TV shows currently watching

The Chestnut Man. Very well done Danish detective series ....dark and tangled and subbing hardly noticeable....worth while.
finally finished the expanse

Pros: They go out of their way to try and get the science right

Cons: After season 4, the main plot is about a fruity mascara wearing dude
Suspicion on Apple+ is worth a watch. It’s a suspense/intrigue/whodunnit kind of thing with a nice modern/topical setting. It’s still playing with a new episode each week but the first 5 or 6 are out now.
Suspicion on Apple+ is worth a watch. It’s a suspense/intrigue/whodunnit kind of thing with a nice modern/topical setting. It’s still playing with a new episode each week but the first 5 or 6 are out now.

Watched 2 seasons of Secret City - I think is this was Netflix's move from House of Cards when Spacy chit the bed and they canned him.

Currently into S5 of Animal Kingdom.
Yeah wish they'd bring another Season on Secret City.

Valhalla Murders
set in Iceland...dubbing is okay - not as good as Danish.

Shetland I enjoyed

Going back a while the Danish version of The Bridge is terrific and of course Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series in the original is much better than the Daniel Craig version.

Rita is much fun, never would be allowed on N America TV

Transferts ( Transfers ) of the best scifi series and a 14 year old crime boss.... Worth the effort.The Archive - NewOnNetflixUSA

I see Ozark has a new Season ....enjoyed it.

Peaky Blinders on to last season so will likely binge it all. Lost track for a while.

Witcher ....I'll wait til they finish the damn series entirely ....hard to follow especially with the long break between seasons. Book was too complex too.

Sherpa is a must watch

The IP Man movies are kinda fun.

Kiss the Ground is an eye opener

Occupied kinda relevant now

Extraction good Chris Hemsworth.

Last Kingdom enjoyable.

The Vikings excellent and I see a sequel is out. Did not realize Vikings based on actual events.
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Yeah wish they'd bring another Season on Secret City.
Apparently it's still up for a possible 3rd season.

One thing which I have noticed with these Auz shows, not sure how or if anything translates from screen to real life, but it looks like a progressive country. That gov building in Secret City was very modern. Also the shots of the sounding area seem to be in harmony with the infrastructure. Even the writing in the show is quite progressive modern, without beating you over the head about being woke or inclusive.
Apparently it's still up for a possible 3rd season.

One thing which I have noticed with these Auz shows, not sure how or if anything translates from screen to real life, but it looks like a progressive country. That gov building in Secret City was very modern. Also the shots of the sounding area seem to be in harmony with the infrastructure. Even the writing in the show is quite progressive modern, without beating you over the head about being woke or inclusive.
I had somehow forgotten about it. I'll watch pretty much anything starring Anna Torv, or her near twin Emma Booth. (thinking "Glitch" here, for Emma)
I had somehow forgotten about it. I'll watch pretty much anything starring Anna Torv, or her near twin Emma Booth. (thinking "Glitch" here, for Emma)
I'll be honest, Anna Torv was my main reason to check out Secret City, thought she was great in Mindhunter. I've watched the first ep of Fringe but hasn't grabbed me. I'll check out Glitch, thanks!
I'll be honest, Anna Torv was my main reason to check out Secret City, thought she was great in Mindhunter. I've watched the first ep of Fringe but hasn't grabbed me. I'll check out Glitch, thanks!
The Australian SciFi called "Glitch", starring Emma Booth, is definitely worth a watch. So is the webseries "Glitch", starring Jesse Lee Keeter ;)

One thing which I have noticed with these Auz shows, not sure how or if anything translates from screen to real life, but it looks like a progressive country
it is and a rich one.

If you want to watch an amazing actor at work ...find anything with David Gulpilil in it. Fair bit about as he died recently.
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Watched the most recent season of Archer...meh. Each season seems to be getting worse.
Season 2 of Raised by Wolves was interesting and weird. No idea where this is going, better near the end of it.
Any idea where to watch the last 2 seasons of Vikings?
Netflix only has 1-4 and the new one.

Besides downloading that is.

what's not on Netflix or Prime, I've heard some ppl get through sideloading streaming apps on Firestick (Kodi, CinemaHD, etc.)
Never done it myself, but I've heard there are a lot of Youtube videos how to do it...
Vikings: Valhalla
Sequel didn't disappoint - so happy Netflix picked up the shole series and kept it alive.
So long lives conquest and glory, Skol!

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I was gonna watch this.....then Netflix pulled their stupidity again. Apparently there's a black Jarl..?

I find that about as offensive as Goku being white, making Triss Merigold black, making Starfire a black hooker, or god forbid some idiot makes Abraham Lincoln asian. God damnit Netflix!
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