We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

It's about property owners losing their property rights . Today it's legal tomorrow it's not . For no satisfactory reason . Many of these guns have been in Canada for decades . The owners use them responsibly . Just because you don't shoot does not mean others shouldn't . Gun owners are probably the most law abiding people in Canada . Taking their guns and saying it's to make us safer is a big lie .

Can you point out where these proud boys and right-wing militia are in Canada ?
lol well.... Gavin McInnes is Canadian.... Proud Boys (not started here I know) as one exmaple have just been labelled a terrorist group by the government here--it was on the news and all, what is also imporant about that, HoC unanimous consent (not just Liberals). And yes, there are other groups operating and trying to start here, parts of Western Canada mostly but not only--no where near as bad as the US. My point is the big items on the list are there for a reason and not just ***** and giggles, RCMP, CSIS, etc. hands all over it....

I am not debating the property rights, my rights, who will protect my rights, its a privilege not a right, whatever. Just pointing out that this is not just about street level crime and there are bigger and obvious games afoot, including preemptive actions (agree with the tactic or not does not change what is happening).
lol well.... Gavin McInnes is Canadian.... Proud Boys (not started here I know) as one exmaple have just been labelled a terrorist group by the government here--it was on the news and all, what is also imporant about that, HoC unanimous consent (not just Liberals). And yes, there are other groups operating and trying to start here, parts of Western Canada mostly but not only--no where near as bad as the US. My point is the big items on the list are there for a reason and not just ***** and giggles, RCMP, CSIS, etc. hands all over it....

I am not debating the property rights, my rights, who will protect my rights, its a privilege not a right, whatever. Just pointing out that this is not just about street level crime and there are bigger and obvious games afoot, including preemptive actions (agree with the tactic or not does not change what is happening).
If you actually believe taking away guns from sport shooters and hunters . Will make anyone any safer you are clueless . In fact from what I read he is letting us keep our "assault style guns " . So they will not be gone .

If you believe that there is a bigger picture here . You bought the lie .
If you actually believe taking away guns from sport shooters and hunters . Will make anyone any safer you are clueless . In fact from what I read he is letting us keep our "assault style guns " . So they will not be gone .

If you believe that there is a bigger picture here . You bought the lie .
I haven't bought anything, maybe the RCMP and CSIS did?

IMO the approach is wrong, but I am no fool why for example a FIM-92, MARK153 or pick many other non-gun, launchers, mortars, etc. items that seem to make no sense are on the list.... these specific items (not all items on the list) were never about banning private personal use (do you know anyone that has one at the range????), street use, etc. The ban of these specific non-gun items in these specific cases target very specific organizations (currently and preemptively). Not sure why is that hard to understand, maybe just doesn't fit the narrative?
I haven't bought anything, maybe the RCMP and CSIS did?

IMO the approach is wrong, but I am no fool why for example a FIM-92, MARK153 or pick many other non-gun, launchers, mortars, etc. items that seem to make no sense are on the list.... these specific items (not all items on the list) were never about banning private personal use (do you know anyone that has one at the range????), street use, etc. The ban of these specific non-gun items in these specific cases target very specific organizations (currently and preemptively). Not sure why is that hard to understand, maybe just doesn't fit the narrative?
The panzerfaust is on the list too . Do you think there are groups just waiting to unleash them on us ? I think they even put a coffee company on the list. This is what you get when you put people that have no idea about firearms in charge . In C71 I think they just showed pictures to people and they raised their hands as to ye or no to restricting a rifle . If it was black or had a handgrip it was put on the bad list .
he is letting us keep our "assault style guns " . So they will not be gone .

Just like so many other prohibs.
They are still in private hands and fully operational so is it about public safety or..??
So now my AR15's are under house arrest. I can keep them, but... I just have to promise not to take them out of my house.
If these firearms are so dangerous why aren't they sending the police to kick down my door and confiscate them.?
The feds know their laws are BS and ineffective, but they're counting on them to be swallowed by the uninformed masses who will in turn vote liberal in the next election.

There's a much darker aspect to all this, but facing with the fact our gov't is out of control is enough to deal with at this time.

I'd be interested in the discourse here if we were talking about bikes.
They're too dangerous.
No one needs a bike
Riding is not a right so... We're banning private ownership of motorcycles.
If you own a bike, you can keep it, stored at your address, but it can't be sold, transferred or bequeathed.
You'll have the option to surrender your motorcycle. You may qualify for compensation the amount of which to be determined by the gov't.
(Likely pennies on the dollar)
There... we have effectively eliminated the carnage and death caused by motorcycles. Aren't we great? Vote for us.
It’s all very optics heavy. High power rifles are out “because snipers” but long range target shooting is a thing and this has caught some people up in the mess. Forget the fact that to my knowledge there haven’t been any sniper attacks in Canada. I didn’t buy an AR way back when as I kind of saw the writing on the wall. It’s all “look over there...don’t look at this” anyway due to the vaccine mess.
Just like so many other prohibs.
They are still in private hands and fully operational so is it about public safety or..??
So now my AR15's are under house arrest. I can keep them, but... I just have to promise not to take them out of my house.
If these firearms are so dangerous why aren't they sending the police to kick down my door and confiscate them.?
The feds know their laws are BS and ineffective, but they're counting on them to be swallowed by the uninformed masses who will in turn vote liberal in the next election.

There's a much darker aspect to all this, but facing with the fact our gov't is out of control is enough to deal with at this time.

