Ukraine anyone?

Cheerleading Ukrainian Fascism

Major media scoundrels praise what demands condemnation. They reinvent history doing it. Managed news misinformation substitutes for legitimate journalism. More on this below.
Ukraine's fascist coup against its democratically elected government was made in the USA.
Washington's dirty hands manipulated things. Billions of dollars were spent doing it. Obama got another imperial trophy - if he can keep it.
Events remain fluid. It's uncertain how they'll play out. For now, neo-Nazis control western Ukraine. Eastern areas reject them. Internal conflict may follow.
Kiev fascists are consolidating power. They ordered dozens of former ruling Party of Regions' officials arrested.
They have a growing enemies list. Anti-neo-Nazi Ukrainians are being attacked. They're stoned and beaten. Some are lynched.
Intimidation is widespread. Police states operate this way. Opposition isn't tolerated. Eliminating it is prioritized.
Natalia Vitrenko is a Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine leader. She's fiercely populist.
She's strongly anti-Western. She condemns predatory monied interests. She does so for good reason. In late 2009, she predicted something similar to what unfolded.

Ukraine was a playbook CIA coup d'état – Prof Francis Boyle

Anonymous operations expose Ukrainian Bandera nazis
Latest news is that the Ukrainian navy flagship completed a NATO anti-piracy operation and is sailing home, sporting a Russian flag. The Nazi regime asked the Turks not to let them through the Bosphorous Strait. So much about all Ukrainians being behind their new "government" lol
I have no idea what's going on now. Why is Russia putting militia in Ukraine? It seems like they want to reclaim it
I have no idea what's going on now. Why is Russia putting militia in Ukraine? It seems like they want to reclaim it

Reclaim it by reinstalling the ousted leader, who they will have in their back pocket.

bad times ahead
I have no idea what's going on now. Why is Russia putting militia in Ukraine? It seems like they want to reclaim it

The militias are local, but they got lots of ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians that aren't fans of the new regime.. They even make up a small majority in the country (common figures are 55:45). Add to that the fact that certain parts of Eastern Ukraine were only taken away from Russia in the recent decades and that the locals weren't allowed to hold a referendum when the Soviet Union fell apart, it's no wonder they're calling for one now that the country was taken over by a putsch and they're getting a sympathetic ear from Russia. Russia wouldn't mind getting some of Eastern Ukraine either through annexation or as a friendly independent state both for the strategic value and because economically speaking, the East is Alberta, the West is Quebec.

For Russia, just getting Crimea back (60% Russian, 20% Russian-speaking Ukrainian) and putting an end to all the worries about having to lease a naval base is already a major win. With the rest of the East going up in flames over the new regime and any security forces sent in by the regime just switching sides to the local militias, it's no wonder Russia's considering annexing a bit more. This whole mess was created by the EU and the US in order to plunder Eastern Ukraine in the first place, so the Russians wouldn't mind dishing out a bit of poetic justice by taking the East back (with zero internal resistance) and leaving the EU with the Western Ukraine welfare case.

It would have been best for the Ukrainian people had the EU never astroturfed this putsch. Ukraine would have remained in one piece and they could have played one side off the other indefinitely.
Time to call in Chuck Norris


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Reclaim it by reinstalling the ousted leader, who they will have in their back pocket.

bad times ahead

This for sure. Hard to believe the world has come this far yet there are places that still operate like it's the stone age

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world war 3 anyone?

I doubt it. The US can't afford it. They already borrowed against several future generations by fighting 2 wars against Mickey Mouse countries. A war against Russia would kill them financially.

Merkel gambled by astroturfing the putsch in Ukraine and lost. Now we're just waiting to see how much. Whether it's just strategic and prestige loss if Russia only gets Crimea or if it'll be a major financial loss if Eastern Ukraine falls under Russia's wing and Western Ukraine gets on the dole.
Im just wondering whats going to happen when russia doesnt back down?

On a side note..I heard today that iran wasnt building nukes and was doing power research. Sounds promising

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What happened to Obama's red line?

A White House official emailed some reporters to say that President Obama's team met today to discuss the ongoing situation on Ukraine. It appears President Obama did not attend.

"The President's national security team met today to receive an update on the situation in Ukraine and discuss potential policy options. We will provide further updates later this afternoon," reads the full statement
Maybe Obama's embarrassed about not showing up at the security briefing because of this:

In the heat of the 2012 campaign, during an October presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, Obama ridiculed Romney over his concern about Russia as a “geo-political” threat.

Obama attempted to paint Romney as somehow out-of-touch with 21st century geo-politics, suggesting (ironically, as we now know) that al-Qaeda was a bigger threat than Russia. “You said Russia. Not al-Qaeda. You said Russia,” Obama said regarding biggest threats. Then came this snarky blast:

“The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because…the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”

Setting aside the fact that while Obama suggested that al-Qaeda was the number-one geo-political threat in the world, later claimed that the terrorist group had been “decimated” and was “on the run” only to learn that it is now stronger and controls more territory that at any time in its history, could this snide comment to Romney look any more foolish that it now does?

This is the second time in a week that former Republican candidates — ridiculed at the time for their foreign policy observations — have been proved right about Russia; Sarah Palin predicted in 2008 that under a weak Obama, Russia would be tempted to invade Ukraine.

Incidentally, Palin has been consistently ridiculed for saying “I can see Russia from my house,” which she never said. What a tragedy that, as both Palin and Romney correctly feared, Ukrainians can now see Russians from their homes.
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