We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

If you can find any...Sako ammo is $20 off per box for a max of 10 boxes until Dec 6th. Claim up to the 15th Dec. Mail in rebate. That would make some boxes of 20 centrefire rifle about $4 for 20 (.223) IF you can find any. I got 5 boxes at crappy tire but it will be about $13 a box after rebate.
All this is so depressing...

'How about some pics of us enjoying our sports..?





Finally bought a bunch of reloading equipment. Just a single stage press kit and some dies for various calibers. What do I need for cleaning cases? I saw one video where the guy just used a barrel brush to clean the inside of the neck of cartridges and a cloth to clean the outside (abrasive cloth?). I have a primer pocket cleaner in the kit. Will that do or do I need to get a tumbler or ultrasonic bath?
Depends on how clean you want your cases and really... the volume of cases you plan on cleaning.

I used to use a vibratory tumbler with dry media(crushed walnut), but... itc was dusty and the size of the machine limited the number of cases I could process at one time.

I ended up building my own wet tumbling set up and wont ever go back...
Depends on how clean you want your cases and really... the volume of cases you plan on cleaning.

I used to use a vibratory tumbler with dry media(crushed walnut), but... itc was dusty and the size of the machine limited the number of cases I could process at one time.

I ended up building my own wet tumbling set up and wont ever go back...

Do you just dry the wet cases in the oven? There’s some cheap Chinese tumblers on Amazon for about $100. I’m not doing industrial scale...will something like that do?
Do you just dry the wet cases in the oven? There’s some cheap Chinese tumblers on Amazon for about $100. I’m not doing industrial scale...will something like that do?
A smart guy I once worked for built a tumbler out of an old ATV tire. Put in some media, parts and water if you was and flip it on. I used it 20 years after he built it and it was still going strong. At some point along the way he added variable speed. It would probably cost more than 100 to replicate but it is more flexible and durable than a chinese tumbler.
Do you just dry the wet cases in the oven? There’s some cheap Chinese tumblers on Amazon for about $100. I’m not doing industrial scale...will something like that do?

Unless your in a huge hurry... Save the hydro/gas and just lay the wet brass out on an old towel... They'll dry over night.

I dont know about the Chinese tumblers. I built my own wet tumbler simply because the commercially available units were all too small.

As an aside... I also de-cap my brass BEFORE tumbling. 'Gets the primer pockets clean too.
Finally bought a bunch of reloading equipment. Just a single stage press kit and some dies for various calibers. What do I need for cleaning cases? I saw one video where the guy just used a barrel brush to clean the inside of the neck of cartridges and a cloth to clean the outside (abrasive cloth?). I have a primer pocket cleaner in the kit. Will that do or do I need to get a tumbler or ultrasonic bath?
I can lend you an ultrasonic to try. If you like it, you could look into pricing. L
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