VW deisel?? wtf...

As for my bike, I don't see the connection you are trying to make? The bike is a pleasure vehicle, and it is not used at all at the level as the cars are being used so it does not generate nearly as much CO2 emissions. Most newer bikes (mine is a 2014) are designed to pass strict emission standards in Europe anyway no?

Ohhh I can't say for 2014 models, my bike's a 2004; and around that time almost no bikes had a catalytic converter - which alone can count for LOTS of pollutants going into the air. The volume of pollutants is lower, as the bike consumes less fuel, but the concentration is many times worse.

The connection I was making that it seems rather hypocritical to heavily weight a car purchase based on it being "clean", AND own a heavily polluting pleasure vehicle, even if it isn't being used as often (riding around aimlessly polluting for no good reason, is counter-intuitive to tree-hugging...)

If you had said that you liked that it was a "clean" car, but would have bought one regardless because it met your other needs, then I'd understand. In any case, I'm just nitpicking :p
A friend in the Air Force tells me that when fighter jets need to land on an aircraft carrier, they start by dumping all their remaining fuel in the ocean. We're talking up to 15,000 litres just dumped away. One plane, one flight.

And as has been noted in this thread, passenger vehicles do not account for a very large percentage of GHG.

Hybrid and electric passenger vehicles are a thing because there is a growing number of self-righteous consumers who want to feel even better about themselves.

VW lied and cheated their way to "Green Diesel" period. I don't care about jets and coal plants and schiessen, VW knew the rules and regs going in and gamed it craptastically. I expect other OEM's to get the same fate if they too pulled the same scam.
I'd disagree pretty much everyone I talked to before buying it and still talk to now are the same. As soon as you are out of warranty do a DPF delete and tune it. Sure you are emitting more emissions but the fuel economy, reliability and power all go up. Straight up your the first person I heard that has said they purchased it with the main reason that it was eco friendly

I liked the fuel economy, wife wanted a hybrid but it made more sense for us, and the fact that it was a "clean" diesel didn't hurt because that was a big reason my wife wanted a hybrid (less emmisions). Using less gas is eco friendly too! (Same reason why we like to use our bikes for commuting) She never cared for the environment much before we had our kid lol
Aircraft max takeoff weight is higher than max landing weight. I remember a certain Canadian airline that uses a blue star as its logo took off from Pearson with an l-1011 tri-star plane bound for europe. Maintenancd forgot to remove landing gear lock pins, flight crew missed them during walkaround. End result, 20 tons of jet fuel dumped in Lake Ontario due to being over max landing weight. Landed, pins removed, refuelled and off it went.
Ohhh I can't say for 2014 models, my bike's a 2004; and around that time almost no bikes had a catalytic converter - which alone can count for LOTS of pollutants going into the air. The volume of pollutants is lower, as the bike consumes less fuel, but the concentration is many times worse.

The connection I was making that it seems rather hypocritical to heavily weight a car purchase based on it being "clean", AND own a heavily polluting pleasure vehicle, even if it isn't being used as often (riding around aimlessly polluting for no good reason, is counter-intuitive to tree-hugging...)

If you had said that you liked that it was a "clean" car, but would have bought one regardless because it met your other needs, then I'd understand. In any case, I'm just nitpicking :p

Never said it was my main reason for buying, but having it be "clean" didn't hurt, especially when the other option was a hybrid
Never said it was my main reason for buying, but having it be "clean" didn't hurt, especially when the other option was a hybrid

... but I would have never bought one had I known it polluted so badly. ...

womp womp!!! Haha, still nitpicking. Blame my client for not giving me enough work today LOL.

I'm glad you said that you commute on the bikes, though: Me too. The growing concern over our environment has dissuaded me from taking trips just for riding around aimlessly (and crappy local roads, I guess)
womp womp!!! Haha, still nitpicking. Blame my client for not giving me enough work today LOL.

I'm glad you said that you commute on the bikes, though: Me too. The growing concern over our environment has dissuaded me from taking trips just for riding around aimlessly (and crappy local roads, I guess)

Still don't know what you are nitpicking about?? Point is, these are marketed as "clean" diesels which were a factor in mine (and I'm sure many other's) decisions, in addition to the spectacular fuel economy that these cars get which was the primary factor in my decision (an I'm sure many other's as well)
Isn't there something going on with Chryslers made under M-B control. Fritz didn't put in enough rivets or something.

I think the universal corporate definition of unethical is "Loses money."

Actually a corporation can make money and still be corporately unethical by just not making enough.

