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Finished up all season of Happy Valley, excellent. Concluded somewhat expected.

Back into The 4400, the best part of it is how bad it is. Concept is good, executed badly.
Before We Die. There’s actually two different versions of this. An original Scandinavian version with English subtitles on the Amazon PBS channel. And also a British version on …I think it’s Britbox. They are both excellent.

Very novel storyline. Son goes wayward and his mum, a detective, has him arrested to save him from himself. Fast forward several years and out of prison the son is reformed and works in a Croatian restaurant but doesn’t keep in touch with his mum much anymore. His mum’s new boyfriend, also a detective, reluctantly employs the son as a confidential informant since there’s bad things going on headed up by the Croatian crime family that own the restaurant. The BF is kidnapped, tortured and killed. Mother has access to a phone and keeps the confidential informant working without either of them knowing they are mother and son…for a while.

Those aren’t spoilers, just the premise. There’s lots going on.
Platonic on Apple TV - Only a couple episodes in but has some very funny moments and is well written
You ever watch Rake? The first season of that was pretty funny! Great character that reminded me of a younger Paul Hogan.
Never heard of it, not sure how it slipped under my radar, I'll put it on my list though, thanks.
Just finished watching Arnold. It was better than I expected, very good and candid.
HBO does it again!

Excellent show so far.

Started this a while back but did not continue additional Seasons due to neglect. :rolleyes:

This is particularly poignant with Orlando Bloom having a hard time with his emotions and it explores just how well photos as opposed to video can capture the essence in a still.
Season 3 trailer

Season One trailer
Finally finished Ted Lasso season 3. I’ll say that 2.5 seasons were great. Fabulous feel good TV at a time when everyone really needed to feel good. That last half season was overindulgent self obsessed bollocks.
There is a series that has just been released on Britbox called Love and Hate, it deals with the Irish criminal underworld and it’s filmed in Dublin; 6 seasons. It starts with a young kid getting out of prison and his older brother coming back from hiding out in Spain along with an eclectic bunch of characters that surround them.
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