TV shows currently watching

I've been staying away from it. After watching Life I can't imagine Damian Lewis playing any other character.

Life was a fantastic show. So was Band of Brothers and so is Homeland. Damian Lewis kills it in all three.
You guys need to hop on Suits. Great script-writing, witty dialogue, etc. Plus, it's filmed in Toronto!

I prefer it to Game of Thrones, but I know I'd be in the minority.
What the hell is it with TV Shows time-lapse'ing in between seasons? It's so lazy and annoying.


Walking Dead Season 2 Finale: "Winter is coming, it's going to be cold and hard... we might not survive"
Walking Dead Season 3 Premier: "Man, that was a hard 6 months... I'm traumatized by what we went through, let's not talk about it EVER again."

Falling Skies Season 2 Finale: "Some new aliens showed up with kick *** armour and weapons... don't know if they're good or bad, let's stand here in shock and see what they do"
Falling Skies Season 3 Premier: "Hey, I'm now President elect of the alien invaded world... and those new aliens threw away their battle armour to look like a deformed green Rambo and now we're bros. Oh, my son is now parazlyed from the waist down, but it's cool."
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What the hell is it with TV Shows time-lapse'ing in between seasons? It's so lazy and annoying.


Walking Dead Season 2 Finale: "Winter is coming, it's going to be cold and hard... we might not survive"
Walking Dead Season 3 Premier: "Man, that was a hard 6 months... I'm traumatized by what we went through, let's not talk about it EVER again."

Falling Skies Season 2 Finale: "Some new aliens showed up with kick *** armour and weapons... don't know if they're good or bad, let's stand here in shock and see what they do"
Falling Skies Season 3 Premier: "Hey, I'm now President elect of the alien invaded world... and those new aliens threw away their battle armour to look like a deformed green Rambo and now we're bros. Oh, my son is now parazlyed from the waist down, but it's cool."

Easy enough to understand with Walking Dead; no zombies, because of the cold, and not a lot going on. It's a bit different with Falling Skies because of the new aliens and the twist that they showed toward the end of Season 2, that's taking effect now.
Just finished season 6 of Californication and it's easily my favourite show right now. I forgot how good this was. I might have to hand in my man card after this: but this is probably the only show where I legitimately care that it all works out in the end for the main character. They really know how to build up the plot and really develop characters (or in Hank's case, not develop characters lol).

And I didn't even used to find Natasja Macelhone attractive, but now I think she's a babe. If there was ever a testament to a good to a good show, that would be it.
I found the Walking Dead season jump to be particularly annoying. They went from almost dying 24/7 to roving zombie hunting bad *****. I liked the no nonsense approach, but it was a HUGE shift from the previous season where they almost die at the mere sight of a zombie.
You guys need to hop on Suits. Great script-writing, witty dialogue, etc. Plus, it's filmed in Toronto!

I prefer it to Game of Thrones, but I know I'd be in the minority.

+1 to Suits.

In my next life, I'm coming back as Harvey Specter.
I've been watching "Does someone need to go?" kind of like the office version of hell's kitchen. Mindless but entertaining..
"don't drive here" on discovery - last week was India, this week Thailand - entertaining
I'm experiencing season ending withdrawal. I'm spoiled by finding a good show, watching the whole season or series. Now I have to wait.

Game of Thrones was outragious!!!!!!

Watching True Blood and the only thing keeping me watching is naked bodies covered in blood. Nice to see a little bush too. But, it honestly has lost it's magic.

I'm waiting out the last of Breaking Bad so, I can just watch the last episodes in sequence. To wait a week for another would be pure torture.

Nurse Jackie lost interest.

Just thinking of waiting for SOA, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, Californication, etc is killing me.

Oh well.

And The Good Wife still intrigues me along with The Mentalist for network shows.

Right now, just seems to be a black hole for viewing. But, that makes for better use of my time to ride. lol
Top Gear comes back June 30th! And with all this Homeland talk, I'm gonna have to check it out now
Why not watch some ether shows, recorded, during the break? We just finished watching all 5 seasons of SoA.
No love for Under the dome?

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Anyone watching Strike Back? Or the final season of Burn Notice?
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