ditched the registry and introduced C-42 (however neutered it's become).
Ive never voted in my life, and I dont own any non R's either, but which party has the best attitude towards firearms owners?

You either vote Conservative and maintain the current status-quo with crumbs every couple years to keep our votes, you waste a vote with the Libertarian party, you vote for a new long-gun registry with the NDP or you vote for Turdeau 2.0 who isn't even calling his own shots and is truly an idiot.
Don't forget that the Conservative folks just paid lip service to the dismantling of the registry

Believe me if you had any firearms in the registry your local LEO's know about them before they come to visit

The old registry is useless, even if they have access to it.
The old registry is useless, even if they have access to it.

Yes, constable, I sold my crate of SKS' and the 5 VZ's to some guy named Mike something or other.. Said he was from Alberta, I think in the Canmore area.. Yessiree Bob, showed me his PAL and it was valid! :cool:
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