Verizon possibly coming to CAN and the three stoogers are scared ********!!

Industry Minister replies to all the campaigning by Bell/Rogers, etc.

[h=1]A Telecom Policy for All Canadians[/h]I am pleased to respond to many of the issues raised in the letter printed in the Financial Post today written by Anthony Fell, Bell Canada Enterprises Board Member.

I recognize that Canada’s largest wireless companies have responsibilities to their shareholders and their bottom line, and I also understand the need to pressure our Government to design policies that serve the interests of their firms. However, Mr. Fell’s letter is filled with assumptions about the outcome of the upcoming spectrum auction, and misinformation about the intent of our Government’s policy.

Our policy is designed to benefit Canadian consumers, first and foremost - and our policy will achieve this goal. Since 2008, due to liberalized investment rules and a consumer-centered policy on roaming service, rural spectrum deployment, antenna tower and site sharing, our Government has delivered for Canadians.

At times, Canada’s telecommunications firms have agreed with our reforms, at other times they have disagreed, but at no point have their views not been understood by our Government or not been incorporated into our policy deliberations.

I have tremendous respect for the leaders of Canada’s telecommunications firms and their drive to do what is best for their shareholders. However, our responsibility is toward a broader public interest, and we are serving Canadians with our policy approach.

In his letter, Mr. Fell says our policies are merely “a political populist initiative to capitalize on a mis-informed public view” of Canada’s telecommunications industry. I can assure Mr. Fell that our policies were quite deliberate, based on a great deal of consultation with all players – including Canada’s wireless companies – and will serve Canadians well.

Unlike Mr. Fell, I do not believe the public is misinformed. I think Canadians know very well what is at stake and they know dishonest attempts to skew debates via misleading campaigns when they see them. Equally, Canadian consumers know instinctively that more competition will serve their families well through better service and lower prices.

Hon. James Moore, PC, MP
Minister of Industry

Anybody with half a brain should know the lies these guys are spewing.

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Anybody with half a brain should know the lies these guys are spewing.

Sent from my tablet using my paws

That's the first time I've been happy with an MP in recent memory.
Would they not try to charge the highest prices the market will bear?

No, it means making as much profit as the market can bear, meaning offering lower prices to gain market share.

This is still a long, long way from happening but at the end of the day if Verizon ever gets it's slice of the Canadian pie, we will know if they really shook things up by the way customer service improves (or not) amongst tel. cos.
With RIM/Blackberry going up for sale it's quite possible that Verizon will take their spot.

By the way, Rogers has jacked up their cellular prices as of last week. No more 3 year contracts. Everything now is squeezed into 2 year terms, however consumers will end up paying more for the service.
With RIM/Blackberry going up for sale it's quite possible that Verizon will take their spot.

By the way, Rogers has jacked up their cellular prices as of last week. No more 3 year contracts. Everything now is squeezed into 2 year terms, however consumers will end up paying more for the service.

That's actually a good thing. Higher prices and shorter contracts make it more likely that customers will switch. Customer loyalty is one of the biggest reasons there's no real competition in Canada, and customers are loyal because we all know the alternatives suck just as bad. But if we could switch back and forth easily, then they'd have to actually fight for our money.
Rogers, Bell and Telus have severely charred if not burned several bridges in their liasons with the Government. Being thrown under the bus and having misinformation told about you doesnt sit well with politicians. Good, hopefully government officials memories are long and their justice severe.
With RIM/Blackberry going up for sale it's quite possible that Verizon will take their spot.

By the way, Rogers has jacked up their cellular prices as of last week. No more 3 year contracts. Everything now is squeezed into 2 year terms, however consumers will end up paying more for the service.

Don't know what BB has to do with a phone carrier, but ok....

As for the 2 yr contracts, that was a Legal Mandate by the Government. They've just adjusted the subsidy on the phone to reflect that.
It will take a while for Joe Canuck to realize that the $700 smartphone he's used to getting for $0, is no more.
Don't know what BB has to do with a phone carrier, but ok....

As for the 2 yr contracts, that was a Legal Mandate by the Government. They've just adjusted the subsidy on the phone to reflect that.
It will take a while for Joe Canuck to realize that the $700 smartphone he's used to getting for $0, is no more.

That's the funny thing - the CRTC and the Harper government are trying to brand themselves as 'consumer advocates' more than ever. Bell, TELUS and Rogers surely won't take a hit on profitability just because they are not allowed to offer 3 year contracts. Those 3 year contracts were how your awesome Samsapplerry was so cheap.

Have fun with Verizon coming and offering 'rock bottom' pricing. We'll see how that all shakes out.
The problem is that everyone is paying for their services no matter what the costs, these are the same people complaining. Why don't we all collectively stop paying for their data plan? Guess what will happen next?

Awesome! Another provider to bend us over for rates. :rolleyes:
That's the funny thing - the CRTC and the Harper government are trying to brand themselves as 'consumer advocates' more than ever. Bell, TELUS and Rogers surely won't take a hit on profitability just because they are not allowed to offer 3 year contracts. Those 3 year contracts were how your awesome Samsapplerry was so cheap.

Have fun with Verizon coming and offering 'rock bottom' pricing. We'll see how that all shakes out.

Providers all around the world are still able to subsidize their phones for low cost on 2yr contracts, with plans that are less expensive than Robellus.

They were cheap on 3yr contracts because they wanted people locked in for as long as they could get away with. They've raised the prices now that 3yr contracts are banned because they know they can pass the blame to the CRTC and Joe Shmoe will eat it up, just like the LPIF on cable/sat bills.
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Why don't we all collectively stop paying for their data plan? Guess what will happen next?

We're still waiting for the gasoline boycott(s) to have an effect.
With RIM/Blackberry going up for sale it's quite possible that Verizon will take their spot.

A little birdie told me, and let me make this clear, its strictly *rumour* at this point, that RIM may be joining in the bidding for the wireless spectrum.

What do they have up their sleeve?

Some say it may have to do with this recent deal with Panasonic, where they are moving to do over the air updates to cars in the future perhaps via their own wireless network?
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