TV shows currently watching

have avoided Narcos
as I figured I didn't need any more info about Escobar

but have been binging season 1
should have tried it sooner

some new (to me) info about the political climate of the times
and it's just really well produced TV

the actor doing Pablo knocks it out of the park

hearing that Mindhunter S2 is coming soon

I went to Cartagena a few years back. Really interesting/beautiful place Colombia, will go back soon and take one of the drug kingpin tours. Narcos had some great political history from an era I really like.
Mars (2016), very cool sci-fi show. I only watched the first episode so far but the way it's presented as a look back on the journey (interviewing the astronauts, elon musk etc) and then jumping into arriving on the planet was a fresh spin.
I stumbled upon an interesting BBC documentary where 3 Welsh students are dropped into the South Korean education system. Astounding the devotion/focus/effort the parents & students put forth, but equally disturbing is the suicide rate of young people due to the pressure. 3-part series, all available on youtube.
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Remember Friendly, Rusty and Gerome?
Springsteen on Broadway last night on netflix.Time very well spent.
Nice Wingboy. I heard about that Springsteen show and how quick it went up on Netflix. His shows are great. He has a HBO special too.

I binge watched Animal Kingdom S3 recently. Another show I've been watching since the start. This season started slower. It picked up steam but didn't seem to kick into high gear. OTOH, things got dark this season and next season looks to be the same way. A lot of slow burn and intensity going on. I enjoyed it.
"Timeless" for me. Don`t get involved, it has been cancelled. Unfortunately. Last one tonight. NBC. Boo, flippin Hoo.
Vikings is top notch

Meh I have been watching since the first season it was great. The last 2 seasons were kinda boring, it's lost it pizazz. It is well done will keep watching though.
I got part way through the first episode of Vikings and had to turn it off, it was garbage.

Does it get better, or are my tastes too highbrow?
Which armour was it? With the amount of characters they have to outfit, seems pretty variable so far. Have seen some homemade looking stuff on other shows/movies and they make me cringe.
Don't recall seeing that one. Did they at least age and weather it?

Nope. And this black biker leather fetishism in 'historical' shows needs to stop. Vikings (more appropriately Norsemen) wore chainmail for the most part. Do you have any idea how tough it was to dye stuff black back then? Basically impossible.
Much of the wardrobe choices are to fill in for what ppl expect/want. Most don't have any idea what actual historic garb and items were. Sometimes it's pretty, in comes the black leather bondage gear. sometimes that's not a bad choice. ;)
Much of the wardrobe choices are to fill in for what ppl expect/want. Most don't have any idea what actual historic garb and items were. Sometimes it's pretty, in comes the black leather bondage gear. sometimes that's not a bad choice. ;)

Perhaps, but I tend to expect a little more from a channel called "History." It'll be interesting what they do with the new show "Project Bluebook", which pulls from the same stories as a late '70s show called "Project UFO." I'm expecting something along the lines of "Ancient Aliens" in dramatic form.
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