Tractor trailer pursuit live in Toronto

Weeeeeeeee OPP finally had a funny chase like the ones you see in American news. lol

I'm reserving judgement till I see the sped up version done to the Benny Hill theme song on YouTube.
stand back and do nothing?

if you dont understand ontario law dont whine about police action, police in ontario cannot shoot at a moving vehicle. spike strips most likely would have not worked on a vehicle of that size. if your upset about the lack of police action in the chase, write to your politician asking to have the law governing police in chases changed to make for more entertaining news.
stand back and do nothing?

YES... that's the way to handle THIS situation. Imagine Keanu Reeves jumping on the back of the truck then the driver panicking and crosses the concrete barrier and kills a bus load of handicap kids. Now replace "Keanu Reeves" with shooting tires/spike strip and how do you think the public would feel then?

Like I said before, the OPP did exactly what they should of done. This guy was not an immediate threat, he was slowing down when approaching traffic, he was signaling lane changes... gave up without a fight.
That guy had better road manners during that incident than a lot of people do on their way to work.
Well they could have landed a helicopter on the flatbed, they could have used a rocket launcher, they could have lined the road with tanks but this is not Hollywood it is real life. He was not driving erratic, he was not threatening other traffic. He had no where to go. They just waited him out, and it worked perfect.
This was somebody that stole a truck, then refused to stop for police. He could have killed many people at those speeds and he demonstrated that he had no regard for the law.

The truck was limited to 105km/h. All the OPP had to do was go 110 in front of him. 1 guy drives, the other one opens the rear up and takes a few shots. Total cost about 10-30 dollars worth of .223 ammo, instead they drive all around the gta, to niagra and half way back with their **** tucked in their *** like a bunch of security guards.

Perhaps you can clarify something for me.

Was he driving recklessly? Almost hitting people? Going the wrong way down an on ramp? Running red lights? Or was he just refusing to stop? I haven't seen any video.
Some of you chowderheads watch way too much 'Murrican TV action shows. As mentioned already by a couple people who have their head screwed on straight, the OPP did exactly what they were supposed to do. Think back to your high school Physics class, remeber the concepts of "mass" and "inertia"? One simply does not throw a 4,000lb OPP Crown Vic tennis ball in front of a 60,000lb 18-wheel bowling ball, it won't end well.

Side note to Retro Grouch; trucks run on diesel, not gas.
Some of you chowderheads watch way too much 'Murrican TV action shows. As mentioned already by a couple people who have their head screwed on straight, the OPP did exactly what they were supposed to do. Think back to your high school Physics class, remeber the concepts of "mass" and "inertia"? One simply does not throw a 4,000lb OPP Crown Vic tennis ball in front of a 60,000lb 18-wheel bowling ball, it won't end well.

Side note to Retro Grouch; trucks run on diesel, not gas.

While I agree for the most part, there were times within the chase that the truck "turned around" multiple times apparently. Why not spike it then? (I guess it was difficult to predict the turns) When the truck slowed to turn, you would think it would be possible to pull up and shoot out the front tires?
shoot out the front tires?

Argh.... shooting out tires is a uniquely American thing. Canadian police forces are more cogniscent of the associated dangers of this method, like ricochets killing innocent bystanders, for example.
Perhaps you can clarify something for me.

Was he driving recklessly? Almost hitting people? Going the wrong way down an on ramp? Running red lights? Or was he just refusing to stop? I haven't seen any video.

Actually when he made a u turn near fort erie he ran a red, luckily the cars saw what was going on and didnt go through the light. It could have ended right there with an innocent person getting killed. That was their best chance to do something, instead they stayed back like the entire chase.

Im not saying land a helicopter here or do something crazy, but put some effort into stopping this guy. These guys are paid to protect people, thats why we have police after all, and they let a guy drive around for 5 hours? And they didnt want to upset him so he doesnt do anything stupid? Hello!!! He's already stolen a truck and been running from the police! Do you people think he was relaxed or at the edge the whole time? At any moment he could have done something retarded, luckily he didnt.

For everyone that said the OPP did the right thing i have one question for you. Would you stick to your story if this chase ended with your family member being killed after being allowed to drive around for 5 hours like that?
I am doubtful .223 has the stopping power to stop the engine, more likely ricochet. plus this is the OPP, I don't trust them to shoot on target when standing still. out of the back of a moving suv? you gotta be kidding me.
Stop the engine? All you have to do is put a couple nice holes in the rad and charge air cooler. **** the .223 a 9mm could go through a mesh grill and aluminum rad.

Even if the cops were horrible shots atleast maybe at this point this retard would have realized that this could end in his death and decided to pull over.
For everyone that said the OPP did the right thing i have one question for you. Would you stick to your story if this chase ended with your family member being killed after being allowed to drive around for 5 hours like that?

Could of, should of, would of, didn't.... It ended the way it was supposed to....

OPP did the right thing
what i find funny is the procession of 20+ squad cars behind the truck...was that really's like when a raccoon would get run over in my parents neighbourhood and three squad cars would show up...just cuz you don't have anything going on, doesn't mean you have to let the general public know your bored...seriously, maybe 3-5 squad cars, but 20+, come for trying to stop the truck, well, i guess they don't have anything in their arsenal to deal with this that they are trained for in these types of for shooting tires and radiators out, have you seen anyone operate a gun under duress, it's not pretty, even those trained, so you can bet for every 20 rounds shot at the truck, maybe 2-3 will hit their intended target, i don't like those odds, not with other people on the roads...
Could of, should of, would of, didn't.... It ended the way it was supposed to....

OPP did the right thing
It ended the way it was supposed to?? hahha didnt know there was a script everyone was following...
the cops got luck it ended the way it did, could have ended in many different ways
what i find funny is the procession of 20+ squad cars behind the truck...was that really's like when a raccoon would get run over in my parents neighbourhood and three squad cars would show up...just cuz you don't have anything going on, doesn't mean you have to let the general public know your bored...seriously, maybe 3-5 squad cars, but 20+, come for trying to stop the truck, well, i guess they don't have anything in their arsenal to deal with this that they are trained for in these types of for shooting tires and radiators out, have you seen anyone operate a gun under duress, it's not pretty, even those trained, so you can bet for every 20 rounds shot at the truck, maybe 2-3 will hit their intended target, i don't like those odds, not with other people on the roads...
This is what happens when 3-5 squad cars show up.
what i find funny is the procession of 20+ squad cars behind the truck...was that really's like when a raccoon would get run over in my parents neighbourhood and three squad cars would show up...just cuz you don't have anything going on, doesn't mean you have to let the general public know your bored...seriously, maybe 3-5 squad cars, but 20+, come for trying to stop the truck, well, i guess they don't have anything in their arsenal to deal with this that they are trained for in these types of for shooting tires and radiators out, have you seen anyone operate a gun under duress, it's not pretty, even those trained, so you can bet for every 20 rounds shot at the truck, maybe 2-3 will hit their intended target, i don't like those odds, not with other people on the roads...

If you cant hit a 4x4 foot area from 20 meters you need to hang up your badge and work at the mall as a security guard.

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