We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Firearms Act regulations for transport do not mention ammunition, so an officer would need to rely solely on CC S86. That said, some police officers get the law wrong. 1-3 years & $10-25G's later, the judge says you were right & you get your guns back if they haven't already been destroyed. That said, I keep ammo in a locked container.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Firearms Act regulations for transport do not mention ammunition, so an officer would need to rely solely on CC S86. That said, some police officers get the law wrong. 1-3 years & $10-25G's later, the judge says you were right & you get your guns back if they haven't already been destroyed. That said, I keep ammo in a locked container.

Sue the cop for the legal fees

You have to draw the line somewhere, whats next, locking up your scope?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

So I take it you have a locked container in your car\truck at all times....? and if you don't you don't buy ammo, nothing worse than coming up onto a good price on ammo and you don't get it because you left your locked container at home.......

I take it home the way I purchased it, in the box I the bag etc.....plus the last I go 20 cases of shogun ammo, I don't think I would have had a big enough lockable container.....
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Hey Johnny, I just shot the HK 556 last night.. I really don't see what's the big deal compared to a good AR build even though it's definitely nicer than lower-mid end AR's. Eventually you can always get a good piston upper if you don't like the way DI shoots :P
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Hey Johnny, I just shot the HK 556 last night.. I really don't see what's the big deal compared to a good AR build even though it's definitely nicer than lower-mid end AR's. Eventually you can always get a good piston upper if you don't like the way DI shoots :P

I've been eyeing Daniel defense MK18, I'd like to buy that to start and get a longer DD upper so I have both short and long with one lower.

For me the appeal with HK was well it's HK, and not everyone has one because it's stupid expensive, and looking at them they are good quality and have a better fit/finish them some other lower end rifles I've also looked at. Coming from a manufacturing background and a having a big interest in how things are made I appreciate the little things more then most when it comes to that kind of stuff

That being said for the price the DD stuff looks really good

My birthday is coming up I'm December so I'll probably buy myself a rifle lol
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Good point. For me, the main consideration is how it shoots... I only have 1 gun that can be described as "pretty" lol.

Definitely go with DD.. Now if you want flawless finish in an expensive rifle, you'd be better off with getting ATRS.. Big money but everybody's raving about their work. They are outbidding big oil on the patch for their in-house machinists :)
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Ive also got my eye one these, the red anodized grips and mag bases really appeal to me compared to the all black one I shot
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Very nice gun even though our PPC director'd give you a dope-slap (he has a similar attitude toward guns as I do, but he's more outspoken on the topic) :D
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I've been eyeing Daniel defense MK18, I'd like to buy that to start and get a longer DD upper so I have both short and long with one lower.

For me the appeal with HK was well it's HK, and not everyone has one because it's stupid expensive, and looking at them they are good quality and have a better fit/finish them some other lower end rifles I've also looked at. Coming from a manufacturing background and a having a big interest in how things are made I appreciate the little things more then most when it comes to that kind of stuff

That being said for the price the DD stuff looks really good

My birthday is coming up I'm December so I'll probably buy myself a rifle lol

You got good taste in guns, minus the glock ;)

Ive been eyeing the mk18 for quite some time but can't justify the 2k....for that i can build a nice long range rifle
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

You got good taste in guns, minus the glock ;)

Ive been eyeing the mk18 for quite some time but can't justify the 2k....for that i can build a nice long range rifle

Lol I consider the Canadian Edition to be FUUUUUUUUUGLYYYYYYY.. I'd pay extra money for plain black lol But I also recognize "to each his own" and there are plenty of people who like it :)
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

AR15s at $2k+ stop making sense to me... you're already approaching ACR/XCR/Tavor territory IMO, shop used and get an NR black gun? Eventually you'll like the idea of taking it into the bush.. and you'll DEFINITELY like the idea of it not being in a government database and requiring a retarded ATT to take between ranges.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

You got good taste in guns, minus the glock ;)

Ive been eyeing the mk18 for quite some time but can't justify the 2k....for that i can build a nice long range rifle

