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Agree that it's not as good as season 1, but I never expected it to be.

3 episodes into season 4 and I'm glued to the screen. Excellent everything. Must watch!

Season 4, episode 5 has some nice cameos from previous seasons

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I'm hearing bad things about the new Dr. Who. Is it worth watching?
I'm a huge Dr. Who fan, but this new season is terrible.

The actress is amazing and she makes for a great Doctor, but she's let down by the writing of the new showrunner, Chris Chibnall.


I'm the opposite...I went in expecting to hate the new PC Dr Who but actually enjoyed it so far. Jodie Whittaker has been great in a ton of different things.
I'm the opposite...I went in expecting to hate the new PC Dr Who but actually enjoyed it so far. Jodie Whittaker has been great in a ton of different things.

There's nothing wrong with Jodie Whittaker, she's amazing. The sets are gorgeous and the cinematography is so much better than the last few series. You can tell the BBC spent a lot of money on this series. I also like the fact that there's more diversity.

BUT. If the writing is crap then all of the above is wasted. Dr. Who used to have amazing sci-fi stories (Heaven Sent), and amazing villains (Weeping Angels). It had heart-wrenching stories (Vincent) and the companion episodes were amazing (Girl who Waited).

This series has no compelling villains (a bounty hunter with teeth stuck on his face? a floating ball of wires? floating killer ribbons?). The character development is rushed (you can't have the companions say, "Remember that time when we all..." in the third episode - you've got to earn it), the situations are forced and the editing is choppy. The script is dour and lacks the same humour that Moffat injected. The Rosa Parks episode was I think the best one, but paled in comparison to Vincent. And the "ultimate race" episode must be amongst the worst Dr. Who episode ever made.

The series is off to a very rocky start.

I can only imagine if Whittaker still had RDM or Moffat writing for her. She's better than Capaldi and in her first episodes, she's already on par with Tennant (might be because she's channeling him - Fez?). Chibnall really dropped the ball on this one.
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I grew up watching Tom Baker, so most of the newer Doctors only measure up occasionally, although my children will disagree with me.

Good writing and the companions/supporting characters was all that kept me watching the odd episode. I've managed to follow most of the plot.

Did they manage to figure out how to explain the latest regeneration of the Doctor, as I thought it was cannon that Capaldi was to be the last iteration, or did I miscount?

The talk about previous female doctors confounds me.
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I grew up watching Tom Baker, so most of the newer Doctors only measure up occasionally, although my children will disagree with me.

Good writing and the companions/supporting characters was all that kept me watching the odd episode. I've managed to follow most of the plot.

Did they manage to figure out how to explain the latest regeneration of the Doctor, as I thought it was cannon that Capaldi was to be the last iteration, or did I miscount?

The talk about previous female doctors confounds me.

Capaldi's Doctor was the impossible regeneration; beyond the originally stated limit. It hasn't been explicitly stated but it's implied that he's the first in a completely new line of regenerations.
There are rumours going around that Chibnall is going to leave the show, after the Christmas special, and that Whittaker will follow if he does.
Mars S2 on Nat Geo is great so far.

Enemies: the President, Justice and the FBI on HBO Canada has been interesting so far. A history lesson on Nixon and Reagan in the first two episodes.

I'm collecting Escape at Dannemora too on HBO Canada. With Benicio Del Toro and Paul Dano I'm hoping for good things.

The Truth about Killer Robots documentary is coming on HBO Canada this week.
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Finally took another stab at House of Cards S6. Got better in the middle then not great again.
Honestly I have no idea what was really going on or what her purpose was, other then them trying to figure out who killed Francis.
I'll just leave it at that without divulging any more details in case anyone is trying to watch it.

Was a good series, I guess this was the best they could do without Kevin.
The Walking Dead S9 first half was surprisingly decent. Even with the departure of some characters. It seems we are getting back to the root of the story, maybe.
Carol is still a badass.
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Patriot on Amazon Prime has been brilliant. Great characters, cinematography is fantastic. It’s true art house comedy drama.
The Walking Dead S9 first half was surprisingly decent. Even with the departure of some characters. It seems we are getting back to the root of the story, maybe.
Carol is still a badass.

Juith can't be as good a shot as it makes out though....
Oh and Narco’s S3 was pretty good.

Sent from the Moon!
have avoided Narcos
as I figured I didn't need any more info about Escobar

but have been binging season 1
should have tried it sooner

some new (to me) info about the political climate of the times
and it's just really well produced TV

the actor doing Pablo knocks it out of the park

hearing that Mindhunter S2 is coming soon
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