We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot? | Page 159 | GTAMotorcycle.com

We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

There is at least one subdivision in ontario that was built downrange of a gun club. Afaik, everybody ostriched and no lead testing or remediation was done. The official line was shot doesn't travel that far. Standing in the field with shot raining down around you said otherwise.

Ever try shooting clay targets in 85km winds ? They aren’t where they are supposed to be when you pull the trigger.

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Can you load hotter shells to pick up the pace? Your shoulder may hate you.
There’s the rub ( literally) I can shoot 1 1/8 loads of #8 . It gets you 1400ft per sec . I shoot 1 oz #8 at 1125 . Or so the data will tell you . The hotter loads will catch you up , unless you just spent 5,000 rounds getting your game on speed at 1125. Skeet is geometry and lead . The bigger challenge is the target “ going frisbee” , it just ducks and weaves in big wind . It does add an element of challenge, but it is harder . Yes ,truly a first world problem.

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Of course, spend time and money searching for a vendor before you ever consider the price list. The price list will kill this program (either be laughably low prompting lawsuits the feds would lose or fair market value which requires an order of magnitude or two more money than they promised). Let's be honest, this buyback program is dead. Not a single gun will be bought back before the next election. Cons will kill the stupid useless expensive buyback.
Where can you find the list of banned weapons? Someone said there was like cannons/artillery on it lol
Where can you find the list of banned weapons? Someone said there was like cannons/artillery on it lol
If he had just gone with scary and black, the list would be a lot easier to read and just as effective (or ineffective). There are mortars and rocket launchers on the list.

If he had just gone with scary and black, the list would be a lot easier to read and just as effective (or ineffective). There are mortars and rocket launchers on the list.

Well there goes my wife’s Christmas present for next year…


This is racist and I’m offended…


Serious question: why would you outsource this? Who would want the risk? I had just assumed it would have been dropped on the RCMP's doorstep - difficult to sue and they could probably figure out how to take care of any "inconsistent" paperwork that occurs.

I *feel* like that anybody that bids on that is probably insane
Serious question: why would you outsource this? Who would want the risk? I had just assumed it would have been dropped on the RCMP's doorstep - difficult to sue and they could probably figure out how to take care of any "inconsistent" paperwork that occurs.

I *feel* like that anybody that bids on that is probably insane
Because some JT friendly company will bid, get the contract, rack up massive consultancy fees and then the program will be scrapped after the Libs are out.

JT says he tried to do something, his friends get a cut, and then PP can say he scrapped an unpopular bill.

Everyone wins. Except us.
When the Government says “ you don’t need a gun” …… you need a gun.

This buy back has all the makings of a long gun registry, gas plant cancellation , and uses submarine purchase all rolled into one . I’m not one to make assumptions ( hehehehe) , but I’m guessing a hundred million over budget , before it gets cooked. Somebody will make a fortune on this . All the data fail of the CanArrive app , with door to door collectors getting shot at in Northern Alberta .

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When the Government says “ you don’t need a gun” …… you need a gun.

This buy back has all the makings of a long gun registry, gas plant cancellation , and uses submarine purchase all rolled into one . I’m not one to make assumptions ( hehehehe) , but I’m guessing a hundred million over budget , before it gets cooked. Somebody will make a fortune on this . All the data fail of the CanArrive app , with door to door collectors getting shot at in Northern Alberta .

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It's likely a $2billion project.

The Kielburger bros can't be too busy these days, maybe they can take on the work?
I was laughing at the banned mortars. Banning the ammunition may make sense but the launcher is a glorified piece of pipe (as with rocket launchers where much of the world restricts the ammunition but not the launch pipe).
I haven't tried it and don't intend to but I think I could make a crude hand gun with a trip to Home Depot for parts and a few hours with my drill press. The 22LRs would be harder to make.

This chicken little sky is falling is insane.
We on average get one gun related homicide a day.
We get 10 alcohol related deaths per day.
We get 20 drug deaths per day.

Poor Granny is shivering in her boots about getting shot. She is ignoring that her grandchildren are 20 times more likely to OD.
You don’t need to go to Home Depot . You can buy an “antique” flint lock muzzle loading pistol at any of the 6 “ flea market “ gun shows annually in southern Ontario . Take apart some legal fireworks and you have powder , load it with an appropriate size marble or pebble. At 8 ft it would put a hole in a victims head the size of a beer can. No PAL required to buy
Don’t want a flint lock? Go buy another actual center fire handgun that is considered a discontinued caliber . No PAL required ( it’s an antique) and guess what’s also at tbe 6-8 gun shows every month?? 10 guys selling discontinued cartridges! And look like you know what you’re talking about and they won’t ask for a PAL either .

The current legislation around handguns is retarded . My apologies in advance to the retards .

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Watched this and all it did was to make me feel old. Damn
Interesting that it appears passive. It looks like it provides you information but doesn't change the optics to take the information into account. I assume that the red dot moves based on the rangefinder and DA but it wasn't clear. I'm not sure about that wind hold (especially useless at its advertised 2000 yard range).
2000yds ? I don’t hunt anymore , but would anybody risk a 2000yd shot at anything ? Im not sure I could see a target that far out , I guess unless I’m using that scope .

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