TV shows currently watching

True Detective S3 isn't disappointing like S2.
Oh you mean when they blew up Castle Loma! Haha, just finished it... still meh, but dark.

I looked but had a hard time recognizing which character was which from the cartoon I watched long ago. Between that and as has been said, being so dark, I'll pass for now.
I've watched the Becoming Warren Buffet documentary four or so times now. A very deep, inspiring and thoughtful individual/feature. It's a great great movie. Definitely watch it.

As I posted earlier, while rich people tend to have less ethics and morals (, this documentary is a splendid example of the best kind of contrast that's out there.
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acquired 20 seasons of the original Law & Order
great show
and kinda neat to be reminded of a time
when you had to stop at a pay phone to call in
and computers = a 12 in. CRT monitor that weighed the same as a car
and had 10 lines of green text to look at
The Bridge. The original Danish/Swedish crime series with subtitles. Scandinavian Noire and it’s pretty good. I think it’s from 2011 but it’s aged well. There’s 4 seasons of it but I’m getting through season one right now. Really good characters in it.

Back in 2015, FX C.E.O. John Landgraf predicted that we had reached a point of “peak TV,” an original programming bubble that would soon burst.

According to FX Networks’ number-crunching report released, 495 original scripted series aired in 2018.

The volume of new series appearing on Netflix, Prime, Crave and elsewhere is ridiculous. I don't have the time or interest in following 90% of what's being released.

On Miami Vice season 1 right now. What can I say..I like the old school stuff.
On Miami Vice season 1 right now. What can I say..I like the old school stuff.

Fun show back in the day, great intro. Does the show even hold up though?

The Volcanic Odysseys documentary series has been fascinating, lots of interesting info such as blue flame volcanoes, etc.

Thanks for that. I’ll put it on a watch list. A volcano near where I’m going soon has just started erupting, I’m reasonably excited.
Fun show back in the day, great intro. Does the show even hold up though?


Yes, it was a fun show, but it barely held up THEN, let alone now ;) With lots of gunfire in every episode I can only ever remember seeing blood once; a tiny red spot on someone's otherwise spotless white Panama Suit.
Goes for the majority of shows and many movies.
I have no problem finding lots of realism with violence on tv shows out there now. Great Canadian content like Frontier and Cardinal. Other shows like The Walking Dead, Vikings (especially the blood eagle scenes are pretty crazy), True Detective, etc. Tons in movies too obviously. Look at the last new movie I posted about, Upgrade, it showed a guy's head ripped off through the jaw, crazy.

As for current TV shows, Cardinal S3 is great so far, and almost done already. Truck Night in America S2 has begun. The course has been expanded and there's some pretty serious obstacles. It's now getting beyond daily-driver capability.
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Yeah, I watch Frontier, Vikings, etc. Maybe I'm just noticing when they don't show blood(cause it's not realistic) and when it does show, it's not odd, so I don't notice.
"The Umbrella Club" - Despite the fact that I could predict the dialogue and figured out where things were going pretty quickly, I still enjoyed it very much.
The man in the high castle

It's a pretty good show.

Yes it is! But season 3 started out weird and didn't have the same vibe as the other two. So I left it for now. Could be because I watched season 1 and 2 back to back. I over did it. Meh.
I found a new tv show to watch, Expedition Unknown.

It's about an Archaeologist doing work around pop culture legends. From bible stories to hidden Nazi works and history. The Mayan El Mirador episode was fascinating. So was the Tayos cave episode (spelunking at a whole new level); it was hard core enough that claustrophobic people should probably avoid watching it, plus he and two more cast members were hospitalized in Ecuador with rotavirus from the cave exploration (watch what they did around a serious amount of bat guano).

I'm currently catching up on the last few episodes of True Detective S3 and will aim to watch the season finale on tonight. Best show currently on TV imo. It's been great so far.
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