Well as bad as it may taste to some, I still shoot my Glock better then any gun I have tried besides that Tanfoglio I tried. Even the CZ if my Glock wasn't modified I say the CZ had a way better trigger but my trigger kit is actually very similar in feel now, and because Im getting used to it the more I shoot better because I know it. Id like to add a CZ to my collection but not replace any of the guns I already own. They shoot very well for me and I like the fact I built them to my liking, everyone at my range has a Glock 17 but no one has ever seen one like mine in person. The guys that work there when I showed them my 17 the other day they jokingly called over other range members saying "hey you want to see the nicest Glock you've ever seen"...To some that means nothing, to me I like having something custom or different. Same with the CZ everyone has the black one, and I already own 3 all black pistols. So its just a different kind of gun, and different look to add to my collection...I have had my lic for 6 months and I have already bought 5, so you can see where this is going, these will not be the one and only types of gun in my collection. A few of my friends have already asked me to sell them one of my guns, and I have told them Im a buyer not a seller. Id sell if I needed the money but I don't so Id rather add to my collection, rather then sell one to replace it with something else...

As for the MK 18 I like the CQB look and feel, and I am only a member at a range that has 25 yards, which I cant even shoot rifle calibers at till next year when they update the backstop. So do I really need a 16" barreled rifle to shoot 25 yards? And again my plan is to buy the MK18 because I like it, and also buy a longer upper. Either 14 or 16. That way with 2 pins I can go from short to long distance. Buy a optic that has built in magnification, or just buy a short range optic and use a magnifier for longer range, or even better have a different optic on each upper....And again this will most likely be my first rifle but definitely not my last...
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

AR15s at $2k+ stop making sense to me... you're already approaching ACR/XCR/Tavor territory IMO, shop used and get an NR black gun? Eventually you'll like the idea of taking it into the bush.. and you'll DEFINITELY like the idea of it not being in a government database and requiring a retarded ATT to take between ranges.

If I was interested in any of those guns Id buy them, same with the NR, if when I want one, I will go buy one....Buying a DD rifle first has no affect on if when I decide to buy other types, I am just buying what I am interested in at the moment. I take suggestions from others but I still do what I feel and want, people made it seem like a CZ would be the best gun in the world, I shot one it was nice but it didnt make me want one ASAP, I will probably add one to the collection one day but it did not give me that I want it now and I will get rid of all my Glocks feeling that some people made it seem it would...

Currently I dont have anywhere to shoot a NR, so Im not going to buy one just before winter with no where to shoot it....I will probably get one in the spring/summer, and try to find somewhere to shoot it, or possibly try some bird hunting, Id like to hunt turkey personally. I have a weird craving to try deep frying a turkey that I actually hunted myself...
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I have the weirdest boner right now

Normally Im not into the Oh Canada type stuff, but I really like this, I think the maple leaf is subtle enough for me.....They also make one with the red accents but a silver frame, but its a little more bling blingy
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Lets get another discussion started on lube/cleaner, Ive read a lot of good things about frog lube, and I even saw a guy do a test of about 60 different lubes, he rated FL number one...I currently have Break Free CLP, but was thinking of trying FL. Anyone have any comments or suggestions on this lube or others? And also anyone know where to buy FL locally without having to mail order it?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

It's a love-hate thing.. I've had good guys swear on a stack of bibles and also good guys do a different sort of swearing when it comes to it. You can always just run it on one of of your guns as an experiement (make sure the gun gets cleaned WELL, I'm talking parts and ultrasonic cleaner) before you start using FL. I personally don't bother with it. This works for me:

As recommended by a gunsmith who's been shooting IPSC for decades. I use a clock lubricator to apply.

I don't even bother with greases any more and I have plenty of Red'n'Tacky. On a side-note, this oil works great under all temperature ranges that I've shot in, from -10 to +25 (would have gone out at >+30 but we haven't seen much of that in recent years). Some people have complained about FL's cold weather performance and the good guy that loves it shoots indoors 99% of the time.

Btw a properly built $2000 AR is a much better shooting gun than anything you can get at any price. XCR's are hogs. Bushys are slightly less hoggy but still. Tavors are ok, but nothing impressive.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Hogs in what manner? Weight? ACR is porky up front, but the keymod XCR with L barrel is ridiculously light... almost gas-impingement light. I was pleasantly surprised when I handled the older and newer ones side by side.

Its all personal preference anyway- having been around long enough to see ridiculous overnight changes to firearm classifications, rules and regulations, I know where I want my money - far away from any government database. YMMV.

Tavor takes time getting used to, and desperately needs a trigger job which puts it at 3k+ but wowie wowie after that. Can't beat the compactness.
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