victim of Road Rage, hit and run by a coworker, how should I handle this?

Unions protect the employees.

And how in the **** is this thread still alive?????????????????????

Only if the union bureacracy decides to file a grievance or whatever. If the union is corrupt, which most are, they will leave you to be crushed by the company. No union = direct complaint to MOL and an inspector is sent. No middle man, unions can go **** themselves.
Only if the union bureacracy decides to file a grievance or whatever. If the union is corrupt, which most are, they will leave you to be crushed by the company. No union = direct complaint to MOL and an inspector is sent. No middle man, unions can go **** themselves.

Now i know in fact your a troll with that statement.
To do what with? Make paper airplanes? I already reported the guy to the fire chief. Who knows what he did, if anything, perhaps he deleated the email as spam. That's the extent of what the cops will do in this situation.

Reported to the fire chief. Lol. Most of the Platoon Chief's I know would read your email in the morning briefing to the guy's. Then the guys would spend five minutes discussing it, and laughing at you. If it made it to the District chief; Guy #1 would get called into the office and told to stay away from you so it doesn't escalate any further; then spend two minutes laughing at you.
It really doesn't matter, it will be me saying see you later to the company and I filing for Employment Insurance and moving onto a better managed company. The ministry of labour is obligated to send an inspector to review matters pertaining to health and safety. I am not in union, so the union can go **** themselves. There is no union for the company to hide behind here.

What a pile of crap. Idiots like you abuse the system and then expect us to pay your wages. :violent1:
Do us a favor and tell #1,2, &3 to log onto GTAM so we get a true perspective of what really happened.
Reported to the fire chief. Lol. Most of the Platoon Chief's I know would read your email in the morning briefing to the guy's. Then the guys would spend five minutes discussing it, and laughing at you. If it made it to the District chief; Guy #1 would get called into the office and told to stay away from you so it doesn't escalate any further; then spend two minutes laughing at you.

Almost had me convinced you were a fire fighter there ..

Your rank structure is what throws you to the dogs.
Thanks for the legal lesson, if you decide to pay my billible rate. I will gladly let you know exactly how it's going to end.

Here's a scenario for you. As is known with insurance, 1 million dollars in accident benefits is mandatory. This goes towards wage replacement and medical bills for whatever length to rehabilation. The recent changes to insurance put in place a 30 000 dollar deductlible for the right to sue. Let's say the company ignores my complaints against guy #1 and guy #2 and I am run off the road and I am hurt severely, I am covered regardless in the no fault scheme. After the fact I will have little problem finding a lawyer that will have zero problem suing guy #1 or guy #2 and also listing the company on the suit. If the company is listed they are required by law to retain a lawyer. It is in the company's interest to address the situation.
Here's a scenario for you. As is known with insurance, 1 million dollars in accident benefits is mandatory. This goes towards wage replacement and medical bills for whatever length to rehabilation. The recent changes to insurance put in place a 30 000 dollar deductlible for the right to sue. Let's say the company ignores my complaints against guy #1 and guy #2 and I am run off the road and I am hurt severely, I am covered regardless in the no fault scheme. After the fact I will have little problem finding a lawyer that will have zero problem suing guy #1 or guy #2 and also listing the company on the suit. If the company is listed they are required by law to retain a lawyer. It is in the company's interest to address the situation.

If you're talking about 3rd party liability coverage, then $1M is not mandatory.
Here's a scenario for you. As is known with insurance, 1 million dollars in accident benefits is mandatory. This goes towards wage replacement and medical bills for whatever length to rehabilation. The recent changes to insurance put in place a 30 000 dollar deductlible for the right to sue. Let's say the company ignores my complaints against guy #1 and guy #2 and I am run off the road and I am hurt severely, I am covered regardless in the no fault scheme. After the fact I will have little problem finding a lawyer that will have zero problem suing guy #1 or guy #2 and also listing the company on the suit. If the company is listed they are required by law to retain a lawyer. It is in the company's interest to address the situation.

And how do you plan to make sure you only hurt severely (God forbid it actually happens) and not "dead and very right"?
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