VW deisel?? wtf...

So it appears VW engineered the onboard computer to enable emissions when being tested then cutout and spew 40 times the legal limits when not connected to a test unit. Facing 18 billion in fines, 37,000 dollars for each car sold. And there is no way this engineering could be done without the CEO (an engineer) knowing, yet he still has a job.
Sales of diesel vehicles suspended in Canada. Sneaky Germans.

Actually, I hear the CEO doesn't have a job at this point anymore
Yes, that is exactly what's happening.

Although the ENTIRE automotive industry only accounts for 20% of the air pollution problem, THAT is the reason your kids will be brain damaged.

This ^

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
I'm more shocked they were actually able to make an electronic device that worked as intended...


The electrical and electronic gremlins made me abandon the Reich and sell out to the Emperor of Japan :cool:
My wife and I love our TDI wagon, we bought it earlier this year and have already put more than 20 K on it! I love the power, handling and especially the fuel economy, but I would have never bought one had I known it polluted so badly. Really disappointed as I thought I would be keeping this car until it died..... very interested to see how VW is going to fix it. Already a law firm in Canada is planning on filing a class action lawsuit for owners.
i love my tdi even more now.

Any recall letters pertaining to this "fix" will go straight to the garbage.
... I love the power, handling and especially the fuel economy, but I would have never bought one had I known it polluted so badly....

So, as others have asked already - will you and your wife be selling your motorcycle(s?), which (I'm assuming) you ride mostly for pleasure, that has no catalytic converter and thus spew pollutants from the tailpipe at much higher concentrations than any other passenger vehicle?

It saddens me that VW did this - especially that they probably didn't need to in order to sell their cars. That being said, I'll still ride my motorcycle until uncle sam is charging me so much for gas and I gotta go electric for all my commuting needs.

A few thoughts:
1. It was/is hilarious listing to people calling into radio stations (am640 specifically) this morning spewing their rationale pro/against VW

2. Silly people that don't know the difference between an imperial gallon and a US gallon

3. Those that believe it's only isolated with VW
Already a law firm in Canada is planning on filing a class action lawsuit for owners.

This doesn't make sense - at the moment this is a regulatory issue. It might make sense down the road, if VW's fix ends up crippling the cars somehow, but it's a bit early to call
So, as others have asked already - will you and your wife be selling your motorcycle(s?), which (I'm assuming) you ride mostly for pleasure, that has no catalytic converter and thus spew pollutants from the tailpipe at much higher concentrations than any other passenger vehicle?

It saddens me that VW did this - especially that they probably didn't need to in order to sell their cars. That being said, I'll still ride my motorcycle until uncle sam is charging me so much for gas and I gotta go electric for all my commuting needs.


We decided to buy it because of the fuel economy and the fact that it was marketed as a "clean" diesel. We opted against buying a hybrid because of the amount of highway miles that we do. I liked the fuel economy and my wife liked the fact that is was (wrongfully) marketed as being eco friendly. I'm sure if you asked a lot of people on TDI boards, that would be a reason they bought it too.
As for my bike, I don't see the connection you are trying to make? The bike is a pleasure vehicle, and it is not used at all at the level as the cars are being used so it does not generate nearly as much CO2 emissions. Most newer bikes (mine is a 2014) are designed to pass strict emission standards in Europe anyway no?
This doesn't make sense - at the moment this is a regulatory issue. It might make sense down the road, if VW's fix ends up crippling the cars somehow, but it's a bit early to call

There will be a lot of chest-thumping and outrage coming from eco-conscious consumers.
My wife and I love our TDI wagon, we bought it earlier this year and have already put more than 20 K on it! I love the power, handling and especially the fuel economy, but I would have never bought one had I known it polluted so badly. Really disappointed as I thought I would be keeping this car until it died..... very interested to see how VW is going to fix it. Already a law firm in Canada is planning on filing a class action lawsuit for owners.

Ok i will help you out and get you out of this jam..... i'll give u $500 for it....no need to thank me just sign here X______________
i love my tdi even more now.

Any recall letters pertaining to this "fix" will go straight to the garbage.
Just curiois why you like it more now? Billy badass aside
A friend in the Air Force tells me that when fighter jets need to land on an aircraft carrier, they start by dumping all their remaining fuel in the ocean. We're talking up to 15,000 litres just dumped away. One plane, one flight.

And as has been noted in this thread, passenger vehicles do not account for a very large percentage of GHG.

Hybrid and electric passenger vehicles are a thing because there is a growing number of self-righteous consumers who want to feel even better about themselves.
Why would they even do this in the first place?

This is a great question. One theory I've seen is they overestimated their ability to make a diesel that did not rely on a urea injection system, and decided to fake it until they had one in place
Finger pointing at worse examples of harmful environment practices shouldn't let VW off the hook.

It's a bloody shame because, this is my second VW TDI and it's been a pleasure to drive.

I suspect they don't have a solution because it started way back in 2009 and kept doing right up until 2016. So I'm not holding my breath for an effective recall fix in the near future. If at all, they will update the ECM and likely bugger up the car for premature wear on the emissions which will cost a fortune to replace, and need replacement more frequently. At 40 time more junk, seems like it will be pretty darn frequent.

Don't think owners or VW are looking forward to the cost, inconvenience to make things right.

It's an ugly mess.

But, I'm gonna drive my Scarlett letter TDI until I'm told not to. It's a company car and can't really do anything until I'm told there is something to do.

Grab your face masks folks!
I'm not defending VW. Their stupid scheme is worthy of a harsh punishment.

It's the sanctimony that gets to me.
We decided to buy it because of the fuel economy and the fact that it was marketed as a "clean" diesel. We opted against buying a hybrid because of the amount of highway miles that we do. I liked the fuel economy and my wife liked the fact that is was (wrongfully) marketed as being eco friendly. I'm sure if you asked a lot of people on TDI boards, that would be a reason they bought it too.
As for my bike, I don't see the connection you are trying to make? The bike is a pleasure vehicle, and it is not used at all at the level as the cars are being used so it does not generate nearly as much CO2 emissions. Most newer bikes (mine is a 2014) are designed to pass strict emission standards in Europe anyway no?

I'd disagree pretty much everyone I talked to before buying it and still talk to now are the same. As soon as you are out of warranty do a DPF delete and tune it. Sure you are emitting more emissions but the fuel economy, reliability and power all go up. Straight up your the first person I heard that has said they purchased it with the main reason that it was eco friendly

When I bought mine no one pitched it as being eco friendly at all and I bought it from a VW dealership. Now with that being said if any of these fixes cause me to be forced into doing something outside of the regular maintenance schedule and cause the vehicle to have a negative outcome i'll be the first to sign up on a lawsuit.
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