TV shows currently watching

The more I watch it the more I think the Narcos series is underrated. Great cast, great mix of fact and dramatic fiction, use of real footage. Currently getting through Mexico 2. Incredible stories based on facts.
Enjoyed The Diplomat more than I thought I would. Russell does a great job and was a good cast in this (surprisingly). Solid ending in the final episode that'll run it into S2.

Citadel on Prime is ok but the episode a week thing is annoying me. It's not good enough to anticipate the next episode and after a week I forget about it.
McGregor Forever on Netflix. Must see for anyone follows combat sports.. or if you are Irish :)

Haven't watched it yet but apparently it's free to watch at TT+ TT+

Final episode of Citadel seemed rushed. Left plot for a spinoff.
Started watching Absentia, seems interesting so far 2 episodes.
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