TV shows currently watching

Going through my Trakt yesterday and found a bunch of things had come back for new seasons and have started:

1. Fear The Walking Dead. This one is polarizing. I like Lennie James though and the way the series runs is refreshingly different to the main series.

2. Mayans MC. Another spin off (Sons of Anarchy) and this is now season 4. I like this as it has some great music on it and a decent storyline.

3. Barry season 3. This is a classic for me. A depressed hitman who finds he likes acting and his shallow actress girlfriend. A gay Chechen mobster and his Bolivian gangster boyfriend. Rip Torn in a fabulous comedic role. Henry Winkler in his best role since the Fonz days. Season 3 has Barry staving off boredom by taking assassination jobs from a web marketplace for hitmen. Well worth checking this one out!
Finished up OZARK and am torn about the ending. I didn't like the way they ended it, and still left room for a return.

It definitely felt more like a season finale and not a series finale.
Lots of story lines they could develop from here…
You can watch an episode on YouTube, but ya Paramount+ or on the high seas, not all episode are released yet for bingers.

Finished episode s1e9 today...its been a long time since I felt a rush of emotions like I did towards the end...


Freakin awesome....looking forward to season 2..

In other news is The Boys Season 3 starts June 3rd!!

Picard S2 - meh.
It was is better then discover, but only slightly.
What they did to some of the characters, not so happy about.
Q wasn't as interesting as he was previously.
Making Dr Soong kinda evil or just evil, not cool.
Wesley is some time traveller?
Replacing the Borg with all inclusive woke Borg 🤷‍♂️
The whole Picard interrogation scene. If you know anything about Star Trek Next Gen, Picard is captured and tortured by Cardassians and they play psychological games and make him think there are 4 lights, when there were 5. I thought in Picard when the FBI captures him he would be able to shrug off the interrogation, anyhow I thought it would have been some interesting irony or something.
Recently watched Undone S2, was good not as impressive as the first season.
Finished up OZARK and am torn about the ending. I didn't like the way they ended it, and still left room for a return.
Finished it last night as well. Ending sucked. Consoled my self with about three episode of the Rifleman.
Watching The Feed on amazon prime. Its about social media in our lives "a la black mirror"
pretty interesting
Thoroughly enjoying S5 of Somebody Feed Phil. Shame the seasons are only 5 episodes. Looks like he really enjoyed his time in Finland (btw their prime minister is a babe).
Thoroughly enjoying S5 of Somebody Feed Phil. Shame the seasons are only 5 episodes. Looks like he really enjoyed his time in Finland (btw their prime minister is a babe).

His “shtick” is wearing on me a bit.
Although the Maine episode was fantastic. Love the interaction with his cousin.

Every time I see footage of Scandinavia I want to go there more and more.
I'm already not sleeping with the new baby...she loves sleeping when things are moving around her, tv is on, or others are yelling and laughing.

Once it gets silent...she can't fall asleep.

Easy. Record 10 minutes of TV or conversation and just loop it in her room.

I’m taking all the credit for this one.
Easy. Record 10 minutes of TV or conversation and just loop it in her room.

I’m taking all the credit for this one.
Uncle @Evoex to the rescue. You sure you don’t want her? I’m not attached yet too much.

Option #2 was just me sleeping in the basement. Which would be awesome with the PS4 there.
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