I'd be interested in the discourse here if we were talking about bikes.
They're too dangerous.
No one needs a bike
Riding is not a right so... We're banning private ownership of motorcycles.
If you own a bike, you can keep it, stored at your address, but it can't be sold, transferred or bequeathed.
You'll have the option to surrender your motorcycle. You may qualify for compensation the amount of which to be determined by the gov't.
(Likely pennies on the dollar)
There... we have effectively eliminated the carnage and death caused by motorcycles. Aren't we great? Vote for us.
Unfortunately many people don't think for themselves . They let the TV sound bites rule them . This is all optics . Nothing to do with crime or safety . They will just legislate people out of their hobbies .

I really like the change to " assaults style rifles " . The legislation it's all a distraction . While people are hiding in fear the government does what it wants .
I liked the one "if you need an AR15 for hunting, you suck at it"
Guns have only two enemies - rust and politicians
Just want to point out my situation as I was never interested in owning a firearm until covid hit. But in protest of the gun ban I decided I was going to get my license once the restrictions eased. I saw through the BS from the start of the government using a national tragedy to push an agenda. Before I even had a license I donated to the CCFR in their lawsuit against the gov't.

So in protest I did my PAL/RPAL course, it was finally accepted a couple weeks ago since they were so backlogged, and I'll be picking up my Glock 17 on Friday and hopefully a bolt action somewhere in the future.

I'm sure there are many like me as well. Anecdotally, I noticed among my friend groups a lot more people are interested in owning firearms since COVID - and in the US there was an uptick in more left leaning people looking to get guns.

Overall, I'm curious to see what the new PAL numbers will be for 2020 and 2021 and 2022 - albeit the class sizes were smaller due to restrictions.
The panzerfaust is on the list too . Do you think there are groups just waiting to unleash them on us ? I think they even put a coffee company on the list. This is what you get when you put people that have no idea about firearms in charge . In C71 I think they just showed pictures to people and they raised their hands as to ye or no to restricting a rifle . If it was black or had a handgrip it was put on the bad list .
Outsmarted by of all people, JT and Bill Blair?
I liked the one "if you need an AR15 for hunting, you suck at it"
Guns have only two enemies - rust and politicians

The govt relies on people's ignorance...
Up until 1977 hunting with an AR pattern rifle was legal. Most provincial hunting regulations though make it illegal to use .223 on anything larger than coyotes. In many areas you couldn't use an AR for deer hunting not because it's too powerful, but rather because it's not powerful enough..! Yes, you can get AR pattern rifles chambered in larger calibers, but the vast majority of these rifles are .223/5.56... Basically a soop'd up .22

So... Justin's opinion that "you don't need an AR15 to take down a deer" is extremely misleading.

1. Since being declared/classified as a "restricted firearm" in 1977 it has (already) been illegal to hunt using an AR15.

~So now I guess it's more illegal-er

2. No ethical hunter would use such a small caliber firearm to hunt deer.

3. In many/most areas hunting deer with a .223 is against regulations. This is worth noting in that often provincial fish and game regulations are enforced with penalties far more severe than those in the Criminal code.
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The govt relies on people's ignorance...
Up until 1977 hunting with an AR pattern rifle was legal. Most provincial hunting regulations though make it illegal to use .223 on anything larger than coyotes. In many areas you couldn't use an AR for deer hunting not because it's too powerful, but rather because it's not powerful enough..! Yes, you can get AR pattern rifles chambered in larger calibers, but the vast majority of these rifles are .223/5.56... Basically a soop'd up .22

So... Justin's opinion that "you don't need an AR15 to take down a deer" is extremely misleading.

1. Since being declared/classified as a "restricted firearm" in 1977 it has (already) been illegal to hunt using an AR15.

~So now I guess it's more illegal-er

2. No ethical hunter would use such a small caliber firearm to hunt deer.

3. In many/most areas hunting deer with a .223 is against regulations. This is worth noting in that often provincial fish and game regulations are enforced with penalties far more severe than those in the Criminal code.
My firearms instructor had told me a few years ago that back in the 80s it was possible to hunt with a handgun in Ont, and there was a veterinary doctor in york region that would use a 45 colt to put down farm animals up till late 80s
I protested yesterday by buying a new gun.

Protests don't accomplish much, but hey.... New gun..!!!?

I'm "protesting" today by not going to work and instead going to the the range... So in a 'round about way the gov't who wants to take away all my firearms is paying me to go shoot today...?
My firearms instructor had told me back in the 80s it was possible to hunt with a handgun in Ont,

Maybe not in the 80's, but certainly up until the 60's. and perhaps even the early 70's.

I know for sure people did so up until the 50's. It wasn't uncommon for guys on a moose hunt to bring guns other than their big game rifles in order to go after smaller game. shotguns for grouse and other birds. 22's and handguns for other small furry game.
Maybe not in the 80's, but certainly up until the 60's. and perhaps even the early 70's.

I know for sure people did so up until the 50's. It wasn't uncommon for guys on a moose hunt to bring guns other than their big game rifles in order to go after smaller game. shotguns for grouse and other birds. 22's and handguns for other small furry game.
One of my brothers friends got trapped in his tree stand by 7 coyotes this year while bow hunting. They wouldn't go away and he tried for hours. Needed to call in someone else to touch off a shotgun to make them run away as it was dark and he was getting really cold. It would have been simple if he was allowed to carry something that went bang without being a criminal.
I protested yesterday by buying a new gun.

Picked up a Sig X5 legion.


I'm spending the day learning how to reload. So far it’s been very therapeutic.

I'll look at the used listings to see if I can get a S&W TRR8 for under $1k then also think about getting a pony and a castle for $5.
One of my brothers friends got trapped in his tree stand by 7 coyotes this year while bow hunting. They wouldn't go away and he tried for hours. Needed to call in someone else to touch off a shotgun to make them run away as it was dark and he was getting really cold. It would have been simple if he was allowed to carry something that went bang without being a criminal.

Your brother's friend... Does he resemble this guy at all...?

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