A Sara Palin fan? That explains EVERYTHING.
LOL the sound of her voice actually matched what came out of her butt. And she had the cheesy grin to back it up.
A Sara Palin fan? That explains EVERYTHING.
The militias are local, but they got lots of ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians that aren't fans of the new regime.. They even make up a small majority in the country (common figures are 55:45). Add to that the fact that certain parts of Eastern Ukraine were only taken away from Russia in the recent decades and that the locals weren't allowed to hold a referendum when the Soviet Union fell apart, it's no wonder they're calling for one now that the country was taken over by a putsch and they're getting a sympathetic ear from Russia. Russia wouldn't mind getting some of Eastern Ukraine either through annexation or as a friendly independent state both for the strategic value and because economically speaking, the East is Alberta, the West is Quebec.
For Russia, just getting Crimea back (60% Russian, 20% Russian-speaking Ukrainian) and putting an end to all the worries about having to lease a naval base is already a major win. With the rest of the East going up in flames over the new regime and any security forces sent in by the regime just switching sides to the local militias, it's no wonder Russia's considering annexing a bit more. This whole mess was created by the EU and the US in order to plunder Eastern Ukraine in the first place, so the Russians wouldn't mind dishing out a bit of poetic justice by taking the East back (with zero internal resistance) and leaving the EU with the Western Ukraine welfare case.
It would have been best for the Ukrainian people had the EU never astroturfed this putsch. Ukraine would have remained in one piece and they could have played one side off the other indefinitely.
This for sure. Hard to believe the world has come this far yet there are places that still operate like it's the stone age
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Im just wondering whats going to happen when russia doesnt back down?
A Sara Palin fan? That explains EVERYTHING.
Oh, I am.![]()
MOSCOW — Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Sunday that Ukraine's leaders had seized power illegally, and predicted their rule would end with "a new revolution [and] new bloodshed."
Medvedev said that, while Viktor Yanukovych had practically no authority, he remained the legitimate head of state according the constitution, adding: "If he is guilty before Ukraine - hold an impeachment procedure ... and try him."
"Everything else is lawlessness. The seizure of power," Medvedev said on his Facebook page. "And that means such order will be extremely unstable. It will end in a new revolution. New bloodshed."
The remarks were part of a series of Russian statements attacking the legitimacy of the pro-Western government that has been formed since Yanukovych fled Kiev more than a week ago. He surfaced on Friday in Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin obtained consent from the Kremlin-controlled parliament on Saturday to send the Russian military into Ukraine if he wishes, citing the need to protect Russian citizens and Russian-speakers in the neighboring state.
"Russia is ready to develop multi-faceted, respectful relations with brotherly Ukraine — mutually beneficial and effective relations," Medvedev said.
"But Ukraine for us is not a group of people who, pouring blood on the Maidan (Kiev's main square), seized power in violation of the constitution and other state laws."
"Russia needs a strong and stable Ukraine. A predictable and economically thriving partner," Medvedev said. "Not a poor relation that's always standing with a hand held out."
Russia promised heavily indebted Ukraine a $15 billion bailout after Yanukovich turned his back on deals with the European Union and instead said he would pursue closer trade ties with Russia, but suspended delivery as his grip loosened.
In a nut shell, if that's possible, can anyone explain how this all get started? I've tried reading up on this and can't really figure out how it's come to Russia trying to take over....
Well it all started in 862 when a number of states formed a loose association called Kievan Rus........
its actually very hard to put this into a nut shell type thing because there is tops of cultural history behind it. But basically Ukraine had a revolution kicked out its pro Russian leader and then Russia invaded the pro Russian autonomous region of Chrimea to protect its military interests and under the guise of protecting the ethic russian population that are there from the old ussr days.
Don't forget the part where the regime now in control of Kiev is full of fascist's and white supremacists a
so like Russia then... you think they would get along better
Russia invaded the pro Russian autonomous region of Chrimea to protect its military interests and under the guise of protecting the ethic russian population that are there from the old ussr days.
Considering past tensions, and how many ultra-nationalist Ukrainians would love nothing more than to eradicate Russians from their country, to me it's absolutely fundamental that Putin would wanna ensure the safety of his own people in the region.
The most violent and vocal parties in the recent protests have been members and supporters of Svoboda and Pravy Sektor. These people hate Russians, and they have now proven their power. It's naive to think that events would unfold peacefully without Russian military intervention in the region.
I wonder why they would hate Russians so much?
I wonder why they would hate Russians so much?