Tory takes aim at noisy motorcycles

My SS bike is pretty damn loud. However I continually check with a Db app on my phone and other high grade decibel reading equipment. It is very loud but still way under
j2825 standards.
That is the only reading they can use to regulate noise.
Most SS exhausts are made to be under this regulation.

Harly's are the ones who should worry.

Why do you think j2825 the only thing they could use? It makes sense to use it, but the city can make up whatever rules and associated test they feel like.

As far as most ss exhausts being made to be under the limit, any stock exhaust I have seen was way under, most aftermarket GP exhausts or with baffle removed are over. A standard full size aftermarket exhaust with baffles should pass.
Coincidentally, last week I swapped out the Vance and Hines slash cuts on my Superglide, back to the stock pipes. It's so much nicer riding a quieter bike and everyone in my riding club thanked me for getting rid of my loud pipes.

I also have a friend who lives in a downtown condo who told me what a nuisance loud vehicles are in the city. So I've made my contribution to the environment!
I'M struggling with this issue. As a motorcycle rider I can understand why some riders want loud bikes whether for safety reasons or just personal preferences. My issue is with all these crappy rice beater **** box cars with exhausts that cost more than the cars they are installed on. All I hear all night long is these dumbasses coming from a mile away in a residential neighbourhood. Part of me says anything to get rid of these fart cans on cars will be ok with me.
Rigghhhtttt....cuz TO does not have other more pressing major issues to deal with.
Classic deflection...."hey everyone...look over here!"
What a gong show man!
Definitely agree Toronto has alot more priority issues. This is not an issue that needs to be at the top of the list. But one way or another it should be dealt with.This should probably be a MTO requirement and not just a City of Toronto issue.
You'd think with all the recent shootings resources would be better spend focusing on getting guns and thugs off the streets.

However, life goes on and loud bikes and cars are a PITA and completely unnecessary. I have no issue with fining and/or taking off the road any vehicle that has a modified, illegal and obnoxious exhaust system. I live several streets away from an industrial area and all summer long we get to hear drifters and drag racers who flock to the area at 1 - 2 in the morning, race around for 10 minutes and then move on to the next location before the cops show up. Aside from screeching tires all of these vehicle have loud exhausts systems.
This makes me feel bad about the Leo Vince on my bike... I don't even like it, it just came with the bike without the dB killers
There's already laws about motorcycle exhaust. Who is going to buy Toronto police the noise measuring equipment to enforce them? Tory once again proves he's an idiot.

Tory is scoring easy points off of hobbyists who don't even protest their wallets being raided by insurance companies. The most visible (and audible) riders usually go out of their way to behave like turkeys, earning us zero public support. Complaints only matter if politicians can hear them. Tory doesn't read GTAM. There's no downside for him here, especially if you don't vote--which is a high percentage of Toronto's residents (nevermind motorcyclists).

At least we're all rock n' roll rebels who play by our own rules, lol.
No issue with it, self-inflicted. Currently looking to quiet my Akrapovic system down, just under the limit at the moment and gotta practice what I preach.

Some people just can't control their impulses re: time and place. I remember being near Dundas Sq. when some arse with straight pipes punched it at the intersection, causing a little girl to fall down from being startled. You can sit on the outside deck at Jack Astors there and see it all night long.

Rev bombers, Fart cans, gutted cats and straight pipes on Subies and VW's, Flowmaster Outlaws on pony cars and pickups, we bring it on ourselves.
The key words in the article are "The bylaw review is currently underway by city staff and is due to be completed by the third quarter of 2019, with a report to council’s licensing and standards committee." This is just election rhetoric. He is asking that they role this into a larger by-law review that won't be out for another year. If staff are reasonable, they will realize that enforcement is problematic and let it slide. But knowing how little real world experience most staff there have, I suspect they may put in some political pandering rules which no one will enforce anyway. Also trying distract from the gun issue. Just his luck that Toronto is having the worst year for fatalities in an election year. ...... Squirrel! ......
...just ticket anyone without an unmodified OEM exhaust.

Hope you don't take your car to Midas instead of the dealer when the stock muffler rusts out ... and it'd be a shame if the dealer doesn't sell parts for an otherwise-good but 12 year old car any more. For that matter, an unmodified OEM exhaust can be rusted out and noisy. Same goes for looking for compliance markings. The stock exhaust on my previous car was pretty loud when the flex pipe broke ...

