TV shows currently watching

What we do in The Shadows, was great, BTW it was season 4, not 3
Always feels like there wasn't enough episodes.
Couple real standouts were the Wedding and The Flip it, just crazy good.

Just getting into Rings of Power.
Wow visually stunning for a TV show, lots of subtle imagery. The writing is also very eloquent as well. Sometimes it's too much dialogue.
So far so good.
I'm really enjoying RoP, however, I simply cannot unsee armour that folds like paper, but is supposed to be metal scales. People who have been to Paul's Hallowe'en parties may know why.
Finished up Rings of Power.

Was good, but can see where people had some issues with this show, outside of LOTR fanbase. I felt there were some story and pacing issues, and maybe some stuff done out of convenience instead of showing us some backstory. I can see how some of that could spin up the LOTR fans.

Will get into House of Dragons next, curious to see how it will compare, and to Game of Thrones.
I liked the tech shown in Peripheral ...both near future and....good looking lead too :sneaky:


House of Dragon - wild. Mid 2024 for the next round :cry: 🍿
Serious dragons in the finale of season 1 (y)
Low budget intriguing K-scifi.
entertaining but had issues with the time-travel paradoxes that were only convenient to the story.
Just finished third season of War of the worlds.... they should have just stopped the show after the second season. Overall the show had a ton of flaws and inconsistencies that were frustrating to watch sometimes.
I find myself laughing at the adults more than the “girls”.
The facial expressions alone!

Same here. The head nun had a lot more lines in this season and it was all gold. Too bad it is the final season as it was the best by far imo.
Watching House of the Dragon currently. It's ok. Holding my interest, it has some of the familiar GoT stuff, but the characters are not very interesting, even the stuff they are doing is just kinda meh. I'm mid way through now and I think things will get more exciting.

Stangely they changed the actor who plays the king's daughter for another actor, and yet the other characters didn't really change. Kinda weird. I thought I missed something or skipped an episode.
"Reginald the Vampire" on Netflix Whoops, Prime - Stars Spider-Man's chubby friend and Mario Van Peebles' kid. Funny stuff. Well, comedy/drama to be precise.
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Finished up House of Dragon.

Pretty disappointing, made the last season of GoT look great.
Bland characters doing boring predictable things. Most of which would have been a sub plot in GOT.

I thought we would get some backstory about how they became attached with dragons, rise of power etc... or see the perceived ruthlessness they were spoken in GOT.... nope.

Kinda interested to see where it goes, but hopes are not high.
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