TV shows currently watching

Im trying to get thru the last 4 episodes, got 2 more to go, I'm finding it a bit ridiculous, too much going on, and too intense at times (I have to be in the right mood or slightly inebriated)
Whereas most shows bore the crap out of me. I'm beyond help.
Wife is still in hospital so I’m binging tonight soon as the two monsters go down for the count. Trying to tire them out now.
Thanks for the review, never ever watched a single episode of any kind of Star Trek - no tv series, no movies. Might give a shot to this fresh '22 version with proper CGI..

It's also supposed to be a return to episodic television, rather than the season long story arcs that have been the norm for streaming. This episode wrapped everything up in the 52-ish minutes of its runtime. Hopefully that continues. I'd also really like to see a return of the lesson/moral of the week sort of thing that Star Trek did back in the '60s. ST:TOS was my introduction to the US Constitution, at the age of 5.

It's far more upbeat and hopeful than Discovery, by a longshot. I couldn't make it past S1E3 of that show, with all of the GrimDark.
Is she OK? Or about to give birth ? I thought you guys were "expecting" soon....??
We WERE expecting yes. And now we have a new addition!

Baby and mommy are doing fine but the choice was leave tonight after the 36hrs (11pm) or tomorrow morning. We chose the morning!

Healthy baby girl born yesterday morning.
We WERE expecting yes. And now we have a new addition!

Baby and mommy are doing fine but the choice was leave tonight after the 36hrs (11pm) or tomorrow morning. We chose the morning!

Healthy baby girl born yesterday morning.

Congrats Mr and Mrs MP and to all the little MPs running around.
Children are a blessing!
"The Pentaverate" on Netflix - Two episodes in and not really enjoying it. Am I the only one who is bone-tired of Canadian stereotypes? Mike Myers leans into them far too heavily in this.
"The Pentaverate" on Netflix - Two episodes in and not really enjoying it. Am I the only one who is bone-tired of Canadian stereotypes? Mike Myers leans into them far too heavily in this.

Mike Myers hasn’t been funny in a long time.
Add to that his lack of any original material..
Even this is based on arguably the funniest scene from Axe Murderer, which I feel was his zenith. You could argue that there were some gems in the Austin Powers’ series...Fast Bastard comes to mind...oh, and the twins...Fuk Yu and Fuk Mi.
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Like a Rolling Stone Ben Fong-Torres (Netflix Doc) - good if you can appreciate the music. I do and we really enjoyed it. Only knew his name from his role defined in the movie "Almost Famous".
Mike Myers hasn’t been funny in a long time.
Add to that his lack of any original material..
Even this is based on arguably the funniest scene from Axe Murderer, which I feel was his zenith. You could argue that there were some gems in the Austin Powers’ series...Fast Bastard comes to mind...oh, and the twins...Fuk Yu and Fuk Mi.
I got the impression he kinda checked out of Hollywood.
I've like some of his stuff, he had a good run for a few years. Waynes World, Austin Powers etc.
Good Scarborough guy, just reminds me of some of the antics and goofballs around here.
I got the impression he kinda checked out of Hollywood.
I've like some of his stuff, he had a good run for a few years. Waynes World, Austin Powers etc.
Good Scarborough guy, just reminds me of some of the antics and goofballs around here.
His main character in this (he plays a bunch) is Ken Scarborough.
New season of Somebody Feed Phil coming out May 25th. Always enjoyed that show.

Finished of Ozark. Ending kinda meh imo.
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