It isn't necessary to go to that extreme. A performance test is more practical, and will capture the rusted-out OEM mufflers and allow the use of decent aftermarket parts. For cars and trucks, just make something comparable to a SAE J2825 test part of the Drive Clean inspection. *Some* people might go to the trouble of swapping parts back and forth to get through that inspection, but most won't. They'll just fix it and be done with it.
The key words in the article are "The bylaw review is currently underway by city staff and is due to be completed by the third quarter of 2019, with a report to council’s licensing and standards committee." This is just election rhetoric. He is asking that they role this into a larger by-law review that won't be out for another year. If staff are reasonable, they will realize that enforcement is problematic and let it slide. But knowing how little real world experience most staff there have, I suspect they may put in some political pandering rules which no one will enforce anyway. Also trying distract from the gun issue. Just his luck that Toronto is having the worst year for fatalities in an election year. ...... Squirrel! ......

MLSE is keenly aware of the problems involved with Tory's request and already investigated this a year ago and dropped plans to include it in a revised noise by-law. That doesn't mean it doesn't make it in given enough political push. I tried to convince them to implement it using blitzes as opposed to continuous enforcement. That solves many of the problems (staffing, training, availability of equipment, etc.). Over time, given large enough fines, that would slowly clean up the worst offenders. Even that was determined to be too much effort.
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Hope you don't take your car to Midas instead of the dealer when the stock muffler rusts out ... and it'd be a shame if the dealer doesn't sell parts for an otherwise-good but 12 year old car any more. For that matter, an unmodified OEM exhaust can be rusted out and noisy. Same goes for looking for compliance markings. The stock exhaust on my previous car was pretty loud when the flex pipe broke ...

It isn't necessary to go to that extreme. A performance test is more practical, and will capture the rusted-out OEM mufflers and allow the use of decent aftermarket parts. For cars and trucks, just make something comparable to a SAE J2825 test part of the Drive Clean inspection. *Some* people might go to the trouble of swapping parts back and forth to get through that inspection, but most won't. They'll just fix it and be done with it.

I like the concept of including it with drive clean, but I am also not opposed to something similar (but much less stringent than) the inspections required in Japan. Forcing your car to pass a safety every few years isn't a terrible idea and would clean up most of the idiotic blinding headlights, tinted tail lights, obnoxious mufflers, bald tires, no brakes etc. Having every drive clean center buy, calibrate and train on sound level equipment is likely a non-starter. If specific shops chose to undertake the required investment to provide whatever these safeties are called, they hopefully get a return on investment through increased revenue.

Interestingly, there is a decent chance that the car with a broken flex pipe would pass testing near the tailpipe unless there was a caveat in the by-law that required no obvious leaks.
Doesn't look like rocket science and can rely on the officers judgement in my view as to whether a test is warranted

Pretty easy to assess the obvious ones without pulling everyone through. Could ALSO be included with any safety.


licence plates should be allowed for complaint reporting

Personally I think there is compliance resistance from police.

A sound meter is peanuts cost.
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A sound meter is peanuts cost.

If tested in compliance with J2825, a Class 1 (per IEC 61672-1) sound level meter (SLM) is needed. The cheapest class 2 meter I have ever seen is ~$500. Not a big problem if you are buying one meter, but if they are buying a fleet of them, and the associated field calibrators (~$1000+ each) the costs quickly add up. For Class 1 equipment you are looking at $3000+ per SLM plus the field calibrators. Adding in training, yearly traceable calibration ($500+ per system) etc. means this is not a trivial amount of money.

They could pick up the equivalent of radio shack meters or cell phone apps for much much less money, but they would be torn apart in court (and quite rightly so, I have tested many and if you aren't careful, they can report results that are wrong by 10's of decibels with no indication that the measurement is invalid).

Even if they were in for $5000 per system, that is peanuts in the overall Toronto budget, but is this a problem requiring that level of investment?
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cities are noisy

never invite the government into your lives

I agree that cities are noisy. I disagree with a few asshats using that as an excuse to negatively affect other peoples lives.

I agree, I would prefer the government stayed out and that would work if people believed in common sense and decency. Obviously some didn't get their ears boxed often enough by their elders as children. An exhaust that can be heard more than a kilometer away does nobody any favours.
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problem is
not everyone defines acceptable noise and behavior the same way
particularly in a multicultural city
so you want fines for loud pipes
then don't complain when you have the fuzz show up at your next BBQ
live in Latin America for awhile
TO will be an oasis of silence when you return
More bs coming from Tory's mouth, nothing will ever come of this. Laws are ready in place regarding loud motorcycles and cars, how often they get ticketed?, almost never. Keep wasting taxpayers money
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