Vespa on the 401, totally do-able but...

You know how they say the bigger the vehicle, the smaller a guy's dick?

... Your cock must be HUGE Mad Mike.
Big enough to pull off a DL650 Vstrom.
Years ago I was at Mosport and Suzuki had a "demo" thing going.
I signed up to ride a GSXR1000. Being the knob that I am, I was the last bike to leave... except for the sweep rider (Owen Weichel IIRC) from Suzuki, that was riding a big Burgman.
I want to be last so I can fall off the pace... then blast to catch up. So I fall off as much as I can, till the sweep rider is pushing me, so wack open the throttle....
That Burgman is RIGHT THERE... I'm not slow, I know the roads and I CAN"T LOSE THE SCOOTER. WTF?
When we got back to Mosport I went to talk to the sweep rider... there was nothin' left to the body work on the bottom of the Burgman. All ground off, right down to the frame, no center stand, no side stand.
Seems the sweep rider ALWAYS ends up riding the Burgman.
They had a racing team in Italy.Screen Shot 2023-10-18 at Oct, 18    2023    7.22.37 PM.jpg
eCVT in power mode was terrific fun in the twists

Talking High praise for 650 Burgman

Out for my Sunday ride down my favourite windy mountain road when I was over taken dangerously close by an R1

.So the red mist came down and I was OFF. Power button on I caught him in 3 corners and over took him on the 5 sweeper scraping my knee and the centre stand.(I was wearing my leather pants with knee sliders as I had Just been down the same road on my 916 duke about 2 hours ago, and then went home to get the wife to go for a ride with her on her cruiser)

Well he was so shocked that he waved me over and said that he never thought that in his widest dreams he would be overtaken buy a scooter. He took a photo of the bike after I gave him all the details about it he left still shaking his head.

I know what you are all thinking an R1 against a 650 Burgman how is that possible well there a lot of factors that need to be looked at

1 I know the road like the back of my hand
2 all the corners are no more than 45ks
3 short straights
4 I have done track days on my Burgman and have a racing back ground

I am always in awe of what this bike can do
The wife caught up with me and just shook her head and said you just had to do it didn't you
well I said a challenge was thrown down and had to be answered

I had a lot of fun in the 100,000 km I put on the two 650s I owned.
Years ago I was at Mosport and Suzuki had a "demo" thing going.
I signed up to ride a GSXR1000. Being the knob that I am, I was the last bike to leave... except for the sweep rider (Owen Weichel IIRC) from Suzuki, that was riding a big Burgman.
I want to be last so I can fall off the pace... then blast to catch up. So I fall off as much as I can, till the sweep rider is pushing me, so wack open the throttle....
That Burgman is RIGHT THERE... I'm not slow, I know the roads and I CAN"T LOSE THE SCOOTER. WTF?
When we got back to Mosport I went to talk to the sweep rider... there was nothin' left to the body work on the bottom of the Burgman. All ground off, right down to the frame, no center stand, no side stand.
Seems the sweep rider ALWAYS ends up riding the Burgman.
There was a guy named Tyler who worked for Suzuki - he would constantly embarrass people on a 650 Burgman.
I want to be last so I can fall off the pace... then blast to catch up. So I fall off as much as I can, till the sweep rider is pushing me, so wack open the throttle....
That Burgman is RIGHT THERE... I'm not slow, I know the roads and I CAN"T LOSE THE SCOOTER. WTF?
Similar on King Road coming up the little twists heading east.
Two guys on sport touring bikes nail it and the Burgman hangs in easily.
Turn left up toward the Forks .....same thing tho a bit more moderate acceleration given OPP about.

Get to the Forks and the VFR guy comes up with shocked look ..."what is that thing?".
Then my turn for surprise as his was a VFR800 slouch at all and a bike I'd always wanted to own..
We chatted and bit and he left shaking his head in surprise.

This is a fair review and amusing....I've owned both and the Burgman 50650 is a step up from the Honda tho the Honda is quick. I actually got into the maxis after reading this review.


Aside from abusive on tires, both bikes were trouble free. I needed a battery each on the two I owned.
I rode the Burgman through some very nasty and cold weather through a storm front heading to W Virginia ....12 degrees and raining yet remained mostly dry and did not even have to put on my gauntlets but rode with the heated gloves liner alone. Very memorable ride that.

I did the Mosport Track on the then new C650 from BMW who clearly wanted in on the success Suz was enjoying with the 650 Burgman in Europe.
I got desginated as I was the only one knew how it worked. :sneaky:
It was fun, handled well and kept up with the lead bike easily in acceleration up to 100 kph.
Talking afterward he said he admired the C650. We looped the track then went on a short tour of the area.
More traditional tech than the Burgman and tight ergo if you were above 5'9.
The Burgman had a more flexible seating design.
Those experiences made it easy to adapt to the SMax I managed to total as simlar ergo and controls.
That step through design likely saved my leg in the broadside.
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And then there is this

Probably the most famous scoot (Sting's bike in the movie Quadrophenia). I kinda wish these caught on here... I'd ride that... with my war time coat and my hair cut neat... well except for the haircut part.
And then there is this

Probably the most famous scoot (Sting's bike in the movie Quadrophenia). I kinda wish these caught on here... I'd ride that... with my war time coat and my hair cut neat... well except for the haircut part.
A buddy brought me his BW50. His complaint was it would hardly make it up the Pottery Rd. hill.
Can I do something with it?
When I was done it would wheelie up the Pottery Rd. hill at 80kph. Doubling the engine size will do that sort of thing.
It was a fun bike. It ended up being used to courier photo proofs around the city, and it got run into the ground.
I am currently working on (actually doing my best to ignore) a buddie's 8 yr. grandson's goofy little ATV... same motor.
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15 years ago I was crusing down the 400 doing about 120 when a vespa passed by me... I was so surprised at the time, I had my wife take a video on whatever crappy device we had handy at the time:

lol.. u got outran by a Vespa... BURNNNNN... lollllll :)

I don't know if any of you remember... back in the day.. Car2Go was in Toronto.. and you rent out Smart cars by the KM... i remember one time I was in a hurry and an M3 pulled up next to me.. at first he wasn't racing me off the line.. but after I kept flooring the accelerator and speed to the next light.. he caught on and tried to race me off the light... and EVERYTIME (like for the next 2 light...) I was able to pull away from him at the lights until he got into 2nd gear... he ended looking at me all red-face.. and i made a right turn and left to mind my own business...
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