Tory takes aim at noisy motorcycles

I always look at those signs and wonder why they're only two digits? :)
Saw a video on facebook (can't figure out how to link to it, it is from CityNews Edmonton) that they had to shut off one of the noise monitors because of complaints from nearby residents that drivers were using the sign to see how loud they could get it to display. In the report, someone on a motorcycle in a nearby parking lot is bouncing their engine off the rev limiter.

That shows why this approach is (or should be) unenforceable. The noise meter on its own can't pick out and quantify individual noise sources.

In no way am I in favor of drivers/riders making obnoxious amounts of noise. All I'm saying is that this enforcement approach won't work properly.

And yes, I remember those flashing signs "too fast" on a couple of ramps, and yes, I would always try to turn those on ...

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I always look at those signs and wonder why they're only two digits? :)
So true.
Wtf this province is trying to kill motorcycles all together. Weekly fatalities, sky high insurance rates .. and now noise too? Loud pipes are what's keeping us safe.

I consistently see cagers checking their mirrors when I'm approaching them on the highway, so they're aware of my presence.

If loud pipes save lives imagine what learning to ride would do.

Here's a nice little tidbit from the other day. Raising the sound level in someones dwelling by 10 dB is nuts. The area of influence of this one prick probably extends more than a kilometer. Any loud pipe saves lives argument dissolves as you remain the dominant source for receptors that can't possibly interact with you.

Here's a nice little tidbit from the other day. Raising the sound level in someones dwelling by 10 dB is nuts. The area of influence of this one prick probably extends more than a kilometer. Any loud pipe saves lives argument dissolves as you remain the dominant source for receptors that can't possibly interact with you.


Looking at the data presented in the chart and assuming the glass window gave an attenuation of 6 dB, and the distance from the window to the passing motorcycle was 150 metres, a back calculation of the dBA level at 50 cm distance from the exhaust pipe outlet would be around 82 dBA, well below the proposed 96 dBA level at that distance in the SAE J2825 test promoted by the Canadian motorcycle industry association (MMIC) some years ago.
The current 80 dBA standard for new motorcycles is a drive-by at some metres distance and the calculation of sound pressure increase indicates that the motorcycle was probably well within that permitted standard as well.
Of course if the particular location of the condo was such at reflected sound waves off hard surfaces, the sound absorbing capabilities of the walls, the mounting method of the window, etc., etc., were affecting the readings then additional calculations would need to be made to get a better answer.

Looking at the data presented in the chart and assuming the glass window gave an attenuation of 6 dB, and the distance from the window to the passing motorcycle was 150 metres, a back calculation of the dBA level at 50 cm distance from the exhaust pipe outlet would be around 82 dBA, well below the proposed 96 dBA level at that distance in the SAE J2825 test promoted by the Canadian motorcycle industry association (MMIC) some years ago.
The current 80 dBA standard for new motorcycles is a drive-by at some metres distance and the calculation of sound pressure increase indicates that the motorcycle was probably well within that permitted standard as well.
Of course if the particular location of the condo was such at reflected sound waves off hard surfaces, the sound absorbing capabilities of the walls, the mounting method of the window, etc., etc., were affecting the readings then additional calculations would need to be made to get a better answer.


Big problems with those calcs. I will update later tonight.


Ok. This isn't quite perfect as it's not worth the time, but 49 dBA inside the suite is approximately 78 dBA outside the windows (highly absorptive room, double glazed windows, brick veneer none of which you knew). 78 dBA at 150m is approximately 128 dBA at 0.5 m.

Now the above cannot be directly compared to J2825 as he bike was presumably at full throttle and max rpm, both of which are not part of the test. It would be safe to say that that bike wouldn't pass any objective noise testing and could be causing physical pain to those on the sidewalk when ridden that way.
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LOL he didn't even have to raise his voice and said the motorcycle that was passing by was "getting close". Then makes the ass-umption that he'll be revving his engine once he gets down the street. What a dick.
you guys can piss and moan about this all you want, the reality is folks are tired of peolpe bouncing off the rev limiters, installing pipes designed to be loud and reving cars to enjoy the "look at me" moment.
And these people vote, write letters and emails, and pay on occasion massive property taxes.

If these guys dont knock it off we are on our way to skipping bylaw cops and getting provincial regulation, which will cost us all.
My g/f lives downtown and I can tell you, she knows when it's summer because all the loud bikes and cars are out and about. It's annoying for the thousands of condo-dwellers downtown.
Rosie's motorcycle rodeo is on this coming weekend. Didn't need to research it, I knew it was coming up very soon because of all the extra excessive loud equipment rolling around the general area.
I think this is a self inflicted wound. Drivers and riders who create noise for the sake of attention have created this situation, it's clearly got the the point where non-compliance has driven enough citizen complaints that city council has reacted.

Personally I'm not fond of the noise made by fart-can equipped Subarus and Civics cars running up my suburban street in 1st gear hammering to 50kmh at each stop, turn and speedbump. Or the roar of a 3500rpm throttle blip my neighbor needs to wheel his RoadGlide around a corner at 10kmh.

I'm not one that buys loud pipes save lives - maybe it does, who knows. If those folks wore jackets, gloves and real helmets I might listen to their argument on safety.

The bottom line is excessive engine noise is unnecessary noise pollution. If a group of drivers decided to wire their horns on full time because 'loud horns save lives', would you enjoy them parading thru your neighbourhood?
Is nice and quiet living in the country. On a calm day you can listen to the Harly-Furgison potato harvesters out saving lives over a 4 mile radius.
I think this is a self inflicted wound. Drivers and riders who create noise for the sake of attention have created this situation, it's clearly got the the point where non-compliance has driven enough citizen complaints that city council has reacted.

Its a self inflicetd wound, but we all bleed.
you'll have pull over zones "just for a check" in sleepy little villages like Caledon, Grand bend, now Oakville that just passed ruling and Toronto. We'll go out for a ride, a herd of louder bikes will rumble through and to be conspicuous in doing dilligence , every body will get stopped.
They have loud limits at race tracks , it was just a matter of time for residential. Nice work, idiots.
If you rely on your loud pipes to stay safe. You're doing it wrong.

I don't count on any cager to keep me safe.

Ride like they can't see you.
And if they can see you, they're out to kill you.

May not be popular opinion but...Change my mind.

I live near lakeshore in mississauga and i can tell you that there are a lot of parents who HATE motorcyclists not because the loud pipes are saving lives, but loud pipes are needlessly revved late in the evening, night, disturbing them, the kids/toddlers, etc.

I used to live below an airplane landing corridor, so it doesn't phase me anywhere as much as my neighbours and i do love i nice rumble. But when your motorcycle is more of a disturbance than a freaking go/via train, THERE'S A FREAKING PROBLEM.
Another press conference by Tory on a crackdown on vehicle noise by TPS and MLS. Blitzes and checkpoints coming.

City cracking down on excessively loud vehicles

He specifically mentions cars and motorcycles.
As with everything in life, a certain percentage of people ruin things for everyone else.

Anyone notice Tory made a joke about how his wife likes to body shame men with loud vehicles, insinuating they have small penises. I wonder what would happen if someone body-shamed her, her friends or other women.
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I rather the city focus on congestion, someting which will benefit everyone, then silly things like this :rolleyes:
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