I wonder how the VW warranty department would feel if someone programmed VW odometers to read half the KM's when at the dealers.
Still don't know what you are nitpicking about?? Point is, these are marketed as "clean" diesels which were a factor in mine (and I'm sure many other's) decisions, in addition to the spectacular fuel economy that these cars get which was the primary factor in my decision (an I'm sure many other's as well)

You really are one of very few. Diesel itself is not the a clean alternative, it's just cleaner than it used to be. Every diesel owner I know, neutered a bunch of emission control, or plan to do it after it's out of warranty. This "OMG my diesel is not cleaner than a white unicorn, my dreams are crushed" is a bunch of bull from people that hope to get money out out of a class auction lawsuit. I am willing to bet if diesels were offered without the NA emission controls, which lowers fuel mileage and power, most people would still buy them in a heart beat.
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EPA is US regulations right?
How does this affect Canadian cars?
Pretty sure our emission requirements mirror the US. Environment Canada has opened an investigation into the issue.
You really are one of very few. Diesel itself is not the a clean alternative, it's just cleaner than it used to be. Every diesel owner I know, neutered a bunch of emission control, or plan to do it after it's out of warranty. This "OMG my diesel is not cleaner than a white unicorn, my dreams are crushed" is a bunch of bull from people that hope to get money out out of a class auction lawsuit. I am willing to bet if diesels were offered without the NA emission controls, which lowers fuel mileage and power, most people would still buy them in a heart beat.

I guess I am one of the few then.... I know a lot of people chip and tune their cars, but I'm not one of them..... If I was after performance, I definitely would not have bought a diesel!!
And yes, I agree diesel is not the cleanest alternative (or the cheapest), but the associated "penalty" of buying a diesel car that was there is the past, (i.e. black smoke from the exhaust, soot etc), is not supposed to be there with the new generation of diesels. I'm no tree hugger, but now that I have a kid, I like to think that I try to make more "responsible" decisions now.... so if I have a choice to buy something that I think lessens my carbon footprint, then I would do it.
So, when are you selling your bike? You better be using a mechanical push mower for your grass and definitively not fly anywhere for vacation. You know, reducing your footprint and all.

I guess I am one of the few then.... I know a lot of people chip and tune theisr cars, but I'm not one of them..... If I was after performance, I definitely would not have bought a diesel!!
And yes, I agree diesel is not the cleanest alternative (or the cheapest), but the associated "penalty" of buying a diesel car that was there is the past, (i.e. black smoke from the exhaust, soot etc), is not supposed to be there with the new generation of diesels. I'm no tree hugger, but now that I have a kid, I like to think that I try to make more "responsible" decisions now.... so if I have a choice to buy something that I think lessens my carbon footprint, then I would do it.
So, when are you selling your bike? You better be using a mechanical push mower for your grass and definitively not fly anywhere for vacation. You know, reducing your footprint and all.

Nobody has to sell their bikes. We just need to start lane splitting.

The same study found considerable environmental benefits to lane splitting. Not because bikes emit less carbon (many larger bikes are as bad as cars), but because every bike that lane splits actively reduces the amount of time every other vehicle on the road spends sitting in traffic jams.

Most newer bikes (mine is a 2014) are designed to pass strict emission standards in Europe anyway no?

Not really. Although a few of the new designs, as the Honda NC750, are doing a lot better than most of the other bikes, motorcycles still lose out on the tailpipe emissions compared to cars mainly because of limited overall space in a motorcycle engine to greenify emissions, and lack of technological development due to not having regulations for years. NC750 is doing well beyond the current standards because it literally has half of the engine of Honda Fit.

As for VW, I really doubt they are stupid enough to put the company image on the line for this. My guess is that there is more to this story than we currently know. They can't be the only one.

Many air pollution experts have long believed that other manufacturers operate their own versions of VW’s defeat devices.“Virtually all new vehicles in recent years appear to emit substantially more NOx in the real-world than they do when tested in labs, irrespective of manufacturer,” said Prof Lewis. “VW appear to have been caught red-handed, but it would seem highly likely that others have also played dubious games to pass emissions tests.”Ian Colbeck, professor of aerosol science at the University of Essex, commented: “It has been observed for some time that real world driving conditions do not deliver the emission reductions shown in the laboratory. The European Commission will require real world tests in 2017.”
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Oh, it's downright stupid to drink bottled water. Up next... bottled air. Chances are VW will send you a coupon as part of the settlement.
Didn't Michael Jackson already do that with his hypo- something sleeping chamber?

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