Two toronto guys in mtl playing uk grime set in their car

hey man. those are naked and famous. montreal brand. raw material from japan. and they are the best fitting pants ive ever worn from consistent leg day. girls grab my *** sometimes.

Translation: My mom sometimes grabs me by the ear for stealing my sisters pants
@Neil_V for the win!
@James25 is that really you in the pic? If so:
1. Not what I pictured you to look like
2. Kinda jealous of your hair
3. Why so serious?

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
My main concern is why is he panhandling on the side of the street? He told us he's chasing a big dream
My main concern is why is he panhandling on the side of the street? He told us he's chasing a big dream

Not panhandling... that there is Blue Steel... the duck face is strong young grasshopper
What's with the can next to you?

Dude, not sure why I am bothering but what you are missing is the fact that you seem to try VERY hard at fitting in and applying lipstick to your life.
Just go about doing what you want to do.
Look at how hard you are trying to convince ppl about the music you like.
A simple post e.g. Hey everyone, not sure if you heard but I stumbled upon these beats for any of you interested. It's called grime.

All your posts about you meeting girls on tinder is POINTLESS. All I read is them saying what's up to you. It's as if you said hey nice necklace and she said thanks. Somehow you paint the picture that thanks = you have game and she wants to bang you.

Until you post a pic with her in the same bed as you (block her face) or she texts you saying you were great in bed, lets have sex's all simple drive by hellos from your tinder meetings. Also, only kids need to show the world because women will NOT have sex with you if you are going to post their exploits.
They don't want to feel like a ...

good luck in your adventures
Not panhandling... that there is Blue Steel... the duck face is strong young grasshopper
There's a tin can besides him for collecting pocket change
Until you post a pic with her in the same bed as you (block her face) or she texts you saying you were great in bed, lets have sex's all simple drive by hellos from your tinder meetings.

.... or the fact that they're all 5000km away :rolleyes:
What legendary HD you ride? Vrod? Nightrod? Something with a rod in it. @$$rod?

This post leaves me feeling inspired.. it is about time for me to clear out the stable and start anew
I know a guy that has one of those ^^

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
HD - Home Depot?
Is that like Lowe's?

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
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