TV shows currently watching

I love Burn Notice for the intelligence in the plot and how things make sense 99% of the time. And it's an action, without the 10-min long car chase or fight scenes. That's rare I think.

The only thing about Burn Notice that I take issue with (and it's not even that big of a deal) is how much of a Hyundai commercial it became in the later seasons. There were times when Mike was voicing over about how good the brakes and engine were..... riiiiiight. And it was the only bright red car in a sea of dull colours. Felt dirty.
Ray Donovan.

Think of it as Soprano's, but with the Irish instead of Italians.
I'm loving Ray Donovan. Incredible characters and fine performances from some big name actors.
Started watching Homeland, good show, def gets you hooked.

Strike back. Great show especially if you're a gun nut. Those guys have more running, realistic, battles that most movies. Just remember that North American Strike back season 1 is actually season 2. There is UK Strike back with John Porter you should watch first. The two are linked but different actors. Its not mandatory to watch but hey why not.

Re: Burn Notice. I watched that show up to season 5 and then i just lost interest. The main actor is great in doing roleplay as diff guys but for some reason he gets on my nerves.
Been watching "The Almighty Johnsons" for three seasons now. It's a fantasy comedy series (I don't know how else to describe it) about the human incarnations of Norse gods, living their complicated lives in modern day New Zealand.
I burned through the first three seasons of suits. I don't get what's so good about it. It's a well acted show, but over the top melodramatic.

Currently, waiting for agents of shield to air.
Watchin "Cracked" lately, it's a police procedural set in Toronto... one writer worked on Flashpoint, and it's got that Flashpoint feel to it. Even some of the actors from it are popping up. I'm on episode 11 and I've already seen Enrico Colantoni, Cle Bennett, and Amy Jo Johnson.

Moral of the story? If you liked Flashpoint, you'll like this
The only thing about Burn Notice that I take issue with (and it's not even that big of a deal) is how much of a Hyundai commercial it became in the later seasons. There were times when Mike was voicing over about how good the brakes and engine were..... riiiiiight. And it was the only bright red car in a sea of dull colours. Felt dirty.

Funny, I remember that exact speech too, but I think it was more of a talk about how it's not the higher hp that gets you fast around the town, but agility and big brakes contribute a lot too. They did happen to show the brake callipers of the Hyundai at that moment lol but again shows need funding =)
Funny, I remember that exact speech too, but I think it was more of a talk about how it's not the higher hp that gets you fast around the town, but agility and big brakes contribute a lot too. They did happen to show the brake callipers of the Hyundai at that moment lol but again shows need funding =)

At least they don't try to look inconspicuous while driving around town in big black SUVs, with heavily tinted windows :lol:
I am burning through Breaking Bad (currently S4 E5) and loving each season more and more! Hell I don't even know when one finishes and the other one starts it's got such a good flow for me. I haven't been this hooked on a show in ages and don't know what I'll watch once this is done! There's been too many late nights recently ... stupid Netflix.
I am burning through Breaking Bad (currently S4 E5) and loving each season more and more! Hell I don't even know when one finishes and the other one starts it's got such a good flow for me. I haven't been this hooked on a show in ages and don't know what I'll watch once this is done! There's been too many late nights recently ... stupid Netflix.

Say my name!

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Burn notice series finale was pretty good, wish there was going to be a season 8 :(
Burn notice series finale was pretty good, wish there was going to be a season 8 :(

I didnt like the finale at all but that may be due to my disappointment for witnessing an end to an awesome thing =(

Lost and Fringe was over but then JJ Jacobson (?) started another show, with some same chars. I hope to see a similar thing !
Low Winter Sun and Ray Donovan are good watching. Find myself less interested in Dexter this season.

Rookie Blue has been surprising good.

Boardwalk Empire has yet to disappoint.
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