I thought Building Box became Lowe's?Which is now Lowe's.
Fyi, I worked at Aikenhead's.
Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
I thought Building Box became Lowe's?Which is now Lowe's.
just thinking why you'd take that much time out of your night to open the paint application, do that, then log onto tinypic.com to upload and then post on this. cool
yeah but taking the time out to write a meme. I'm assuming this neil is over 27. this guy really has nothing better to do?
Vous etes un fume jambon. continue a faire memes dans ton parc de caravanes. You can use google to translate that cause i know you you know you don't have the adequate mental functionality to comprehend
Takes 30 secs to make a meme dude...tinyurl?.... that's so 2010.
What makes you think I have the time to google translate that? Or why I'd even care to? What exactly is mental functionality, clinically speaking? Do you mean faculty; I'm sorry, I don't comprehend![]()
He called you trailer trash and a "smoked pig" (?) in a semi-intelligible, Anglo-Montreal kind of way.
He called you a "smoked pig" (?) in a semi-intelligible, Anglo-Montreal kind of way.
It's the use of slender that has me wondering. All the men I know use the word skinny to describe skinny guys.
It's the use of slender that has me wondering. All the men I know use the word skinny to describe skinny guys.
Why did you call Neil_V that piece of meat?